🛒 [PAID] [Standalone][ESX][QBCore] Store system V2 - Black market system | Shop system | Shop robberies | Advanced Shops | Customizable Shops | Shops | UI | Burevestnik


I welcome you CFX community!

Today I present to you the v2 store system! This is a completely redesigned version of the previous resource, which provides accessibility for all frameworks (ESX, QBCore, Standalone), completely new functionality, huge editing capabilities using a configuration file, as well as a completely new unique design. I’m sure you and your players will love it!

This system includes a nice user interface, a convenient configuration file, the ability to configure the entire resource. The resource includes 23 preset stores broken down by name with the possibility of robbing any cash register on the map with the cooldown enabled using any weapon, just smash it! As well as preset locations for the random appearance of the black market with a cooldown to reopen for all players.

Demonstration of the system:

Preview Video


Example of a configuration file:

-- ██████╗░██╗░░░██╗██████╗░███████╗██╗░░░██╗███████╗░██████╗████████╗███╗░░██╗██╗██╗░░██╗
-- ██╔══██╗██║░░░██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║░░░██║██╔════╝██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝████╗░██║██║██║░██╔╝
-- ██████╦╝██║░░░██║██████╔╝█████╗░░╚██╗░██╔╝█████╗░░╚█████╗░░░░██║░░░██╔██╗██║██║█████═╝░
-- ██╔══██╗██║░░░██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝░░░╚████╔╝░██╔══╝░░░╚═══██╗░░░██║░░░██║╚████║██║██╔═██╗░
-- ██████╦╝╚██████╔╝██║░░██║███████╗░░╚██╔╝░░███████╗██████╔╝░░░██║░░░██║░╚███║██║██║░╚██╗
-- ╚═════╝░░╚═════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚══════╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚══╝╚═╝╚═╝░░╚═╝*/

Config = {}

--If ESX = false and QBCore = false, then Standalone will turn on

--Are you using ESX?
Config.UseESX = true

--Enable this if ESX throws an error: Used the getSharedObject Event, this event no longer exists!
Config.UseESX_lib = false

--Do you want to use a weight check before buying an item (ESX)?
Config.WeightSystem = false

--Are you using QBCore?
Config.UseQBCore = false

--Your own export to get the player's job
Config.StandaloneJobCheckExport = nil

--Interaction Button
Config.ShopOpenButton = 38

--Do you want to be able to rob the cash register?
Config.Robberies = true

--Random robbery time from 10 to 30 seconds
Config.TimeRob = math.random(10,30)

--Random reward for robbery from $50 to $500
Config.MoneyRob = math.random(50,500)

--Interaction Button
Config.RobButton = 23

--Do you want to use the job for robberies
Config.UseJobRobESX = true

--Do you want to use the job for robberies
Config.UseJobRobQBCore = false

--Job for a police
Config.JobPolice = {"police", "unemployed"}

--Job for a robbery
Config.JobRob = {"gang1", "unemployed"}

--Objects for robbery
Config.ObjeRob = {'prop_till_01'}

--Cooldown to robbery
Config.Cooldown = 600000 --10 min

--How many maximum units of one product can a player buy
Config.basketMaxValue = 23

function PoliceAlert(policeNameJobs) --You can set up your event to notify the police about the beginning of a robbery. This is a client function.
	if ESX.GetPlayerData().job.name == policeNameJobs then
		ShowAdvNotification("CHAR_CALL911", "Dispatcher", "Robbery in progress", "Robbery is taking place. No coordinates!")
	-- if Player.PlayerData.job.name == policeNameJobs then
	-- 	ShowAdvNotification("CHAR_CALL911", "Dispatcher", "Robbery in progress", "Robbery is taking place. No coordinates!")
	-- end
	-- if job.name == policeNameJobs then
	-- 	ShowAdvNotification("CHAR_CALL911", "Dispatcher", "Robbery in progress", "Robbery is taking place. No coordinates!")
	-- end

function BlackMarketLocations()
    local locationsTable = { --Store locations [Black Market]
		vector3(0.6, -1824.3, 28.5),
		vector3(679.0, -897.3, 22.4),
		vector3(-125.9, 1895.7, 196.3),
		vector3(124.9, 6644.6, 30.7),
    --Return a random element from the locations table
    return locationsTable[math.random(#locationsTable)]

