Simple Medical Card for Hospital [PAID]

Well, this is a simple script for hospital care. The aim is to create an additional tool for the doctor / nurse to interact with a patient. Basically, this is a Medical Record, which must be completed by the employee who attended the patient. The employee will be able to collect information about the patient, such as his name and reason for being in the hospital, and thus give a medical prescription. This record is saved and the employee can search for it later and see all the appointments the patient has already made at the hospital.



  • Register: the hospital employee can register about the patient.
  • Search: the employee can search for a particular record or look at all existing records.
  • Looking at Record: the employee can view all the consultations that a given patient made at the hospital.


Edit the position, size in proportion, the selection color and the NUI Logo image.
Change the phrases and translate to the language you want.


-- Keyboard configuration
    config_keys = {
    moveUP = 172,       -- default 172
    moveDown = 173,     -- default 173
    moveLeft = 174,     -- default 174
    moveRight = 175,    -- default 175
    enter = 176,        -- default 176
    back = 177          -- default 177
-- Whem activated, the medical Record will disappear whem the box appears
-- To enter the information.
-- This is recommended for users with low screen resolution
-- or whem the position of the card is more centralized.
hiddenWhenWriting = true
--.Change the value of these variables according to your language.
translate = {
    TR_FICHA_MEDICA           = "Medical Record",
    TR_NOME_HOSPITAL          = "Hospital for GTA V",
    TR_BUTTON_PESQUISAR       = "Search",
    TR_BUTTON_REGISTRAR       = "Register",
    TR_TEXT_CONSULTAS_1       = "queries are over",
    TR_TEXT_CONSULTAS_2       = "carried out with us!",--
    TR_PESQUISA_TITULO        = "Search for",
    TR_PESQUISA_ID            = "ID",
    TR_PESQUISA_NOME          = "Name",
    TR_PESQUISA_ALL           = "See all patients",--
    TR_RESULTADO_TITULO       = "Patients found",
    TR_COUNT_CONSULTA_TEXT_1  = "Consulted",
    TR_COUNT_CONSULTA_TEXT_2  = "Times",
    TR_NAO_ENCONTRADO         = "No patient found",--
    TR_PACIENTE_N_CONSULTA    = "Consultation NÂș",
    TR_MOTIVO_CONSULTA        = "Reason for consultation:",
    TR_DESCRICAO_CONSULTA     = "Medical description:",--
    TR_REGISTRO_TITULO        = "New registration",
    TR_MAX_CARACTERES         = "Max 200 characters"
-- medical record settings
config = {
    CFG_POSITION_X            = "90%", -- default "90%"
    CFG_POSITION_Y            = "50%", -- default "50%"
    -- Size of the medical record in proportion ( recommended from 0.8 to 1.0
    CFG_SIZE                  = "1.0", -- default "1.0"
    -- This will change the identification color of what is beign selected 
    -- You can also use hexadecimal values as na example: #444444FF
    CFG_COR_SELECT            = "rgba(23, 94, 248, 0.705)", -- default = "rgba(23, 94, 248, 0.705)"
    -- Place the LOGO image of your server or a hospital here
    -- Recommended size: ( 128x128 px )
    -- Acceptable types: png, jpg e gif. If you want add another type
    -- add 'html/img/*.TYPEHERE' to the file  fxmanifest.lua
    CFG_LOGO_IMG              = "./img/logo.png",

You can also change the command in the Server.lua file and add which jobs will have access to this feature:

-- This is the command that will open the medical record
RegisterCommand('record', function(source, args)
    local idJ = source
    -- Here you define wihch job will be alowed to open the medical Record
    -- example: if == 'Medic' then

Update FiveM Asset

Why are we moving to FiveM Assets? Because Tebex now no longer supports external links, so in order for us to be able to release updates that you can download from, we will be moving all of our scripts to FiveM Assets. Also, FiveM Assets is a very good system in which we maintain a centralized place for updating scripts.

  • In order to get the script in your FiveM Assets, you will need to enter our store again and purchase the script for free in the “Updates” tab. Only those who purchased the script will be able to purchase the script for free. Anyone buying from this update will not need to do this, as they will already purchase the script directly from FiveM Assets.
  • The Script is now using the FiveM Assets system, now all updates will be published through that system. The old external links will no longer work and nothing else will be posted to them.
  • The Script remains unencrypted, that is, you will be able to access the complete code and will be able to edit the code.


  • mysql-async

See our other scripts:
NPC Driver - AI Driver (Taxi, Uber, Limousine, Motorcycle and Boat)
Clipboard For Jobs
Police Report - Remake
Manage Your own Store Remake
Documents System
Market Between Players Remake
Trade System
Luck Games
Simple Leaderboard
Simple Miner Minigame
Vending Machine
Forms in Game
SuperMarket and Stores
Album Photos
Reason for Vehicle Seizure
Crew System
Advanced Illegal Tablet
Admin Spawnner Props Objects
Simple Menu Creator with Icons

You can buy this script here: Tebex

The script is not encrypted or blocked by IP.


Hi, this is ip locked or crypted? Works with SQL? Very cool for roleplay thank you!

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It is neither blocked nor encrypted. And it works with mysql, the script itself creates a ready-made table in the database called medical_record.

To work correctly, it is necessary to have the mysql-async feature on your server.

And thank you! I hope you enjoy!

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Amazing now i buy it, thank youuu!!

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Thank you, very much! :grin:

I don’t understand about the id, if the ID rotates for each session.

Each patient has a unique ID. It only changes when you see another patient.
The ID is like a citizen’s passport in the city or a unique identity record that he has. This varies from server to server. And you can change the ID text to whatever you want in the translation.

All patient records are stored in the provided ID. And when the doctor wants, he can see all the records that patient made at the hospital.

Warning: Resource record_medical does not specify an fx_version in fxmanifest.lua.
Couldn’t start resource record_medical

Do you have the updated fx version?
Anything try to open fx_manifest.lua and put:
fx_version ‘bodacious’ instead fx_version ‘cerulean’

Works fine :slight_smile:



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I put it in brackets again because I only want it for ambulance, but I get the error message on the picture

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Hi, just to confirm, is your server framework ESX? Please confirm this, as we will send you the file already configured for the job ambulance in private

Yes ESX 1.2

So I got this one along with a few other scripts you offer, but I’m really confused about the files I got since they are all called the same. Do you have somewhere to contact you for support?

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Ok, I will help you on private :smiley:

Ok, I will help you on private too :smiley: