[ESX - ENG/DE] myFarming / Jobsystem with Delivery missions, Experience system and manufacture (PAID)

Hey guys,

and welcome to myFarming or my jobsystem. I’ve wrote this because I didn’t really liked other jobscripts, which let you drive to a point, next point and next point with a certain vehicle, in certain clothes. So I tried to make a bit more interessting job system - and that’s it!

Features of myFarming:

  • You can set up different farming zones with configurable
    → Items (It’s also possible to give f.e. different items with certain possibilities)
    → Farming ranges (with blip-ranges)
    → Collecting time
    → Item amount (random range)
  • You can set up different manufacturer with as many options as you want
  • You collect experience while farming and manufacturing. With more experience you can unlock more complicated items.
  • You can set up as many sellers for farming items as you want (With a configurable price boost)
  • You can set up delivery missions, where the player have to get certain items and have to deliver them to a destination.
  • Included weight system, which can be set up completely standalone
  • Full language compatibility (Translation file with english and german configuration by default)
  • Update 16.01.2021: Added full support for ESX Weight System and possibilities to set up whitelisted jobs for every farming zone, manufacturer and seller.


Farming Areas:

You can set up as many farm zones, manufacturer and seller as you want


The script also calculates, how many final items can be crafted, so there is no need to spam a key.
And you can set up a required experience for every craftable item!

Delivery Missions:


Special: In Addition to the functionality to sell farming items, you can set up jobs for certain jobs. So for example you can give bahama mamas or vanilla unicorn employees the oppurtunity to sell their drinks.

The script is completely optimized to be as performant as possible.
During idle and farming it always runs between 0.01-0.02ms.

As always the script comes with a language config, so you can set up this script in any language you want. English and German configuration is already there.


Since the newest update from the 13.02.2022 this script is also managed by the FiveM Keymaster.
Regarding this we paid the highest attention to the opportunity that everybody can simply modify everything without any encryption.
For this matter we only included about 2-3 pretty small functions, which never have to be modified and can’t cause any problems into the escrow file. So I can promise 100% that you will not even notice this protection, when you aren’t willed to leak the script :wink:

