[Release] Luxart Vehicle Control


This server resource allows for synchronized ELS-style siren control and features, as well as synchronized indicator and hazard lights. It has been in use on the High-Speed Gaming server for several months and has proven effective.

I was planning on releasing this resource at a later date, after polishing it up and addressing a few issues. However, it has been brought to my attention that stolen versions of the code have been sold for (sometimes) large sums of money. This is not only very unfortunate (especially for those who paid money for this free resource), but also unacceptable. I’ve thus decided to bring it to the public: to prevent others from falling victim to the predators out there, and also since it was slated for release anyway.

The code is not the best, by any means. It was made while I was learning the basics of Lua and scripting for FiveM (in fact, I’m still learning). But, what’s important is that it works and people enjoy using it.


  • 1.01
  • Fixed an issue where the radio would be stuck on.


  • Does not affect or control vehicle emergency lighting (this is not ELS).
  • All features are synchronized for all players.
  • Intuitive controller support (uses similar layout as ELS).
  • Full siren and horn tone control (mute, manual tones, air horn, main siren tones, and auxiliary siren tone).
  • Main siren will remain on when exiting the vehicle (this is intentional and meant to be realistic).
  • Hazard and indicator light control.
  • Indicators turn off automatically after a short delay (if the vehicle is moving).


  • (1) Place the lux_vehcontrol folder inside your server’s resources folder.
  • (2) Add start lux_vehcontrol to your server’s server.cfg file.


  • For additional information, see the client.lua file.


  • Luxart Vehicle Control is coded by Lt.Caine.
  • Thank you to the FiveM developers for providing us with a great online platform we can all enjoy.

lux_vehcontrol.rar (4.9 KB)


Sweet Sauce, Thanks a million dude!


This takes away the exclusivity of my server where I have worked on my own siren script… but thanks for the release…

You could still use your on siren script, and besides, this is more than just a siren control script. it provides functions such as indicators.

think of it this way, if more people release their stuff the platform would be a much more enjoyable experience for everyone.



Finally, no more people selling stolen versions of the script!


You are the man. Thanks so much. This is been much awaited.


Thank you for the release. I now don’t know if I will continue working on ELS FiveM.


thanks bud! Lookin good, about to put it to the test.

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Outstanding! Thank you for releasing the script to the public and allowing the community to enjoy this script.

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Works Just like the Albo script I have,but has same problem with none of the civs can see my cars lights flashing or my officers.

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if your using els from albo the players need to have the xml files as well!

Wow nice dude ! Keep up the good work !

fucking nice, i love this. Thank u <3

What a nice release ! Any modded cars is compatible with that ?

You should continue because it would be great to use ELS vehicles on FiveM servers ^.^

Albo’s or Luxart can work with els cars, But all clients but Have an ELS folder in their GTA directory. And the most up to date ELS and AdvanceHook, The els XML files go in the ELS folder just like the LSPDFR version on els. Works on my server with Albos and lux’s scripts.

Yes it works,BUT how do you get the Flashing lights to show up for other people? Couse all they see is Very slow lights. All my officers have the same setups,but we never see each others lights as the user does, and the Civs sure as hell wont see em either.

prolly just best to stick with non els vehicles

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You sir are a god, Thanks for your hard work in getting this FiveM ready!!

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I will confirm this is a legitimate release of this script.

  • Bxbugs123 HighSpeed-Gaming