Config.Shops = {
		shopName = "24/7", --Store name
		interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the store
		useStreetNameShop = true, --Do you want to use name of the street (Shop) if false then streen name = "Secret"
		alternativeStreetNameShop = "burevestnik.tebex.io", --It will work if useStreetNameShop = false
		useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
		blipID = 59, --Blip ID.
		blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
		blipColor = 25, --Blip color.
		blipText = "24/7", --Blip text.
		UseMarkers = false, --Do you want to use a marker ?
		MarkerType = 1, --Marker type
		MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
		MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
		MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
		MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
		MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
		MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
		MarkerColourA = 20, --Marker colour A
		allowedJobsInteraction = {"all"}, --Jobs that can interact with the store. If "all", then everyone can interact with the store.
		locations = { --Store locations
			vector3(25.7, -1347.2, 28.4),
			vector3(373.8, 325.8, 102.5),
			vector3(2557.4, 382.2, 107.6),
			vector3(-3038.9, 585.9, 102.5),
			vector3(-3241.9, 1001.4, 11.8),
			vector3(547.4, 2671.7, 41.1),
			vector3(1961.4, 3740.6, 31.3),
			vector3(2678.9, 3280.6, 54.2),
			vector3(1729.2, 6414.1, 34.0),
		categories = { --Minimum 0 categories, maximum 4
		products = {
			{ --Category 1
				{'orange',"Orange",9,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'bread',"bread",10,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer','Beer v1',4,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer1','Beer v2',22,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer2','Beer v3',25,120},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer3','Beer box',27,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer4','Beer v4',31,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 2
				{'pizza','Pizza',5,15},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'burger',"Burger",6,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'chips','Chips',3,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'hotdog','Hot dog',7,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'donut','Donut',46,3},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 3
				{'wrench','Wrench',194,50},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'hammer',"Hammer",191,15},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'toolkit',"Tool kit",250,60},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 4
				{'boombox','Boombox',610,40},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'fak',"First aid kit",252,20},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'fishingrod',"Fishing rod",207,200},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'gear',"Gear",208,35},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'drone',"Drone",779,800},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
		shopName = "Robs Liquor", --Store name
		interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the store
		useStreetNameShop = true, --Do you want to use name of the street (Shop) if false then streen name = "Secret"
		alternativeStreetNameShop = "burevestnik.tebex.io", --It will work if useStreetNameShop = false
		useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
		blipID = 59, --Blip ID.
		blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
		blipColor = 25, --Blip color.
		blipText = "Robs Liquor", --Blip text.
		UseMarkers = false, --Do you want to use a marker ?
		MarkerType = 1, --Marker type
		MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
		MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
		MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
		MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
		MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
		MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
		MarkerColourA = 20, --Marker colour A
		allowedJobsInteraction = {"all"}, --Jobs that can interact with the store. If "all", then everyone can interact with the store.
		locations = { --Store locations
			vector3(1135.8, -982.2, 45.4),
			vector3(-1222.9, -906.9, 11.3),
			vector3(-1487.5, -379.1, 39.1),
			vector3(-2968.2, 390.7, 14.0),
			vector3(1166.0, 2708.9, 37.1),
			vector3(1392.5, 3604.6, 33.9),
			vector3(-1393.4, -606.6, 29.3),
			vector3(-559.9, 287.0, 81.1),
		categories = { --Minimum 0 categories, maximum 4
		products = {
			{ --Category 1
				{'orange',"Orange",9,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'bread',"bread",10,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer','Beer v1',4,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer1','Beer v2',22,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer2','Beer v3',25,120},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer3','Beer box',27,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer4','Beer v4',31,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 2
				{'pizza','Pizza',5,15},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'burger',"Burger",6,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'chips','Chips',3,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'hotdog','Hot dog',7,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'donut','Donut',46,3},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 3
				{'wrench','Wrench',194,50},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'hammer',"Hammer",191,15},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'toolkit',"Tool kit",250,60},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 4
				{'boombox','Boombox',610,40},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'fak',"First aid kit",252,20},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'fishingrod',"Fishing rod",207,200},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'gear',"Gear",208,35},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'drone',"Drone",779,800},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
		shopName = "LTD Gasoline", --Store name
		interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the store
		useStreetNameShop = true, --Do you want to use name of the street (Shop) if false then streen name = "Secret"
		alternativeStreetNameShop = "burevestnik.tebex.io", --It will work if useStreetNameShop = false
		useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
		blipID = 59, --Blip ID.
		blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
		blipColor = 25, --Blip color.
		blipText = "LTD Gasoline", --Blip text.
		UseMarkers = false, --Do you want to use a marker ?
		MarkerType = 1, --Marker type
		MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
		MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
		MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
		MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
		MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
		MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
		MarkerColourA = 20, --Marker colour A
		allowedJobsInteraction = {"all"}, --Jobs that can interact with the store. If "all", then everyone can interact with the store.
		locations = { --Store locations
			vector3(-48.5, -1757.5, 28.4),
			vector3(1163.3, -323.8, 68.2),
			vector3(-707.5, -914.2, 18.2),
			vector3(-1820.5, 792.5, 137.1),
			vector3(1698.3, 4924.4, 41.0),
		categories = {  --Minimum 0 categories, maximum 4
		products = {
			{ --Category 1
				{'orange',"Orange",9,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'bread',"bread",10,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer','Beer v1',4,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer1','Beer v2',22,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer2','Beer v3',25,120},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer3','Beer box',27,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer4','Beer v4',31,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 2
				{'pizza','Pizza',5,15},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'burger',"Burger",6,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'chips','Chips',3,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'hotdog','Hot dog',7,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'donut','Donut',46,3},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 3
				{'wrench','Wrench',194,50},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'hammer',"Hammer",191,15},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'toolkit',"Tool kit",250,60},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 4
				{'boombox','Boombox',610,40},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'fak',"First aid kit",252,20},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'fishingrod',"Fishing rod",207,200},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'gear',"Gear",208,35},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'drone',"Drone",779,800},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
		shopName = "Black Market", --Store name
		openCooldown = 600000, --10 min
		statusCooldown = false, --10 min
		interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the store
		useStreetNameShop = true, --Do you want to use name of the street (Shop) if false then streen name = "Secret"
		alternativeStreetNameShop = "burevestnik.tebex.io", --It will work if useStreetNameShop = false
		useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
		blipID = 429, --Blip ID.
		blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
		blipColor = 2, --Blip color.
		blipText = "Black Market", --Blip text.
		UseMarkers = false, --Do you want to use a marker ?
		MarkerType = 1, --Marker type
		MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
		MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
		MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
		MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
		MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
		MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
		MarkerColourA = 20, --Marker colour A
		allowedJobsInteraction = {"test", "unemployed"}, --Jobs that can interact with the store. If "all", then everyone can interact with the store.
		locations = {BlackMarketLocations()}, --Store locations
		categories = { --Minimum 0 categories, maximum 4
		products = {
			{ --Category 1 
				{'weed','Weed',14,100},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'bag','Bag',17,10},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'gloves','Gloves',-3,3},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'bong','Bong',62,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'binoculars','Binoculars',63,200},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price

Config.Translation = {
    ['menu'] = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~g~interact',
	['buy1'] = 'You bought: ~g~',
	['buy2'] = ' ~w~- ~g~$',
    ['nomoney'] = '~r~You do not have enough Money!',
	['noaccess'] = '~r~Bro, get out of here!',
	['noweight'] = '~r~You dont have enough space!',
	['robbery1'] = 'Press ~g~F~w~ to rob',
	['robbery2'] = 'You stole: ',
	['robbery3'] = '~g~$',

--exports.Burevestnik_shops:bur_open_shop_by_id(1)  --where the number is the store id

Optimization (The script consumes):

0.00 ms in a quiet state.

0.01 ms in an active state.

What does this store system include:

  • This system works on all versions of ESX, QBCore, as well as STANDALONE!

  • Beautiful user interface!

  • The ability to enable blips on the map!

  • The ability to enable markers!

  • Incredibly customizable configuration file!

  • Stores display the name and street where they are located!

  • Random places where the black market appears!

  • Cooldown on the re-opening of the black market for all players!

  • The ability to set store names!

  • Support of our :speech_balloon: Dialogue system!

  • The possibility of endless store settings!

  • The ability to use the store only for certain jobs!

  • The ability to break the cash register to rob!

  • Robbery notifications for the police (You have to set your export or event)!

  • The ability of robbery only for certain jobs!

  • Random reward and time of cash register robbery!