Translation = {
    ['de'] = {
        ['enter_farming'] = 'Du betrittst nun ein ~g~',
        ['enter_farming2'] = ' Sammelgebiet~s~. Drücke ~g~E~s~, um mit dem Sammeln zu beginnen.',
        ['pre_collect'] = '',
        ['collect'] = ' sammeln',
        ['info_production'] = 'Drücke ~g~E~s~, um Waren zu verarbeiten',
        ['info_sell'] = 'Drücke ~g~E~s~, um Waren zu verkaufen',
        ['info_available_missions'] = '~b~Verfügbare Aufträge',
        ['info_current_mission'] = 'Aktueller Auftrag:',
        ['info_destination'] = 'Zielort:',
        ['info_reward'] = 'Lohn bei Abgabe:',
        ['info_reqItems'] = '~HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER21~BENÖTIGTE PRODUKTE:',
        ['info_abort'] = '~r~Auftrag abbrechen',
        ['info_abort_confirm'] = '~g~Der Auftrag wurde zurückgegeben und kann nun von jemand anderem bearbeitet werden.',
        ['prefix_in_processing'] = '~HUD_COLOUR_HB_YELLOW~IN BEARBEITUNG: ~s~',
        ['prefix_special'] = '~p~SPEZIAL: ~s~',
        ['prefix_in_processing_desc'] = 'Dieser Auftrag wird gerade von einer anderen Person bearbeitet.',
        ['prefix_special_desc'] = 'Dieser Job sollte von Mitarbeitern des ~p~',
        ['prefix_special_desc2'] = '~s~ erledigt werden.',
        ['info_case'] = 'Auftrag:',
        ['info_recommendJob'] = '~r~! ~s~Empfohlener Job:',
        ['info_recommendJob_desc'] = 'Dieser Auftrag beinhaltet Produkte, die nicht jeder herstellen kann.',
        ['info_accept'] = '~g~Auftrag annehmen',
        ['info_accept_desc'] = 'Wenn du alle Produkte hast, liefere diese nun aus.',
        ['sell'] = 'Verkaufen',
        ['sell_desc'] = 'Wähle aus wie viel du verkaufen möchtest?',
        ['input_howmuch'] = 'Wie viel soll verkauft werden?',
        ['xp'] = ' Erfahrungspunkte',
        ['pre_craft'] = '',
        ['craft'] = ' herstellen',
        ['required'] = 'Benötigt ',
        ['start_craft'] = 'Gegenstände verarbeiten',
        ['not_enough_xp'] = 'Du hast nicht genügend Erfahrung! ~y~',
        ['not_enough_xp_required'] = ' Erfahrung benötigt.',
        ['notify_out_of_range'] = '~r~Du darfst den Umkreis des Verarbeiters ~w~5m ~r~nicht verlassen.',
        ['notify_aborted'] = 'Abgebrochen!',
        ['mission_started'] = '~g~Auftrag ~w~',
        ['mission_started2'] = ' ~g~angenommen. Gebe die Produkte am ~p~markierten Punkt ~g~ab.',
        ['collected'] = 'gesammelt',
        ['not_enough_items'] = '~r~Nicht genügend ~w~',
        ['craftting_finished'] = '~g~Herstellung von ~w~',
        ['craftting_finished2'] = ' ~g~abgeschlossen!',
        ['items_sold_for'] = '~s~Gegenstände verkauft für ~g~',
        ['you_only_have_items'] = '~y~Das hast nur ~w~',
        ['you_only_have_items2'] = 'x ~y~dabei',
        ['mission_in_process'] = '~y~Der Auftrag wird gerade von einer anderen Person bearbeitet.',
        ['mission_not_available'] = '~r~Dieser Auftrag ist nicht mehr verfügbar.',
        ['mission_success'] = '~g~Auftrag ~w~',
        ['mission_success2'] = ' ~g~abgeschlossen! Du hast ~w~',
        ['mission_success3'] = '$ ~g~erhalten.',
    ['en'] = {
        ['enter_farming'] = 'You have entered ~g~',
        ['enter_farming2'] = ' farming zone~s~. Press ~g~E~s~, to start collecting.',
        ['pre_collect'] = 'Collect ',
        ['collect'] = '',
        ['info_production'] = 'Press ~g~E~s~, manufacture items',
        ['info_sell'] = 'Press ~g~E~s~, to sell items',
        ['info_available_missions'] = '~b~Available jobs',
        ['info_current_mission'] = 'Current job:',
        ['info_destination'] = 'Destination:',
        ['info_reward'] = 'Payment upon delivery:',
        ['info_reqItems'] = '~HUD_COLOUR_NET_PLAYER21~REQUIRED ITEMS:',
        ['info_abort'] = '~r~Abort job',
        ['info_abort_confirm'] = '~g~Your job was aborted, and is now available again.',
        ['prefix_in_processing'] = '~HUD_COLOUR_HB_YELLOW~IN PROCESSING: ~s~',
        ['prefix_special'] = '~p~SPECIAL: ~s~',
        ['prefix_in_processing_desc'] = 'This job is currently being processed by another person.',
        ['prefix_special_desc'] = 'This job should be done by employees of ~p~',
        ['prefix_special_desc2'] = '~s~.',
        ['info_case'] = 'Job:',
        ['info_recommendJob'] = '~r~! ~s~Recommend Job:',
        ['info_recommendJob_desc'] = 'This job required products that not everyone can manufacture.',
        ['info_accept'] = '~g~Do this job',
        ['info_accept_desc'] = 'When you have all the products, deliver them now.',
        ['sell'] = 'Sell',
        ['sell_desc'] = 'Decide how much do you want to sell?',
        ['input_howmuch'] = 'How much should be sold?',
        ['xp'] = ' Experience',
        ['pre_craft'] = 'Craft ',
        ['craft'] = ' ',
        ['required'] = 'Requires ',
        ['start_craft'] = 'Manufacturing',
        ['not_enough_xp'] = 'You do not have enough experience! ~y~',
        ['not_enough_xp_required'] = ' Experience required.',
        ['notify_out_of_range'] = '~r~You can not leave the range ~w~5m ~r~while manufacuring.',
        ['notify_aborted'] = 'Aborted!',
        ['mission_started'] = '~g~Job ~w~',
        ['mission_started2'] = ' ~g~started. Deliver the items to the~p~marked position~g~.',
        ['collected'] = 'collected',
        ['not_enough_items'] = '~r~Not enough ~w~',
        ['craftting_finished'] = '~g~Manufacturing of ~w~',
        ['craftting_finished2'] = ' ~g~completed!',
        ['items_sold_for'] = '~s~Items sold for ~g~',
        ['you_only_have_items'] = '~y~You only have ~w~',
        ['you_only_have_items2'] = 'x ~y~in your inventory',
        ['mission_in_process'] = '~y~This job is currently done by another person.',
        ['mission_not_available'] = '~r~This job is not available anymore.',
        ['mission_success'] = '~g~Job ~w~',
        ['mission_success2'] = ' ~g~completed! You got ~w~',
        ['mission_success3'] = '$~g~.',
Config.ShowFarmingBlipText = true

Config.FarmingAreas = { 

    {xptype = nil, blip = {sprite = 420, color = 7}, items = {{name = 'grapperaisin', label = 'Grapperaisins'}}, x = -1803.03, y = 2186.55, z = 105.63, range = 110.0, randoma = 1, randomb = 3, collectingTime = 8, animation = "PROP_HUMAN_BUM_BIN"},
    {xptype = nil, blip = {sprite = 420, color = 36}, items = {{name = 'weat', label = 'Weat'}}, x = 2616.83, y = 4451.19, z = 39.06, range = 70.0, randoma = 2, randomb = 6, collectingTime = 11, animation = "world_human_gardener_plant"},
    {xptype = nil, blip = {sprite = 420, color = 1}, items = {{name = 'apple', label = 'Apples'}}, x = 2371.95, y = 4722.87, z = 33.9, range = 30.0, randoma = 1, randomb = 3, collectingTime = 10, animation = "PROP_HUMAN_BUM_BIN"}, -- or orange
    {xptype = nil, blip = {sprite = 420, color = 50}, items = {{name = 'tomatos', label = 'Tomatos'}}, x = 2286.97, y = 4763.68, z = 38.61, range = 10.0, randoma = 1, randomb = 3, collectingTime = 8, animation = "PROP_HUMAN_BUM_BIN"},
    {xptype = nil, blip = {sprite = 420, color = 69}, items = {{name = 'salad', label = 'Salad'}}, x = 3288.39, y = 5181.42, z = 18.56, range = 8.0, randoma = 1, randomb = 3, collectingTime = 8, animation = "world_human_gardener_plant"},
    {xptype = nil, blip = {sprite = 420, color = 20}, items = {{name = 'stone', label = 'Stone', percentage = 70}, {name = 'coal', label = 'Coal', percentage = 82}, {name = 'silver', label = 'Silver', percentage = 94}, {name = 'gold', label = 'Gold', percentage = 100}}, x = 1312.0114746094, y = 3005.9616699219, z = 53.944561004639, range = 38.0, randoma = 1, randomb = 2, collectingTime = 10, animation = "WORLD_HUMAN_HAMMERING"},

Config.CraftTime = 4 -- in sek
Config.CraftBlipIcon = 489
Config.CraftBlipColour = 2

Config.Processor = {
    {ItemsId = 1, label = 'Juicer', XPType = 'juice', ped = "s_m_m_migrant_01", x = 2741.59, y = 4412.76, z = 48.62, rot = 190.0},
    {ItemsId = 2, label = 'Bakery', XPType = 'bakery', ped = "s_m_m_strvend_01", x = -302.42, y = 6211.69, z = 31.42, rot = 0.0},
    {ItemsId = 6, label = 'Salad Manufactory', XPType = 'salad', ped = "a_m_m_farmer_01", x = -1693.92, y = -1085.12, z = 13.15, rot = 130.0},
    {ItemsId = 7, label = 'Melting', XPType = 'stone', ped = "ig_chef2", x = 1078.8861083984, y = -1979.7579345703, z = 31.471523284912, rot = 238.72868347168},
    {ItemsId = 8, label = 'Jeweler', XPType = 'jewellery', ped = "u_f_y_jewelass_01", x = -622.05590820313, y = -232.09861755371, z = 38.057010650635, rot = 126.61913299561},

