šŸ”© [PAID] [Standalone][ESX][QBCore] Welding job system | UI | Burevestnik


I welcome you CFX community!

Today I present to you the welding job system! This system provides accessibility for all frameworks (ESX, QBCore, Standalone), huge editing capabilities using a configuration file, unique design. Iā€™m sure you and your players will love it!

This system includes a nice user interface, a convenient configuration file, the ability to configure the entire resource and clear functionality.

Demonstration of the system:

:movie_camera: Preview Video


Example of a configuration file:

Configuration files
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Config = {}

--If ESX = false and QBCore = false, then Standalone will turn on
--Are you using ESX?
Config.UseESX = true

--Enable this if ESX throws an error: Used the getSharedObject Event, this event no longer exists!
Config.UseESX_lib = false

--Are you using QBCore?
Config.UseQBCore = false

--Are you using Standalone?
Config.UseStandalone = false

--Your own export to get the player's job
Config.StandaloneJobCheckExport = nil

--Interaction Button
Config.JobOpenButton = 38

--Use the command to start/end the job
Config.useCommandStartEndJob = false
Config.commandStartJob = "burJobWeldingStart"
Config.commandEndJob = "burJobWeldingEnd"

--The ability to embed your own exports to hide the hud
Config.useHudOffOnEvents = true
function hudOnEvent()
    --exports.Burevestnik_hud:Burevestnik_hud_on() -- Uncomment if you use Burevestnik_HUD system (https://burevestnik.tebex.io/package/5371893)
function hudOffEvent()
   --exports.Burevestnik_hud:Burevestnik_hud_off() -- Uncomment if you use Burevestnik_HUD system (https://burevestnik.tebex.io/package/5371893)

function notificationInteraction(str)
    DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel(0, 0, false, -1)

-- If true, the custom interaction menus are activated. Pay attention to the customInteractionButtonOpen and customInteractionButtonClose functions.
Config.UseCustomInteractionButton = false
Config.BurevestnikInteractionButton = "E"
Config.BurevestnikInteractionButtonText = "Press to interact"
-- The function of opening a custom interaction menu.
function customInteractionButtonOpen()
    --exports.Burevestnik_interaction_button:bur_nui_InteractionButton_open(Config.BurevestnikInteractionButton, Config.BurevestnikInteractionButtonText)  -- Uncomment if you use Burevestnik Interaction Button (https://forum.cfx.re/t/free-standalone-interaction-button/4860169)
-- The function of closing the custom interaction menu.
function customInteractionButtonClose()
    --exports.Burevestnik_interaction_button:bur_nui_InteractionButton_close() -- Uncomment if you use Burevestnik Interaction Button (https://forum.cfx.re/t/free-standalone-interaction-button/4860169)

Config.useHelpNotificationBottom = true
function HelpNotificationBottom(text)
    EndTextCommandThefeedPostTicker(true, true)

-- The reward you will receive for completing the stage
Config.collectingReward = 5

receiveReward = function(source)
	if Config.UseESX then
		local player = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
	if Config.UseQBCore then 
		local player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
		player.Functions.AddMoney('cash', Config.collectingReward, "Bank depost")

Config.Job = {
		interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the job.
		useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
		blipID = 643, --Blip ID.
		blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
		blipColor = 16, --Blip color.
		blipText = "Welding job", --Blip text.
		UseMarkers = true, --Do you want to use a marker ?
		MarkerType = 1, --Marker type
		MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
		MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
		MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
		MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
		MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
		MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
		MarkerColourA = 100, --Marker colour A
		allowedJobsInteraction = {"all"}, --Jobs that can interact with the job. If "all", then everyone can interact with the job.
		locations = {--job location
			vector3(140.2780, -379.3910, 42.2570),
		taskConfig = {
			interactionDistance = 2.0, --Distance for interaction with the job.
			useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this ped.
			blipID = 515, --Blip ID.
			blipScale = 0.7, --Blip scale.
			blipColor = 2, --Blip color.
			blipText = "Welding point", --Blip text.
			UseMarkers = true, --Do you want to use a marker ?
			MarkerType = 32, --Marker type
			MarkerSizeX = 0.5, --Marker size X
			MarkerSizeY = 0.5, --Marker size Y
			MarkerSizeZ = 0.5, --Marker size Z
			MarkerColourR = 122, --Marker colour R
			MarkerColourG = 195, --Marker colour G
			MarkerColourB = 254, --Marker colour B
			MarkerColourA = 100, --Marker colour A
			animationName = "WORLD_HUMAN_WELDING", --Animation scenario
			randomLocations = false, --If true, the locations will appear in random order
			locations = { --Locations of interaction with job stages
				vector4(122.4785, -342.7798, 42.9761, 336.7113),
				vector4(91.1636, -364.2920, 42.2033, 347.3041),
				vector4(79.6799, -343.3209, 42.5555, 341.0544),
				vector4(79.5056, -342.4770, 55.5083, 290.6024),
				vector4(93.2959, -331.9158, 55.5084, 355.0353),
				vector4(108.5709, -346.8056, 55.4968, 257.3882),
				vector4(118.9415, -350.9923, 55.4968, 249.6470),
				vector4(106.8514, -357.5551, 55.4968, 79.4926),
				vector4(99.0775, -376.1406, 55.4968, 157.3873),
				vector4(92.1583, -360.9039, 67.1443, 187.1316),
				vector4(89.4724, -371.8287, 67.3128, 127.5072),
				vector4(109.2055, -378.9795, 67.3132, 172.5682),
				vector4(52.4205, -346.3907, 67.1971, 124.0010),
				vector4(61.5132, -320.5114, 67.5552, 7.4812),
				vector4(87.2015, -330.8725, 75.5615, 35.8978),

--Translation config
Config.Translation = {
    ['menu'] = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~g~interact',
	['noaccess'] = '~r~You dont have access!',
	['collected'] = '~g~You have received a reward!',
	['jobstart'] = '~g~You got a job!',
	['jobquit'] = '~y~You quit your job!',
	['translationText1'] = 'Weld', -- | burevestnik.tebex.io
	['translationText2'] = 'the sheets',
	['translationText3'] = 'Use a welding machine to weld two sheets of metal',
	['translationText4'] = 'Move the mouse to move the welding machine',

--exports.Burevestnik_welding_job:Burevestnik_job_welding_start()  --Exporting to start a job
--exports.Burevestnik_welding_job:Burevestnik_job_welding_stop()  --Exporting to cancel a job

Optimization (The script consumes):

0.01 ms in a quiet state.

0.03 ms in an active state.

What does this system include:

  • This system works on all versions of ESX, QBCore, as well as STANDALONE!
  • Beautiful user interface!
  • Support of our :speech_balloon: Dialogue system!
  • Support for our :nazar_amulet:free Interaction Button resource!
  • The ability to enable blips on the map!
  • The ability to enable markers!
  • The ability to install new places of interaction!
  • Incredibly customizable configuration file!
  • More than 15 prepared places of interaction!
  • You can completely change the user interface at will!
  • Of course support, Iā€™m ready to help you!

:shopping_cart: [OPEN SOURCE] You can get that resource in my Tebex.

:shopping_cart: [ESCROW] You can get that resource in my Tebex.


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Code accessible Open source: Yes \ Escrow: No - Available only: config, ui
Subscription based No
Lines (approximately) ~1000
Requirements Standalone/ESX/QBCore
Support Yes

we added this script into our server initially we had some minor issues due to oversights on our end. the team at burevestnik got us lined out and the script is now running flawless would higly recommend!!!


Thanks you for the review :purple_heart: