[How-To] Setup server sided sirens (LVC V3 Integrated)

:question: What does this script(s) do?

  • What the following script(s) do, is syncs sirens to specific vehicles on whatever the vehicle is set in the sirens.lua file, all other players will hear that siren. The script was built by 2 different development members allowing everyone like myself and of course you as well to use it for our servers.

:question: Why am I posting this even though it’s everywhere online?

  • I am posting this, not to get views or noticed on cfx because that isn’t my concern. The main reason I posted this is because yes, I see that people release their scripts online and everyone can find them easily. However, the installation part and integrating part is something that people can rarely find online. I don’t care about being noticed or being seen, I care about whether or not it’s easy to install a script to a server; I used to have trouble installing this to a server, so I assume others find it difficult as well especially if they never developed a server before.

:file_folder: Needed script files.

  • The following files are the original releases for the scripts! You can also find them in the link below for the zipped file.
  • You can use WM-ServerSirens as well, however, the script posted below allows for more than 2 department siren packs.
  1. Luxart Vehicle Control V3 - By TrevorBarns - Link
  2. Server Sided Sirens and Sounds - By fk-1997 - Link
  3. WM-Server Sirens (Optional) - By Walshey - Link

:question: How to install

Document Instructions
Using the zipped file provided
  1. Drag and drop the folder called [ServerSirens] into your \resources
  2. Open your server.cfg and add the following line to it:

    # LVC Control
    ensure Server-Sided-Sounds-and-Sirens
    ensure Server-Side-Audio-Tester-main
    ensure lvc

  3. Open the Settings.lua and replace the CHANGEME at the top with your communityID (Any 6 letter word is acceptable)
  4. Add your vehicles spawn codes into the SIRENS.lua depending on what they are. (The .lua is already organized via category and the numbers placed in brackets will be the appreciate siren regarding that department.
Example SIRENS.lua

	--[[1]]	  { Name = 'Airhorn', 		String = 'SIRENS_AIRHORN', 								Ref = 0 }, --1
	--[[2]]	  { Name = 'Wail', 			String = 'VEHICLES_HORNS_SIREN_1', 						Ref = 0 }, --2
	--[[3]]	  { Name = 'Yelp', 			String = 'VEHICLES_HORNS_SIREN_2', 						Ref = 0 }, --3
	--[[4]]	  { Name = 'Priority', 		String = 'VEHICLES_HORNS_POLICE_WARNING', 				Ref = 0 }, --4
	--[[5]]	  { Name = 'CustomA', 		String = 'RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_WAIL_01', 			Ref = 0 }, --5
	--[[6]]	  { Name = 'CustomB', 		String = 'RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_WAIL_02', 			Ref = 0 }, --6
	--[[7]]	  { Name = 'CustomC', 		String = 'RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_WAIL_03', 			Ref = 0 }, --7
	--[[8]]	  { Name = 'CustomD', 		String = 'RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_QUICK_01', 			Ref = 0 }, --8
	--[[9]]	  { Name = 'CustomE',		String = 'RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_QUICK_02',			Ref = 0 }, --9
	--[[10]]  { Name = 'CustomF',		String = 'RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_QUICK_03', 			Ref = 0 }, --10
	--[[11]]  { Name = 'Powercall', 	String = 'VEHICLES_HORNS_AMBULANCE_WARNING', 			Ref = 0 }, --11
	--[[12]]  { Name = 'Fire Horn', 	String = 'VEHICLES_HORNS_FIRETRUCK_WARNING', 			Ref = 0 }, --12
	--[[13]]  { Name = 'Fire Yelp', 	String = 'RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_FIRETRUCK_WAIL_01', 	Ref = 0 }, --13
	--[[14]]  { Name = 'Fire Wail', 	String = 'RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_FIRETRUCK_QUICK_01', 	Ref = 0 }, --14
                                                            -- CUSTOM SIREN TONES FROM Server Sided Audio --

    --[[15]]  { Name = '295-HORN',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_HORN',             Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
    --[[16]]  { Name = '295-WAIL',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SIREN_ADAM',       Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
    --[[17]]  { Name = '295-YELP',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SIREN_BOY',        Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
    --[[18]]  { Name = '295-PIERCER',      String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SIREN_CHARLES',    Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
    --[[19]]  { Name = 'TMD-HORN',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_HORN',             Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
    --[[20]]  { Name = 'TMD-WAIL',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_SIREN_ADAM',       Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
    --[[21]]  { Name = 'TMD-YELP',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_SIREN_BOY',        Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
    --[[23]]  { Name = 'MCB-HORN',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_SAHP_NEW_HORN',             Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_SAHP_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
    --[[24]]  { Name = 'MCB-WAIL',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_SAHP_NEW_SIREN_ADAM',       Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_SAHP_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
    --[[25]]  { Name = 'MCB-YELP',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_SAHP_NEW_SIREN_BOY',        Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_SAHP_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
    --[[27]]  { Name = 'FIRE HORN',        String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_HORN',             Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
    --[[28]]  { Name = 'POWERCALL',        String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SIREN_ADAM',       Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
    --[[29]]  { Name = 'Q-COAST',          String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SIREN_BOY',        Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
    --[[30]]  { Name = 'Q-HIGH',           String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SIREN_CHARLES',    Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},

      -- ["spawncode"] = { Siren tones }, --
      -- Los Santos Police Department --
      ["valor1bb"] = { 15, 16, 17, 18 },
      ["valor2bb"] = { 15, 16, 17, 18 },
      ["valor3bb"] = { 15, 16, 17, 18 },
      ["valor4bb"] = { 15, 16, 17, 18 },
      ["valor5bb"] = { 15, 16, 17, 18 },
      ["valor6bb"] = { 15, 16, 17, 18 },
      -- Blaine County Sheriff's Office --
      ["18chargerwrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },
      ["14tahoewrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },
      ["14chargerwrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },
      ["18tauruswrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },
      ["18f150wrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },
      ["19silveradowrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },
      ["11cvpiwrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },
      -- San Andreas State Police --
      ["silverado18rb"] = { 23, 24, 25, 26 },
      ["explorer16rb"] = { 23, 24, 25, 26 },
      ["charger14rb"] = { 23, 24, 25, 26 },
      ["camaro19rb"] = { 23, 24, 25, 26 },
      ["suburban18rb"] = { 23, 24, 25, 26 },
      ["tahoe21rb"] = { 23, 24, 25, 26 },
      ["explorer20rb"] = { 23, 24, 25, 26 },
      -- San Andreas Fire & Rescue --
      ["enforcer"] = { 27, 28, 29, 30 },
      ["arroweng"] = { 27, 28, 29, 30 },
      ["tower"] = { 27, 28, 29, 30 },
      ["rescue"] = { 27, 28, 29, 30 },
      ["engine8"] = { 27, 28, 29, 30 },
      ["squad1"] = { 27, 28, 29, 30 },
      ["tiller"] = { 27, 28, 29, 30 },

WM-ServerSirens Document Instructions
  • You’ll be required to use OpenIV or another AWC editing program to add or edit custom sirens into the game. Our plugin comes ready with 3 siren pack AWC files ready to edit.

Step 1: Navigate to “dlc_wmsirens” in the directory.

Step 2: Navigate to the “oac” folder.

Step 3: Change the .wav files with your custom .wav files. Do not change the file names, this is very important, WMServerSirens will not function properly if you do this.

Step 4: After editing the siren pack, navigate to the .oac file and drag it into OpenIV. This will compile the .AWC file together and allow you to use it in your server.

Step 5: Drag and drop the AWC file you previously created into “dlc_wmserversirens”, replacing the base siren pack. Do not change the name of the siren pack.

Step 6: Start up your server and go for a celebratory drive! Let off some fireworks.

Example Sirens.lua

RequestScriptAudioBank("DLC_WMSIRENS\\SIRENPACK_ONE", false)

      --[[1]]	  { Name = "Airhorn", 		String = "SIRENS_AIRHORN", 				Ref = 0 }, --1
      --[[2]]	  { Name = "Wail", 	        String = "VEHICLES_HORNS_SIREN_1", 			Ref = 0 }, --2
      --[[3]]	  { Name = "Yelp", 	        String = "VEHICLES_HORNS_SIREN_2", 			Ref = 0 }, --3
      --[[4]]	  { Name = "Priority", 		String = "VEHICLES_HORNS_POLICE_WARNING", 		Ref = 0 }, --4
      --[[5]]	  { Name = "Futura", 		String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_WAIL_01", 		Ref = 0 }, --5
      --[[6]]	  { Name = "Hetro", 		String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_WAIL_02", 		Ref = 0 }, --6
      --[[7]]	  { Name = "Sweep-1", 		String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_WAIL_03", 		Ref = 0 }, --7
      --[[8]]	  { Name = "Sweep-2", 		String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_QUICK_01", 		Ref = 0 }, --8
      --[[9]]	  { Name = "Hi-Low",		String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_QUICK_02",		Ref = 0 }, --9
      --[[10]]  { Name = "Whine Down",	String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_QUICK_03", 		Ref = 0 }, --10
      --[[11]]  { Name = "Powercall", 	String = "VEHICLES_HORNS_AMBULANCE_WARNING", 		Ref = 0 }, --11
      --[[12]]  { Name = "QSiren", 		String = "VEHICLES_HORNS_FIRETRUCK_WARNING", 		Ref = 0 }, --12
      --[[13]]  { Name = "Fire Yelp", 	String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_FIRETRUCK_WAIL_01", 	Ref = 0 }, --13
      --[[14]]  { Name = "Fire Yelp", 	String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_FIRETRUCK_QUICK_01", 	Ref = 0 }, --14
                                                                     -- START OF WM-SERVERSIRENS --

      --[[15]]  { Name = "Example Tone", 	String = "SIREN_ALPHA", 	Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --15
      --[[16]]  { Name = "Siren Bravo", 	String = "SIREN_BRAVO", 	Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --16
      --[[17]]  { Name = "Custom C", 	        String = "SIREN_CHARLIE", 	Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --17
      --[[18]]  { Name = "Yelp", 	        String = "SIREN_DELTA", 	Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --18
      --[[19]]  { Name = "Priority", 	        String = "SIREN_ECHO", 	        Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --19
      --[[20]]  { Name = "Siren 3", 	        String = "SIREN_FOXTROT", 	Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --20
      --[[21]]  { Name = "Yelp", 	        String = "SIREN_GOLF", 	        Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --21
      --[[22]]  { Name = "Custom H", 	        String = "SIREN_HOTEL", 	Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --22

      -- ["spawncode"] = { Siren tones }, --
      -- Los Santos Police Department --
      ["valor1bb"] = { 15, 16, 17, 18 },
      ["valor2bb"] = { 15, 16, 17, 18 },
      ["valor3bb"] = { 15, 16, 17, 18 },
      ["valor4bb"] = { 15, 16, 17, 18 },
      ["valor5bb"] = { 15, 16, 17, 18 },
      ["valor6bb"] = { 15, 16, 17, 18 },
      -- Blaine County Sheriff's Office --
      ["18chargerwrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },
      ["14tahoewrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },
      ["14chargerwrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },
      ["18tauruswrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },
      ["18f150wrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },
      ["19silveradowrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },
      ["11cvpiwrb"] = { 19, 20, 21, 22 },

Server Sided Sirens & Sound Document Instructions
  • How to integrate SSAS with LVC V3 → Link

Adding both WM-ServerSirens & SSAS together.
  • Now before you think, YOU CAN DO THAT!? Yes, you can. It’s simple to do but can be confusing. I will show an example sirens.lua below so you can see what it would look like.
  • The installing process is both the same as wm-serversirens and SSAS, just look at those sections to see how to install.
Example Sirens.lua
RequestScriptAudioBank("DLC_WMSIRENS\\SIRENPACK_ONE", false)

      --[[1]]	  { Name = "Airhorn", 		String = "SIRENS_AIRHORN", 				Ref = 0 }, --1
      --[[2]]	  { Name = "Wail", 	        String = "VEHICLES_HORNS_SIREN_1", 			Ref = 0 }, --2
      --[[3]]	  { Name = "Yelp", 	        String = "VEHICLES_HORNS_SIREN_2", 			Ref = 0 }, --3
      --[[4]]	  { Name = "Priority", 		String = "VEHICLES_HORNS_POLICE_WARNING", 		Ref = 0 }, --4
      --[[5]]	  { Name = "Futura", 		String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_WAIL_01", 		Ref = 0 }, --5
      --[[6]]	  { Name = "Hetro", 		String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_WAIL_02", 		Ref = 0 }, --6
      --[[7]]	  { Name = "Sweep-1", 		String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_WAIL_03", 		Ref = 0 }, --7
      --[[8]]	  { Name = "Sweep-2", 		String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_QUICK_01", 		Ref = 0 }, --8
      --[[9]]	  { Name = "Hi-Low",		String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_QUICK_02",		Ref = 0 }, --9
      --[[10]]  { Name = "Whine Down",	String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_QUICK_03", 		Ref = 0 }, --10
      --[[11]]  { Name = "Powercall", 	String = "VEHICLES_HORNS_AMBULANCE_WARNING", 		Ref = 0 }, --11
      --[[12]]  { Name = "QSiren", 		String = "VEHICLES_HORNS_FIRETRUCK_WARNING", 		Ref = 0 }, --12
      --[[13]]  { Name = "Fire Yelp", 	String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_FIRETRUCK_WAIL_01", 	Ref = 0 }, --13
      --[[14]]  { Name = "Fire Yelp", 	String = "RESIDENT_VEHICLES_SIREN_FIRETRUCK_QUICK_01", 	Ref = 0 }, --14

