mySpawnSelector - with myProperties support

Hey guys and welcome to this release,
I’ve initially developed this SpawnSelector as a part of myMultichar. But obviously not everybody wants to use a Multichar system, so I decided to release this SpawnSelector as an independent ressource


  • If you use myProperties, you can select your owned properties as spawn location. (Of course you can disable this in the Config)
  • You can set up whether the SpawnSelector should appear always or only on first join.
  • You can set up as many possible spawn locations as you want.
  • You can toggle an animation, which will always move your camera to the selected spawn point, so you can have a preview where you would spawn.

As always everything is configurable in the Config.lua, there is a language config with English and German translations included and of course there is no encryption at all.


The Selector menu:


Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.openOnClientStartup  = true

Config.CamCoords = {x = 157.44, y = 863.59, z = 373.98}
Config.PointAt = {x = 716.49, y = 1186.1, z = 339.98}

Config.useMyProperties = false -- If you use myProperties enable this

Config.IndexChangeAnimation = false -- Toggle the animation when selecting a spawn point here

Config.SpawnLocations = {
    {label = 'Los Santos International Airfield', pos = {x = -1035.2248535156, y = -2729.5324707031, z = 13.756646156311}},
    {label = 'Del Perro Beach', pos = {x = -1646.1577148438, y = -1006.9326171875, z = 13.017389297485}},
    {label = 'Paleto Bay', pos = {x = -439.59637451172, y = 6020.2290039062, z = 31.490133285522}},
    {label = 'Grapeseed', pos = {x = 2169.8049316406, y = 4776.5668945312, z = 41.221500396729}},
    {label = 'Sandy Shores', pos = {x = 1782.5380859375, y = 3309.3269042969, z = 41.366504669189}},
    {label = 'Legion Square', pos = {x = 223.65687561035, y = -859.32794189453, z = 30.130056381226}},
    {label = 'Mirror Park', pos = {x = 1057.3858642578, y = -718.24951171875, z = 56.8473777771}},

Config.ShowSpawnSelectionOnFirstJoin = true
Config.FirstSpawnLocation = {x = -1035.2248535156, y = -2729.5324707031, z = 13.756646156311} -- only if the setting above is disabled.

Config.ShowSpawnSelectionForEverybody = true

Translation = {
    ['de'] = {
        ['select_title'] = 'Einreise',
        ['last_position'] = '~b~→ ~s~Letzte Position',
        ['position_desc'] = 'Klicke, um bei ~b~',
        ['position_desc_2'] = ' ~s~zu spawnen.',    
    ['en'] = {
        ['select_title'] = 'Register',
        ['last_position'] = '~b~→ ~s~Last Position',
        ['position_desc'] = 'Click to spawn at ~b~',
        ['position_desc_2'] = '~s~.',    


  • ESX
  • NativeUI
  • (If you want to use the property spawn points: myProperties)

Price: 1,39€ + tax
Download at:

Or you can buy mySpawnSelector as a Bundle together with myProperties here:

❤️ Feel free to check out my other scripts



is it possible for you to make a standalone version?

They can’t or the last location wouldn’t work. There’s things that depend on a framework and fetching data related to a specific table is one of them.

It would probably be easy to convert too


Yeah that’s something but i would just be interested in the spawn points.

Hello i’ve just bought your script and loved it. Integrated that to my death script too and now if player dies can select new spawn point but i need your help at the moment.

If player is new on server, on first join there is a screen of ESX_Identity and then the ESX_Skin menu. But your script is above the skin menu and player stuck there. Can you help me?


there is the Event mySpawnSelector:open, which you can trigger when your character creation is completed. Maybe this resolves it.
Or you could add a new event trigger into mySpawnSelector, to open the identity and skin menu.

Best regards,

Yes I would also be interested in that, as of now when you join a server you get thrown in a random location. Having the ability to spawn at Hospitals/Police Stations/MLO Interiors basically any coordinate set in a config with a name also set in a config. Standalone does not need the property or last location in them. I would be interested in a standalone version, as I know many other would too and do believe you should at least consider it.

Do i need myProperties or can i use esx_property instead?


to have the property spawn points you have to use myProperties. But you can disable useMyProperties in the Config and use the SpawnSelector without any property script

Best regards,