🚀 [PAID][Standalone] Quest system - Passing/Creating missions, tasks with rewards | UI

The upgrade to version 3 is already available! :rocket:


I welcome you CFX community!

Today i present to you a unique system for creating missions / quests similar to GTA V and GTA Online, thanks to which you can diversify or create your own storyline on your server! I’m sure you and your players will love it!

This system will allow you to create missions/quests exactly the way you want, exclusively limited by your imagination. Initially, this system was conceived as a replacement for work, but over time it turned into a great tool. Do you want to make a beautiful start to the mission? Set the appropriate cutscene to the beginning. Do you want great monologues ? Set the appropriate text! You can also add animations, NPCs, rewards and more! The quest system is very easy to configure!

Demonstration of the system:

:movie_camera: Preview Video



Example of a configuration file and a single quest:

Optimization (The script consumes):

0.00 ms in a quiet state.

0.01 ms in an active state.

What does this quest system include:

  • This system works on all versions of ESX, QBCore, as well as STANDALONE!

  • Quest configurator!

  • The ability to install cutscenes in your quests!

  • The ability to set animations to your actions!

  • The ability to set monologues/text in the mission!

  • The ability to create NPCs on missions!

  • The ability to turn on the level system!

  • The ability to save progress!

  • The ability to create a cinematic camera!

  • The ability to create objects!

  • The ability to give/delete items at stages!

  • The ability to complete a quest in a separate session!

  • The ability to create custom interactions!

  • The ability to connect custom notifications!

  • Unique user interface with the possibility of customization!

  • Extensive instructions, which are described in the ReadMe file!

  • The ability to enable or disable each UI at your request!

  • The system includes 22 completed missions, and you can do more!

  • The ability to configure the particle in the specified coordinates!

  • You can customize any reward you want for completing mission/quests!

  • Multi-line rewards for items!

  • The ability to customize aggressive NPCs! (skin, weapons, area, quantity)

  • Job support that allows some quests to be used only by certain jobs! (ESX/QBcore)

  • The ability to set audio to the beginning or end of the mission!

  • Significantly increased optimization compared to previous versions!

  • Support of our :fire:Battle pass system!

  • Support of our :speech_balloon: Dialogue system!

  • Support of our :musical_note: Sound system DLC!

  • Support for our :nazar_amulet:free Interaction Button resource!

  • Support and a module for the :infinity: Core Skills resource!

  • The ability to activate the quest only at a certain time!

  • The ability to enable native loading!

  • The ability to configure so that the quest can be completed only once per restart!

  • A huge opportunity to customize the resource according to your desire!

  • Of course support, I’m ready to help you!

:shopping_cart: You can get that resource in my Tebex.


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Code is accessible Open source: Yes \ Escrow: No - Available only: config, module, ui
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 4000+
Requirements Standalone/ESX/QBCore
Support Yes

looks dope but damn that’s expensive.


Looks amazing but 80$ quite exspensive, well tho it is a good system.


Fantastic , its what im lookin for
but that price more expensive

i think i’ill comeback if price goes down


i absolutely LOVE this idea but $80 is well outside my budget unfortunately. Likely outside the budget for many small and/or new communities as well.


80 Bugs? :joy:

Have a good one

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The price has been reduced, enjoy :partying_face:

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$55 is still crazy expensive, I bought the whole game for $55 and it came with missions and a whole story mode. Looks good tho


You get the full source code without any encryption, I think it’s a fair price.

Don’t let people that aren’t even going to buy anyway talk you down even more. It’s your work and you charge what you think your time is worth. They all just want everything for nothing because their moms won’t raise their allowance.

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That’s all well and good to say, but i honestly think he’d make a lot more $ off it by lowering it a bit to where the smaller-med servers can afford. I also don’t think almost $70 Aud is nothing either, especially when he hasn’t got that many releases yet other than loading screens etc (no disrespect i’m sure it’s a great release, it’s just good to be a lil cautious sometimes with higher priced scripts) In the end it’s all just feedback and what he choses to do with that and how he choses to respond to it is entirely up to him. Maybe have two options, one with source code and one without :slight_smile:

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Thank you my friend, these are worthwhile words :smiling_face:

A new encrypted version of the quest system with key binding has become available on Tebex for a lower cost, welcome :mountain_snow:

If it was like $20 I’d buy it. But 50 is wayyyy too much.

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Check out my post above


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ESX support is available on request

:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Nice Script, it works with 1.2 perfekt. Nice Seller, thx mate

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Hi mate, just bought your quest system qb encrypted but getting this error

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I think it’s already been decided? :smile: