Luck Games [ QBCore / ESX / VRP / Standalone ] [ PAID ]


This script is a set of luck games, in which the player can spend money in search of a good award.


  • Access to full script code.
  • No IP Blocking.
  • We use FiveM Assets, for future script updates, with no encryption.
  • It has support for ESX, QBCore and VRP. And if you have a different framework, you can easily configure it in the Framework_Standalone.lua file.
  • You can easily translate the graphical interface and configure the script in the Config.lua file
  • In all, the script has 4 games
  • The server owner can choose to give awards in cash, items or weapons.
  • The server owner can disable any of the games.
  • To avoid hackers, the script creates server-side sessions with the aim of preventing someone from winning awards without actually playing and paying.
  • It has integration with Discord’s Webhooks, thus creating a Log system to verify the creation of sessions, who lost and who won a game.


We know there is great concern about hackers. To avoid them, the script creates sessions and simulates the game on the server side. Thus, a player only gets the award if he has won the game on the server side. Even if a hacker tries to call an event from the server, he will be blocked and get nothing out of it, as the script checks sessions and plays before giving any awards to a player. The server will be alerted whenever someone performs any suspicious activity in the script.


You’ll be able to create as many npcs as you want from the map, defining your coordinates and heading. You will be able to adjust the prices and descriptions of each game.

Lucky Numbers

In this game, the player will have to find out which numbers are hidden in the gray stars on the right of the screen. The player can choose up to 6 numbers and then press to show the hidden numbers, depending on the amount of numbers he hits, he will win a award. The server owner will be able to decide what the awards are for each number of correct numbers.

Find Animals

This game is similar to the memory game, however, the player will need to find the pairs of animals without having seen where they are previously. By default, the player needs to find 3 pairs of animals and if he misses 5 times, he loses the game. If the player hits all 3 pairs, he wins the award.

Gold Collect

In this game, the player will need to collect coins falling from the sky, as this will be his award. But, it won’t be that easy. After collecting as many coins as he can or if the coin creation limit has been reached, the player will have to answer a specific question, that question will be selected at random from a set of questions and answers defined by the server owner. If the player gets the question right, he will win the award.

You, the server owner, will need to create the questions and answers and place them in the Questions.lua file. It is necessary to have many questions so that the game does not become repetitive. You can leave this game disabled until you have all the questions ready. It’s pretty cool if there are questions about the server itself. You can also get questions more easily directly from a website.

The player will have 1 minute to correctly answer the question, otherwise the game will randomly answer for him. This time is for him to have to answer quickly without being able to search the internet, but for that, the questions cannot be so easy.

Winning Roullete

This is a award roulette, in which the player will spin and he will win a award. It is necessary to have 8 awards in roulette, obligatorily. You can make this roulette more interesting by leaving a few rare awards that everyone wants, and lots of generic awards. So, everyone will really want to win the rare awards and will bet a lot on this roulette.

When a player wins the game, a screen like this should appear, the confetti is animated:

When a player loses, an image like this should appear:



In general, resmon is 0.00ms. But there may be variations to 0.04ms at the time you play the gold collect.


See our other scripts:
NPC Driver - AI Driver (Taxi, Uber, Limousine, Motorcycle and Boat)
Clipboard For Jobs
Police Report - Remake
Manage Your own Store Remake
Documents System
Market Between Players Remake
Trade System
Simple Leaderboard
Simple Miner Minigame
Vending Machine
Forms in Game
SuperMarket and Stores
Album Photos
Reason for Vehicle Seizure
Crew System
Advanced Illegal Tablet
Admin Spawnner Props Objects
Simple Menu Creator with Icons
A simple Medical Card for Hospital

You can buy this script here: Tebex

The script is not encrypted or blocked by IP.


I dont know what problem in my error , can you teach me how to fix it.

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Hello, open the Config.lua file and change the use_framework variable to 1, this will make the script run to es_extended :slight_smile: