Ever wanted to have NPC-controlled transport services on your server? So now you can have it! In this script, you can choose between 5 transport services: Taxi, Particular Vehicle, Motorcycle, Limousine or Boat.
- Works with Onesync.
- You can disable any service you want.
- You can define jobs so that, when a player with that job is online, the service becomes unavailable. Avoiding disturbing the PR of those who have a taxi job, for example.
- You will be able to define the speed of each service.
- You can define blips for each service.
- You can define the drive style for each service.
- You will be able to define the PED and vehicles for each service.
- Multiple players can enter the same vehicle. As long as there are enough seats.
- The Limousine has an extra “Drive Slowly” button, which allows the player to request the driver to drive slower.
- When the player who requested the service leaves the vehicle, the driver will park the vehicle.
- The taxi respects traffic, stopping behind each vehicle. The other services try to pass vehicles safely. This can be changed by changing the drive style.
- If you have any problems with entering the vehicle, you can set the player to teleport into the vehicle when trying to enter it.
- The script prevents theft of vehicles created by the script.
- You can set the price for each service.
- You can define the price charged per thousand meters for services.
- The player can change the destination after requesting the service
- The player can request the driver to park the vehicle
- The player can kick other players out of the vehicle.
- The NPC vehicle is generated within a radius of approximately 500m from the player.
- The value of the service is charged before the vehicle reaches the player, that is, at the moment he chooses the payment method.
- There is a problem with the boat driver. If the player is in the extreme south of the map and requests the service to the extreme north of the map, the NPC will not know how to drive correctly.
- The script is not encrypted and does not have an IP blocker.
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1300+ |
Requirements | ESX/QBCore/VRP |
Support | Yes |
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You can buy this script here: Tebex
The script is not encrypted or blocked by IP.