Config.Seller = {
    {isExport = true, label = 'Port of Los Santos', priceModifier = 1.0, x = -332.6, y = -2792.68, z = 5.0, rot = 90.0},
    {isExport = true, label = 'JetSam Terminal', priceModifier = 1.0, x = 797.01, y = -2988.83, z = 6.02, rot = 90.0},
    {isExport = false, label = 'Delivery jobs', priceModifier = 1.0, x = -1283.37, y = -565.02, z = 31.71, rot = 310.0},

Config.MaxCarry = 3500

Config.ItemLimits = {

    ['grapperaisin'] = 60,
    ['weat'] = 25,
    ['apple'] = 60,
    ['tomatos'] = 60,
    ['salad'] = 60,
    ['stone'] = 70,
    ['coal'] = 70,
    ['silver'] = 70,
    ['gold'] = 70,
    ['flour'] = 20,
    ['applejuice'] = 50,
    ['tomatojuice'] = 50,
    ['orangejuice'] = 50,
    ['berriesjuice'] = 50,
    ['mixedsalad'] = 50,
	['concrete'] = 70,
	['coalingot'] = 60,
	['silveringot'] = 60,
	['goldingot'] = 60,
	['ironbraclet'] = 50,
	['goldrings'] = 50,
	['necklace'] = 50,


Config.Items = {

        id = 1,
        reqXP = 0,
        giveXP = {type = 'juice', a = 1, b = 3},
        reqItems = {
            {item = 'apple', label = 'Apple', amount = 3}},
        newitem = {sqlitem = 'applejuice', label = 'Applejuice'},
        newitemamount = 1,
        craftAmount = 10
        id = 1,
        reqXP = 1000,
        giveXP = {type = 'juice', a = 1, b = 3},
        reqItems = {
            {item = 'tomatos', label = 'Tomatos', amount = 3}},
        newitem = {sqlitem = 'tomatojuice', label = 'Tomatojuice'},
        newitemamount = 1,
        craftAmount = 10
        id = 1,
        reqXP = 3000,
        giveXP = {type = 'juice', a = 1, b = 3},
        reqItems = {
            {item = 'grapperaisin', label = 'Grapperaisin', amount = 2}},
        newitem = {sqlitem = 'berriesjuice', label = 'Berriesjuice'},
        newitemamount = 1,
        craftAmount = 10
        id = 2,
        reqXP = 0,
        giveXP = {type = 'bakery', a = 1, b = 3},
        reqItems = {
            {item = 'weat', label = 'Weat', amount = 3}},
        newitem = {sqlitem = 'flour', label = 'Flour'},
        newitemamount = 1,
        craftAmount = 10
        id = 6,
        reqXP = 0,
        giveXP = {type = 'salad', a = 1, b = 3},
        reqItems = {
            {item = 'salad', label = 'Salad', amount = 1},
            {item = 'tomatos', label = 'Tomatos', amount = 1}},
        newitem = {sqlitem = 'mixedsalad', label = 'Mixed salad'},
        newitemamount = 1,
        craftAmount = 10
        id = 7,
        reqXP = 0,
        giveXP = {type = 'stone', a = 2, b = 4},
        reqItems = {
            {item = 'stone', label = 'Stone', amount = 4}},
        newitem = {sqlitem = 'concrete', label = 'Concrete'},
        newitemamount = 1,
        craftAmount = 10
        id = 7,
        reqXP = 0,
        giveXP = {type = 'stone', a = 2, b = 4},
        reqItems = {
            {item = 'coal', label = 'Coal', amount = 3}},
        newitem = {sqlitem = 'coalingot', label = 'Coal ingot'},
        newitemamount = 1,
        craftAmount = 10
        id = 7,
        reqXP = 0,
        giveXP = {type = 'stone', a = 2, b = 4},
        reqItems = {
            {item = 'silver', label = 'Silver', amount = 3}},
        newitem = {sqlitem = 'silveringot', label = 'Silver ingot'},
        newitemamount = 1,
        craftAmount = 10
        id = 7,
        reqXP = 0,
        giveXP = {type = 'stone', a = 2, b = 4},
        reqItems = {
            {item = 'gold', label = 'Gold', amount = 4}},
        newitem = {sqlitem = 'goldingot', label = 'Gold ingot'},
        newitemamount = 1,
        craftAmount = 10
        id = 8,
        reqXP = 0,
        giveXP = {type = 'jewellery', a = 2, b = 4},
        reqItems = {
            {item = 'coalingot', label = 'Coal ingot', amount = 2},
            {item = 'silveringot', label = 'Silver ingot', amount = 1}},
        newitem = {sqlitem = 'ironbraclet', label = 'Iron braclet'},
        newitemamount = 1,
        craftAmount = 10
        id = 8,
        reqXP = 0,
        giveXP = {type = 'jewellery', a = 2, b = 4},
        reqItems = {
            {item = 'goldingot', label = 'Gold ingot', amount = 2}},
        newitem = {sqlitem = 'goldrings', label = 'Gold ring'},
        newitemamount = 1,
        craftAmount = 10
        id = 8,
        reqXP = 0,
        giveXP = {type = 'jewellery', a = 2, b = 4},
        reqItems = {
            {item = 'goldingot', label = 'Gold ingot', amount = 1},
            {item = 'silveringot', label = 'Silver ingot', amount = 2}},
        newitem = {sqlitem = 'necklace', label = 'Necklace'},
        newitemamount = 1,
        craftAmount = 10


Config.SellItems = {

    {category = 'Main category', content = {
        {sqlitem = 'grapperaisin', label = 'Grapperaisin', priceBuy = 21.0},
        {sqlitem = 'weat', label = 'Weat', priceBuy = 9.0},
        {sqlitem = 'apple', label = 'Apple', priceBuy = 21.0},
        {sqlitem = 'tomatos', label = 'Tomatos', priceBuy = 21.0},
        {sqlitem = 'salad', label = 'Salad', priceBuy = 21.0},
        {sqlitem = 'stone', label = 'Stone', priceBuy = 18.0},
        {sqlitem = 'coal', label = 'Coal', priceBuy = 24.0},
        {sqlitem = 'silver', label = 'Silver', priceBuy = 28.0},
        {sqlitem = 'gold', label = 'Gold', priceBuy = 47.0},
    {category = 'Salad', content = {
        {sqlitem = 'mixedsalad', label = 'Mixed salad', priceBuy = 226.0},
    {category = 'Juice', content = {
        {sqlitem = 'applejuice', label = 'Apple juice', priceBuy = 86.0},
        {sqlitem = 'tomatojuice', label = 'Tomato juice', priceBuy = 89.0},
        {sqlitem = 'berriesjuice', label = 'Berries juice', priceBuy = 87.0},
    {category = 'Bakery', content = {
        {sqlitem = 'flour', label = 'Flour', priceBuy = 29.0},
    {category = 'Melt', content = {
        {sqlitem = 'concrete', label = 'Concrete', priceBuy = 97.0},
        {sqlitem = 'coalingot', label = 'Coal ingot', priceBuy = 99.0},
        {sqlitem = 'silveringot', label = 'Silver ingot', priceBuy = 125.0},
        {sqlitem = 'goldingot', label = 'Gold ingot', priceBuy = 210.0},
    {category = 'Jewelery', content = {
        {sqlitem = 'ironbraclet', label = 'Iron braclet', priceBuy = 350.0},
        {sqlitem = 'goldrings', label = 'Gold rings', priceBuy = 570.0},
        {sqlitem = 'necklace', label = 'Necklace', priceBuy = 585.0},


Config.RandomPickAmountOnStart = 7

Config.LocalItems = {
    {id = 1, label = 'Panic Catering', 
    price = 620,
    requires = {
        {item = 'flour', label = 'Flour', amount = 6},
        {item = 'apple', label = 'Apples', amount = 8},
    destination = {x = -278.05, y = -2037.44, z = 30.15},
    state = 0,
    recommendJob = nil},

    {id = 2, label = 'Richman Breakfast', 
    price = 470, 
    requires = {
        {item = 'mixedsalad', label = 'Mixed salad', amount = 3},
    destination = {x = -1274.4, y = 314.91, z = 65.51},
    state = 0,
    recommendJob = nil},

    {id = 3, label = 'Richman Happy Hour', 
    price = 2745, 
    requires = {
        {item = 'bolcacahuetes', label = 'Peanuts', amount = 20},
        {item = 'vodkaenergy', label = 'Vodka-Energy', amount = 10},
        {item = 'vodkafruit', label = 'Vodka-Fruit', amount = 10},
    destination = {x = -1274.4, y = 314.91, z = 65.51},
    state = 0,
    recommendJob = 'Clubs'},

