Police Report - Remake [ ESX / QBCore / VRP / Standalone ] [PAID]


This is a remake version of our Police Report script. Every player can go to the police station and register a new report. Officers online will receive a notification of a new registered report and when going to the police station, they will be able to access the computer to see all registered reports.


  • The script is not encrypted or IP blocked.
  • This script automatically creates the table in the database.
  • A ped (npc) is spawned at the police station according to the coordinates you define, that ped will have a notepad animation and the player will be able to register a police report when approaching that coordinate.
  • You will be able to set the computer’s coordinates for police access, where the police will be able to see all registered bulletins.
  • You can set as many coordinates for NPC or computer as you want.
  • Has Webhook for Discord. So the Staff can monitor the use of this script.
  • You can translate the way you want and it’s very easy to translate.
  • You can define whether you want only one signature to appear, the player’s signature. Or if you want two signatures to appear, the name of the Director of the police station and the name of the player.
  • You can set whether you want the Anonymous option to appear or not.
  • When making a police report, the player must wait 5 minutes to make a new one. This can be changed in Config.lua
  • The police report record is automatically deleted after 20 days. This can also be changed in Config.lua
  • The script is adapted for three frameworks: ESX, QBCore and VRP. There is an easy configuration file for those who want to use it in Standalone. In this file are the functions that belong to frameworks.

Registering a new police report:

Police officer viewing existing police reports:

Unfilled record:

Completed record:




The resmon is 0.00ms.



You can translate, change keys, change coordinates in the Config.lua file


This script automatically creates the table in the database.

  • mysql-async or oxmysql

This script is not encrypted or has an IP blocker.

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 400
Requirements mysql-async or oxmysql
Support Yes

See our other scripts:
NPC Driver - AI Driver (Taxi, Uber, Limousine, Motorcycle and Boat)
Clipboard For Jobs
Manage Your own Store Remake
Documents System
Market Between Players Remake
Trade System
Luck Games
Simple Leaderboard
Simple Miner Minigame
Vending Machine
Forms in Game
SuperMarket and Stores
Album Photos
Reason for Vehicle Seizure
Crew System
Advanced Illegal Tablet
Admin Spawnner Props Objects
Simple Menu Creator with Icons
A simple Medical Card for Hospital

You can buy this script here: Tebex

If you already bought our old version of Police Report, you can get this one for free at FiveM Assets.
The script is not encrypted or blocked by IP.


Been looking for something like this but was hoping you would be able to store items in the reports as evidence


Hi, do you mean inventory items or things like photos?

Inventory items like guns drugs and things like that taken from the person.

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This really is interesting. I will consider it for an update. I’ll try to create a design for it. Thanks for the sugestion :slight_smile:

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Any update on if you were able to make it an item?

An item? The reporting document? Unfortunately there is still no item update in this script

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