Notes System


With this script, you will have the ability to create as many notes as you want, without any limitations. Whether it’s detailed plans, police reports, hospital reports, or even gang reports, you will be able to produce any type of note you need. In addition, you will be able to share these notes with other players, facilitating collaboration and communication within the game. The script also allows you to insert images into the notes, giving you greater versatility in creating visual content. And, if needed, each note can contain up to 30 pages, ensuring enough space for all your ideas and notes.


  • Use the /notes command to open
  • Available for any Framework. In other words, it works on any server.
  • Create as many notes as you want.
  • Maximum of 30 pages per note.
  • Customize the cover with any image URL.
  • Possible to insert texts and images.
  • Change the text font.
  • It is possible to change the size and position of the images.
  • Share the notes with other players.
  • Easy to translate and configure.
  • No IP blocking and no encryption.


There is no variation in resmon, extremely optimized with 0.0ms




Dashboard Notes

Creating Note

Some Images of Notes Created

Parties Note

My Diary Note

Finances Note

Gang Plans Note

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000
Requirements No one
Support Yes

See our other scripts:
Forms in Game
Airdrop and Vehicles Drop
Crew System
Job Center
Vault System
Leaderboard with Ranks
Menu Creator
Admin Spawn Objects
Clipboard For Jobs
NPC Driver - AI Driver (Taxi, Uber, Limousine, Motorcycle and Boat)
Police Report - Remake
Manage Your own Store - Remake
Documents System
Market Between Players - Remake
Trade System
Luck Games
Simple Miner Minigame
Vending Machine
SuperMarket and Stores
Album Photos
Reason for Vehicle Seizure
Advanced Illegal Tablet
Admin Spawnner Props Objects
Simple Menu Creator with Icons
A simple Medical Card for Hospital

You can buy this script here: Tebex

The script is not encrypted or blocked by IP.