  • Cooldown on the repeated robbery of the cash register for all players!

  • You can completely change the user interface at will!

  • Of course support, I’m ready to help you!

:shopping_cart: [OPEN SOURCE] You can get that resource in my Tebex.

:shopping_cart: [ESCROW] You can get that resource in my Tebex.


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Code is accessible Open source: Yes \ Escrow: No - Available only: config, function, ui
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500+
Requirements Standalone/ESX/QBCore
Support Yes

i’ve never seen biggest title… lol wich is waste of time

1 Like

I am pleased to see that the title surprised you. Thanks for the review. :blush:



1 Like

Thanks :smiling_face:

1 Like

Fantastic work :star:

1 Like

Thanks :green_heart:


Update 2.0.1 of all versions

  • Fixed a bug where in some cases it was possible to buy more items than indicated in the final cost.
  • Improved UI responsiveness.
  • Minor mistakes.

:mega: Contact me if you have any questions.

Is there a way to use qb-target to open the shop instead of pressing E? Really love this shop UI but most of my server is using targets.

1 Like

Hello, only if you implement qb-target yourself in the unencrypted version. :cowboy_hat_face:

Update 2.1.0 of all versions

  • Added the ability to register several police jobs.
  • Added the ability to register several jobs for robbery.
  • Distance algorithms have been redesigned.
  • Fixed a bug where ms could reach the limit values.
  • Fixed a bug where in some cases the UI could be broken by interacting.
  • Improved algorithms of robbery functions.
  • Deprecated methods have been removed.
  • Improved UI responsiveness.

:mega: Contact me if you have any questions.

Update 2.2.0 of all versions

  • The configuration file has been completely redesigned.
  • Added the ability to configure any store. You are no longer limited in the types of stores and their contents.
  • Added export to store opening from any other places.
  • Added support for :speech_balloon: Dialogue system.
New configuration file
-- ██████╗░██╗░░░██╗██████╗░███████╗██╗░░░██╗███████╗░██████╗████████╗███╗░░██╗██╗██╗░░██╗
-- ██╔══██╗██║░░░██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║░░░██║██╔════╝██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝████╗░██║██║██║░██╔╝
-- ██████╦╝██║░░░██║██████╔╝█████╗░░╚██╗░██╔╝█████╗░░╚█████╗░░░░██║░░░██╔██╗██║██║█████═╝░
-- ██╔══██╗██║░░░██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝░░░╚████╔╝░██╔══╝░░░╚═══██╗░░░██║░░░██║╚████║██║██╔═██╗░
-- ██████╦╝╚██████╔╝██║░░██║███████╗░░╚██╔╝░░███████╗██████╔╝░░░██║░░░██║░╚███║██║██║░╚██╗
-- ╚═════╝░░╚═════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚══════╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚══╝╚═╝╚═╝░░╚═╝*/

Config = {}

--If ESX = false and QBCore = false, then Standalone will turn on

--Are you using ESX?
Config.UseESX = true

--Enable this if ESX throws an error: Used the getSharedObject Event, this event no longer exists!
Config.UseESX_lib = false

--Are you using QBCore?
Config.UseQBCore = false

--Interaction Button
Config.ShopOpenButton = 38

--Do you want to be able to rob the cash register?
Config.Robberies = true

--Random robbery time from 10 to 30 seconds
Config.TimeRob = math.random(10,30)

--Random reward for robbery from $50 to $500
Config.MoneyRob = math.random(50,500)

--Interaction Button
Config.RobButton = 23

--Do you want to use the job for robberies
Config.UseJobRobESX = true

--Do you want to use the job for robberies
Config.UseJobRobQBCore = false

--Job for a police
Config.JobPolice = {"police", "unemployed"}

--Job for a robbery
Config.JobRob = {"gang1", "unemployed"}

--Objects for robbery
Config.ObjeRob = {'prop_till_01'}

--Cooldown to robbery
Config.Cooldown = 600000 --10 min

function BlackMarketLocations()
    local locationsTable = { --Store locations [Black Market]
		vector3(0.6, -1824.3, 28.5),
		vector3(679.0, -897.3, 22.4),
		vector3(-125.9, 1895.7, 196.3),
		vector3(124.9, 6644.6, 30.7),
    --Return a random element from the locations table
    return locationsTable[math.random(#locationsTable)]