    {id = 4, label = 'Shark Bites Beach', 
    price = 1860, 
    requires = {
        {item = 'applejuice', label = 'Apple juice', amount = 8},
        {item = 'berriesjuice', label = 'Berries juice', amount = 8},
    destination = {x = -1298.01, y = -1387.61, z = 4.54},
    state = 0,
    recommendJob = nil},

    {id = 5, label = 'The Pearl Celebration', 
    price = 1540, 
    requires = {
        {item = 'golem', label = 'Golem', amount = 12},
        {item = 'whiskycoca', label = 'Whisky-Coca', amount = 5},
        {item = 'jusfruit', label = 'Fruit juice', amount = 6},
    destination = {x = -1816.31, y = -1192.68, z = 14.31},
    state = 0,
    recommendJob = 'Clubs'},

    {id = 18, label = 'Airport Bilgeco', 
    price = 4500, 
    requires = {
        {item = 'tomatojuice', label = 'Tomato juice', amount = 40},
    destination = {x = -874.55, y = -2735.07, z = 13.9},
    state = 0,
    recommendJob = nil},

    {id = 6, label = 'Crastenburg Breakfast', 
    price = 2030, 
    requires = {
        {item = 'tomatos', label = 'Tomatos', amount = 20},
        {item = 'mixedsalad', label = 'Mixed salad', amount = 10},
    destination = {x= -1858.72, y= -348.64, z = 49.84},
    state = 0,
    recommendJob = nil},

    {id = 7, label = 'Construction', 
    price = 2268, 
    requires = {
        {item = 'concrete', label = 'Concrete', amount = 12},
    destination = {x = -585.78631591797, y = -286.04611206055, z = 35.454780578613},
    state = 0,
    recommendJob = nil},


  • ESX
  • NativeUI

Compatible with all ESX versions (proofed for v.1.1/1.2/1-final)

Price: 12,50€ + tax
Download at https://luis-scripts.tebex.io/package/4263354

Feel free to check out my other scripts



Very nice. I was sick of the standard ESX jobs as well and rewrote it a couple of years back, but I couldn’t do nothing like this.

1 Like

Im curious what MS this script runs at?

Give me a moment and I’ll show you.

when I am collecting.
0.02 MS!
when I have the menu open.

How much ms when its idle?

i will test it bro

Hey, when you idle, you will stay between 0.01-0.02ms. All distance and marker requests are optimized to make it performant. When you have a Menu open it will always jump up to 0.3ms or higher, but this is also completely normal (when using NativeUI). So you don’t have to worry about this.

In fact the script won’t cause any performance issues on your server. That’s one of my most important aspect, when I develope scripts.

Hello mate !

I have two questions :

  • Is it a job or everyone can use the farms like put them in the pole job ?
  • Then can u share the HUD at the top right of ur screen or can I buy it

Thanks !!


the farms are accessable for everyone, yes. So no job is required.
And the hud is just a modified version of EnhancedHud, so I can’t sell it. And I’ve edited my SaltyChat also to make the Voice Range visible in the hud, so I can’t share this as easy.

Oh… I need jobs :frowning:

And for the HUD, I will remove the voice part. I really like it so if you can send in DM’s would be really great.

Thanks for what you’re doing for us.

What do you want to do with the jobs? For what do you need them?

Put them into the pole job

If your Experience system didn‘t worked, just add this line to your SQL:

INSERT INTO job_xp (id, steamID, xp) VALUES
    (1, 'steam:11000010ac71ad7', '[{"type":"juice","amount":2}]');

In the newest version this is already included in the default .sql file :wink:

1 Like

myJobsystem - Update - 16.01.2020

  • Added** support** for the ESX Weight system and also the option to disable the weight system completely
  • Added full job support: You can now set up a required Job for every farming zone and manufacturer. F.e. you can now set up that the wheat field is only visible for farmers.

@TryadeRP added your feature :wink:

Nicee ! Will take in few days

A really really nice system with thousend of possibilities!
Everything is configurable!
And very helpful support via AnyDesk.

Is the script encrypted of IP locked?

It isn’t. All of my scripts aren’t IP Locked, encrypted or something like this.
I think that have to be completely normal for paid releases.
Best regards,


Am i able to convert this to other framework? Basically wondering if we have the ability to modify the script freely

1 Like