This is a simple “creator” of quick action menu, where it is possible to insert the option in conjunction with an icon image. This menu was thought to be a Simple Creator of Player Menu, that is, do not buy thinking about using it for complex things like barbershop or clothes shop.
- Items with text and a picture icon
- There are no conflicts between menus, that is, only one is open at a time on the screen.
- It is possible to put a title and a short description of the item.
- Easy to create a simple and fast-acting menu.
- Easy to configure and create multiple menus with different configurations.
- Accepts images in the folder “icon_menu/html/img/” or directly via external links.
This feature can be very good for those who use fast-acting menus, as its CPU usage is extremely low, even when the menu is open. The maximum captured when he arrived was 0.04ms.
How to use
In your server.cfg, put:
ensure icon_menu
In the client_scripts of the fxmanifest.lua file of the script where you want to use this menu, put:
Place the images you want to use in your menus in the folder
Note that it can only be images of the type .png, .jpg or .gif and if you are interested in placing another format, you must add the format at icon_menu/fxmanifest.lua.
To create and open a menu, use:
local myItems = {
{img = "identity.png", text = "Identity", text2 = "see your identity", callBack = function() print('identity openned') end},
{img = "givemoney.png", text = "Give money", text2 = "give money to the nearest player", callBack = function() print('give money openned') end},
{img = "bank.png", text = "Bank", text2 = "view your bank account", callBack = function() print('my bank account openned') end},
{img = "backpack.png", text = "Inventory", text2 = "open your Inventory", callBack = function() print('my inventory openned') end},
You can also do something like:
local myItems = {}
for i = 1, 10, 1 do
{img = "myIcon.png", text = "My title item", text2 = "My description",
callBack = function()
TriggerEvent("chat:addMessage", {args={"I pressed " .. i}})
end }
If you want to change the settings for a single menu, you can pass a configuration object, as follows
local configs = {
positionX = "90%",
positionY = "50%",
size = "0.9", -- size in proportion
maxHeight = "80vh", -- maximum menu size ( recommended from 30vh to 80vh )
itemColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)", -- background color of the items
itemSelectedColor = "rgba(92, 1, 1, 1.0)", -- background color of the selected item
text1Color = "whitesmoke", -- title text color
text2Color = "rgb(206, 206, 206)" -- description text color
IconMenu.OpenMenu(myItem, configs)
If you want to change the default settings for all menus, you can directly change the config_default variable in icon_menu/Client/Config.lua.
Example of a Menu being created and opened in another resource:
RegisterCommand("menu", function()
local myItems = {
{img = "identity.png", text = "Identity", text2 = "see your identity", callBack = function() print('identity openned') end},
{img = "givemoney.png", text = "Give money", text2 = "give money to the nearest player", callBack = function() print('give money openned') end},
{img = "bank.png", text = "Bank", text2 = "view your bank account", callBack = function() print('my bank account openned') end},
{img = "backpack.png", text = "Inventory", text2 = "open your Inventory", callBack = function() print('my inventory openned') end},
local configs = {
positionX = "90%",
positionY = "50%"
IconMenu.OpenMenu(myItems, configs)
Use to force a menu to close:
This script has no IP protection or encryption
See our other scripts:
NPC Driver - AI Driver (Taxi, Uber, Limousine, Motorcycle and Boat)
Clipboard For Jobs
Police Report - Remake
Manage Your own Store Remake
Documents System
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Luck Games
Simple Leaderboard
Simple Miner Minigame
Vending Machine
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SuperMarket and Stores
Album Photos
Reason for Vehicle Seizure
Crew System
Advanced Illegal Tablet
Admin Spawnner Props Objects
A simple Medical Card for Hospital
Price of 15 BRL, approximately 2.26€ + FEES.
Purchase and download here: https://legendary-team.tebex.io/package/4258815