Config.Shops = {
		shopName = "24/7", --Store name
		interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the store
		useStreetNameShop = true, --Do you want to use name of the street (Shop) if false then streen name = "Secret"
		alternativeStreetNameShop = "burevestnik.tebex.io", --It will work if useStreetNameShop = false
		useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
		blipID = 59, --Blip ID.
		blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
		blipColor = 25, --Blip color.
		blipText = "24/7", --Blip text.
		UseMarkers = false, --Do you want to use a marker ?
		MarkerType = 1, --Marker type
		MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
		MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
		MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
		MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
		MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
		MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
		MarkerColourA = 20, --Marker colour A
		allowedJobsInteraction = {"all"}, --Jobs that can interact with the store. If "all", then everyone can interact with the store.
		locations = { --Store locations
			vector3(25.7, -1347.2, 28.4),
			vector3(373.8, 325.8, 102.5),
			vector3(2557.4, 382.2, 107.6),
			vector3(-3038.9, 585.9, 102.5),
			vector3(-3241.9, 1001.4, 11.8),
			vector3(547.4, 2671.7, 41.1),
			vector3(1961.4, 3740.6, 31.3),
			vector3(2678.9, 3280.6, 54.2),
			vector3(1729.2, 6414.1, 34.0),
		categories = { --Minimum 0 categories, maximum 4
		products = {
			{ --Category 1
				{'orange',"Orange",9,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'bread',"bread",10,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer','Beer v1',4,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer1','Beer v2',22,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer2','Beer v3',25,120},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer3','Beer box',27,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer4','Beer v4',31,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 2
				{'pizza','Pizza',5,15},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'burger',"Burger",6,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'chips','Chips',3,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'hotdog','Hot dog',7,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'donut','Donut',46,3},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 3
				{'wrench','Wrench',194,50},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'hammer',"Hammer",191,15},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'toolkit',"Tool kit",250,60},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 4
				{'boombox','Boombox',610,40},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'fak',"First aid kit",252,20},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'fishingrod',"Fishing rod",207,200},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'gear',"Gear",208,35},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'drone',"Drone",779,800},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
		shopName = "Robs Liquor", --Store name
		interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the store
		useStreetNameShop = true, --Do you want to use name of the street (Shop) if false then streen name = "Secret"
		alternativeStreetNameShop = "burevestnik.tebex.io", --It will work if useStreetNameShop = false
		useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
		blipID = 59, --Blip ID.
		blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
		blipColor = 25, --Blip color.
		blipText = "Robs Liquor", --Blip text.
		UseMarkers = false, --Do you want to use a marker ?
		MarkerType = 1, --Marker type
		MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
		MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
		MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
		MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
		MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
		MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
		MarkerColourA = 20, --Marker colour A
		allowedJobsInteraction = {"all"}, --Jobs that can interact with the store. If "all", then everyone can interact with the store.
		locations = { --Store locations
			vector3(1135.8, -982.2, 45.4),
			vector3(-1222.9, -906.9, 11.3),
			vector3(-1487.5, -379.1, 39.1),
			vector3(-2968.2, 390.7, 14.0),
			vector3(1166.0, 2708.9, 37.1),
			vector3(1392.5, 3604.6, 33.9),
			vector3(-1393.4, -606.6, 29.3),
			vector3(-559.9, 287.0, 81.1),
		categories = { --Minimum 0 categories, maximum 4
		products = {
			{ --Category 1
				{'orange',"Orange",9,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'bread',"bread",10,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer','Beer v1',4,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer1','Beer v2',22,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer2','Beer v3',25,120},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer3','Beer box',27,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer4','Beer v4',31,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 2
				{'pizza','Pizza',5,15},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'burger',"Burger",6,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'chips','Chips',3,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'hotdog','Hot dog',7,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'donut','Donut',46,3},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 3
				{'wrench','Wrench',194,50},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'hammer',"Hammer",191,15},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'toolkit',"Tool kit",250,60},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 4
				{'boombox','Boombox',610,40},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'fak',"First aid kit",252,20},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'fishingrod',"Fishing rod",207,200},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'gear',"Gear",208,35},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'drone',"Drone",779,800},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
