Hey guys,
and welcome to my new release of myRobbery!
How does it work?
- You can set up as many missions as you want in your Config.lua. The robbery can only be started in a configured timespan.
- When you start the robbery your first goal is it to find the alarm code, which is somewhere in the house (Will be different every time). But you only have a certain amount of seconds, until the cops will be notified
- When you found the alarm code, you can go to the alarm system and disable the alarm. Till this happens you’ll hear an alarm sound.
- Whether you found the code or not, you can now steal all items, which are configured in the config. Some objects can also give multiple items or simply money (or black money).
- To finish your robbery, you can simply go to the exit.
- When the seller is activated, also the possibility to sell your stolen objects is included in the script.
As always the script is performance optimized.
During idle the script runs at 0.02ms. While in mission it will go up to 0.04-0.05ms
Config and Translations:
- By default the script comes with an English and German translations file. Every message is listed in this config, so you can also set up every language you want.
Config file
Config = {}
Translation = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.BurglaryTime = {start = 18, endtime = 24}
Config.useSeller = true -- should the Seller be there
Config.SellerLocation = {x = 953.63604736328, y = -2180.607421875, z = 30.551578521729, rot = 94.35311126709}
Config.SellerPedModel = "s_m_m_cntrybar_01"
Config.showSellerBlip = true
Config.SellItems = {
{sqlitem = 'bag', label = 'Bag of money', priceBuy = 2100.0},
{sqlitem = 'gold_ingot', label = 'Gold ingot', priceBuy = 1200.0},
{sqlitem = 'weed_pooch', label = 'Weed', priceBuy = 350.0},
Config.useBlackMoney = false
Config.BlackMoneyName = 'black_money'
Config.showMissionBlips = true
Config.Missions = {
name = 'Vinweood House',
delay = 30, --min delay, until this mission can be started again
loc = {x = 122.71, y = 564.77, z = 184.04},
inside = {x = 117.35, y = 559.39, z = 184.3, rot = 184.5},
alarmLocation = {x = 116.18002319336, y = 559.94860839844, z = 184.29702758789, rot = 89.901557922363},
alarmTimeBeforeDispatch = {randomA = 25, randomB = 35},
randomCodeLocations = {
{x = 118.00901031494, y = 543.08685302734, z = 180.38031005859, rot = 328.80206298828},
{x = 116.89733123779, y = 560.85339355469, z = 179.49705505371, rot = 196.72248840332},
{x = 123.7970199585, y = 543.38757324219, z = 183.37001037598, rot = 70.289360046387},
customScreenMessage = '~b~Find money and items - be fast!',
objects = {
objectHash = 'p_michael_backpack_s',
loc = {x = 117.0365524292, y = 554.72521972656, z = 183.60381774902, rot = 92.96},
giveItems = {{item = 'bag', amount = 1}}, giveMoney = 0,
objectHash = 'hei_prop_heist_cash_pile',
loc = {x = 120.58995819092, y = 554.77227783203, z = 184.55868225098, rot = 260.81030273438},
giveItems = {}, giveMoney = 2000,
name = 'Michaels House',
delay = 60, --min delay, until this mission can be started again
loc = {x = -817.58123779297, y = 177.78002929688, z = 72.222496032715},
inside = nil,
alarmLocation = {x = -815.55377197266, y = 189.08438110352, z = 72.478134155273, rot = 100.662008285522},
callCopPercentageAnyways = 100, -- In this percentage the cops are directly notified after lockpicking
alarmTimeBeforeDispatch = {randomA = 55, randomB = 85}, -- time in seconds to find the alarm code before definately a dispatch is sent
randomCodeLocations = { -- set up multiple possible locations for the alarm code to make the search interessting
{x = -799.17700195312, y = 185.48817443848, z = 73.516288757324, rot = 335.2941284179},
{x = -805.32006835938, y = 178.10200500488, z = 73.929138183594, rot = 183.47573852539},
customScreenMessage = '~b~Find money and items - be fast!', -- can be used for missions where f.e. a certain item (USB STICK) have to be found.
objects = { -- objects, which can be stolen
objectHash = 'p_michael_backpack_s',
loc = {x = -814.36102294922, y = 181.00151062012, z = 77.412704467773, rot = 243.61514282227},
giveItems = {{item = 'bag', amount = 1}}, giveMoney = 0,
objectHash = 'hei_prop_heist_cash_pile',
loc = {x = -808.54888916016, y = 181.48764038086, z = 73.153358459473, rot = 181.29470825195},
giveItems = {}, giveMoney = 2000,
objectHash = 'hei_prop_heist_cash_pile',
loc = {x = -803.97418212891, y = 183.32978820801, z = 73.599349975586, rot = 246.3042755127},
giveItems = {}, giveMoney = 3000,
objectHash = 'ex_prop_exec_award_diamond',
loc = {x = -802.28350830078, y = 170.99723815918, z = 73.341979980469, rot = 261.39303588867},
giveItems = {{item = 'gold_ingot', amount = 1}}, giveMoney = 0,
objectHash = 'bkr_prop_weed_bag_pile_01a',
loc = {x = -804.28381347656, y = 168.6369934082, z = 77.570930480957, rot = 287.05276489258},
giveItems = {{item = 'weed_pooch', amount = 1},{item = 'weed', amount = 3}}, giveMoney = 0,
objectHash = 'bkr_prop_weed_bigbag_open_01a',
loc = {x = -797.15246582031, y = 177.87405395508, z = 72.834747314453, rot = 327.42092895508},
giveItems = {{item = 'weed_pooch', amount = 10},{item = 'weed', amount = 12}}, giveMoney = 0,
Config.requiresItem = false -- should an item be required to enter a house
Config.LockpickItem = 'lockpick'
Config.InteractKey = 38 -- Key, to start robbing and to collect items
Config.CodeKey = 47 -- G
Update - 24.01.2021
- Added a new mission to the default configuration: Franklins house in Vinewood
- Added an option in the Config.lua to set up how many cops are needed to start the robbery
- NativeUI (optional, when the seller is disabled)
Compatible with all ESX versions (proofed for v.1.1/1.2/1-final)
Price: 4,50€ + tax
Download at https://luis-scripts.tebex.io/package/4282685
Feel free to check out my other scripts