                                                                     -- START OF WM-SERVERSIRENS --

      --[[15]]  { Name = "Example Tone", 	String = "SIREN_ALPHA", 	Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --15
      --[[16]]  { Name = "Siren Bravo", 	String = "SIREN_BRAVO", 	Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --16
      --[[17]]  { Name = "Custom C", 	        String = "SIREN_CHARLIE", 	Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --17
      --[[18]]  { Name = "Yelp", 	        String = "SIREN_DELTA", 	Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --18
      --[[19]]  { Name = "Priority", 	        String = "SIREN_ECHO", 	        Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --19
      --[[20]]  { Name = "Siren 3", 	        String = "SIREN_FOXTROT", 	Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --20
      --[[21]]  { Name = "Yelp", 	        String = "SIREN_GOLF", 	        Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --21
      --[[22]]  { Name = "Custom H", 	        String = "SIREN_HOTEL", 	Ref = "DLC_WMSIRENS_SOUNDSET" }, --22
                                              -- CUSTOM SIREN TONES FROM Server Sided Audio --

      --[[23]]  { Name = '295-HORN',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_HORN',             Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[24]]  { Name = '295-WAIL',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SIREN_ADAM',       Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[25]]  { Name = '295-YELP',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SIREN_BOY',        Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[26]]  { Name = '295-PIERCER',      String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SIREN_CHARLES',    Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSPD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[27]]  { Name = 'TMD-HORN',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_HORN',             Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[28]]  { Name = 'TMD-WAIL',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_SIREN_ADAM',       Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[29]]  { Name = 'TMD-YELP',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_SIREN_BOY',        Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[30]]  { Name = 'TMD-HETRO',        String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_SIREN_CHARLES',    Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_BCSO_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[31]]  { Name = 'MCB-HORN',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_SAHP_NEW_HORN',             Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_SAHP_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[32]]  { Name = 'MCB-WAIL',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_SAHP_NEW_SIREN_ADAM',       Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_SAHP_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[33]]  { Name = 'MCB-YELP',         String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_SAHP_NEW_SIREN_BOY',        Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_SAHP_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[35]]  { Name = 'FIRE HORN',        String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_HORN',             Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[36]]  { Name = 'POWERCALL',        String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SIREN_ADAM',       Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[37]]  { Name = 'Q-COAST',          String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SIREN_BOY',        Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},
      --[[38]]  { Name = 'Q-HIGH',           String = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SIREN_CHARLES',    Ref = 'OISS_SSA_VEHAUD_LSFD_NEW_SOUNDSET'},

      -- ["VEHICLENAME"] = { SIREN TONES },

Video Instructions
WM-ServerSirens Video Instructions
  • How to install WM-ServerSirens → Link
Server Sided Sirens & Sound Video Instructions
  • How to install Server Sirens & Sound → Link

:file_cabinet: Premade Files (Already has custom sirens integrated with LVC (SSSAS))

  • Download the files here

:link: Useful links

  1. Luxart Vehicle Control V3 Documentation → Here
  2. LVC Siren addon for Server Sided Sirens and Sounds → Here
  3. ORIGINAL LVC Release → Here
  4. How to install Luxart Vehicle Control V3 → Here
  5. OpenIV - Here


  • Due to FiveM limitations, you are only allowed to request 7 audio bank strings at a time. Meaning, you can if you do not intend to use a certain file, don’t call for it. It’s a waste of the limited space available.

  • Now I’m no smart cookie, and with me saying that, if you need help with adding custom sirens (changing the .wav files), I can do my best in helping you, but don’t hold your breath, your best bet is to either ask someone else, or to google it 100%.

  • Although I stated I’m not the best to go to for support regarding sirens, I still know enough to get them to function correctly, so if you DO need help, I can attempt my best in helping you, most videos posted are outdated.

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