		shopName = "LTD Gasoline", --Store name
		interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the store
		useStreetNameShop = true, --Do you want to use name of the street (Shop) if false then streen name = "Secret"
		alternativeStreetNameShop = "burevestnik.tebex.io", --It will work if useStreetNameShop = false
		useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
		blipID = 59, --Blip ID.
		blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
		blipColor = 25, --Blip color.
		blipText = "LTD Gasoline", --Blip text.
		UseMarkers = false, --Do you want to use a marker ?
		MarkerType = 1, --Marker type
		MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
		MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
		MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
		MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
		MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
		MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
		MarkerColourA = 20, --Marker colour A
		allowedJobsInteraction = {"all"}, --Jobs that can interact with the store. If "all", then everyone can interact with the store.
		locations = { --Store locations
			vector3(-48.5, -1757.5, 28.4),
			vector3(1163.3, -323.8, 68.2),
			vector3(-707.5, -914.2, 18.2),
			vector3(-1820.5, 792.5, 137.1),
			vector3(1698.3, 4924.4, 41.0),
		categories = {  --Minimum 0 categories, maximum 4
		products = {
			{ --Category 1
				{'orange',"Orange",9,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'bread',"bread",10,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer','Beer v1',4,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer1','Beer v2',22,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer2','Beer v3',25,120},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer3','Beer box',27,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'beer4','Beer v4',31,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 2
				{'pizza','Pizza',5,15},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'burger',"Burger",6,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'chips','Chips',3,12},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'hotdog','Hot dog',7,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'donut','Donut',46,3},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 3
				{'wrench','Wrench',194,50},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'hammer',"Hammer",191,15},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'toolkit',"Tool kit",250,60},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
			{ --Category 4
				{'boombox','Boombox',610,40},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'fak',"First aid kit",252,20},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'fishingrod',"Fishing rod",207,200},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'gear',"Gear",208,35},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'drone',"Drone",779,800},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
		shopName = "Black Market", --Store name
		openCooldown = 600000, --10 min
		statusCooldown = false, --10 min
		interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the store
		useStreetNameShop = true, --Do you want to use name of the street (Shop) if false then streen name = "Secret"
		alternativeStreetNameShop = "burevestnik.tebex.io", --It will work if useStreetNameShop = false
		useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
		blipID = 429, --Blip ID.
		blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
		blipColor = 2, --Blip color.
		blipText = "Black Market", --Blip text.
		UseMarkers = false, --Do you want to use a marker ?
		MarkerType = 1, --Marker type
		MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
		MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
		MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
		MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
		MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
		MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
		MarkerColourA = 20, --Marker colour A
		allowedJobsInteraction = {"test", "unemployed"}, --Jobs that can interact with the store. If "all", then everyone can interact with the store.
		locations = {BlackMarketLocations()}, --Store locations
		categories = { --Minimum 0 categories, maximum 4
		products = {
			{ --Category 1 
				{'weed','Weed',14,100},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'bag','Bag',17,10},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'gloves','Gloves',-3,3},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'bong','Bong',62,5},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price
				{'binoculars','Binoculars',63,200},  --1 - the name of the item in the database | 2 - label | 3 - the name of the image of the item in the img package | 4 - price

Config.Translation = {
    ['menu'] = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~g~interact',
	['buy1'] = 'You bought: ~g~',
	['buy2'] = ' ~w~- ~g~$',
    ['nomoney'] = '~r~You do not have enough Money!',
	['noaccess'] = '~r~Bro, get out of here!',
	['robbery1'] = 'Press ~g~F~w~ to rob',
	['robbery2'] = 'You stole: ',
	['robbery3'] = '~g~$',

--exports.Burevestnik_shops:bur_open_shop_by_id(1)  --where the number is the store id

:mega: Contact me if you have any questions.

The script is very very good. The support is really very very good <3

1 Like

Thanks for the review :heart:

1 Like

Update 2.3.0 of all versions

  • Redesigned notifications.
  • The ability to configure police notifications has been added to the configuration file so that you can edit it as you wish.

:mega: Contact me if you have any questions.

+1 The script is really perfect, the support is really fast!

1 Like

Thanks you for the review :purple_heart:

Can we change currency to pay with? Like dirty money or an item?

1 Like

Hello @smittyxfriends
Unfortunately, no.

Huge script, with a giant possibility of costumization. I even needed same help from the dev and he gave me quick support and solution for my situation. Thanks and continue the good work mate.

1 Like