⛽️ [PAID] [QBCore][Standalone][ESX] Fuel system - Different designs | Different types of fuel | Convenient configuration file | Electric and Conventional Refueling | UI | Burevestnik


I welcome you CFX community!

Today i present to you a fuel system categorized by vehicle types that will bring more diversity to the gameplay on your server. I am confident that you and your players will find it appealing!

This system boasts a user-friendly interface that showcases various fuel options for different types of cars. In addition, it features a distinct fuel consumption mechanism within each vehicle and much more.

Demonstration of the system:

:movie_camera: Preview Video


Example of a configuration file:

Configuration files
-- /* 
-- ██████╗░██╗░░░██╗██████╗░███████╗██╗░░░██╗███████╗░██████╗████████╗███╗░░██╗██╗██╗░░██╗
-- ██╔══██╗██║░░░██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║░░░██║██╔════╝██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝████╗░██║██║██║░██╔╝
-- ██████╦╝██║░░░██║██████╔╝█████╗░░╚██╗░██╔╝█████╗░░╚█████╗░░░░██║░░░██╔██╗██║██║█████═╝░
-- ██╔══██╗██║░░░██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝░░░╚████╔╝░██╔══╝░░░╚═══██╗░░░██║░░░██║╚████║██║██╔═██╗░
-- ██████╦╝╚██████╔╝██║░░██║███████╗░░╚██╔╝░░███████╗██████╔╝░░░██║░░░██║░╚███║██║██║░╚██╗
-- ╚═════╝░░╚═════╝░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚══════╝░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚══╝╚═╝╚═╝░░╚═╝*/

Config = {}

Config.framework = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject() --ESX | QBCore -> exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

payFuel = function(fuelPrice, input, vehType) --Set up your framework here.
    local player = Config.framework.GetPlayerFromId(source)
	if player.getMoney() >= tonumber(fuelPrice) then
		TriggerClientEvent('bur_fuelsystem:refuel', source, input, vehType)
		TriggerClientEvent('bur_fuelsystem:burExitUI', source)
		TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, Config.Translation['nomoney'])
	--local player = Config.framework.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
	--if player.PlayerData.money["cash"] >= tonumber(fuelPrice) then
		--player.Functions.RemoveMoney('cash', fuelPrice, "Bank depost")
		--TriggerClientEvent('bur_fuelsystem:refuel', source, input, vehType)
	--	TriggerClientEvent('bur_fuelsystem:burExitUI', source)
	--	TriggerClientEvent("QBCore:Notify", source, Config.Translation['nomoney'], "success", 2500)

-- Use Burevestnik Interaction Button (https://forum.cfx.re/t/free-standalone-interaction-button/4860169)
Config.UseBurevestnikInteractionButton = false

DisplayHelpText = function(str)
    DisplayHelpTextFromStringLabel(0, 0, false, -1)

HelpNotificationBottom = function(text)
    EndTextCommandThefeedPostTicker(true, true)

Config.ObjeFuel = {-2007231801, 1339433404, 1694452750, 1933174915, -462817101, -469694731, -164877493}
Config.FuelOpenButton = 38
Config.interactionDistance = 4.0
Config.Translation = {
    ['menu'] = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to ~g~interact',
    ['nomoney'] = '~r~You do not have enough Money!',
	['noaccess'] = '~g~Your vehicle tank is full!',
	['wrongtypeoffuel'] = '~r~Incorrect fuel type!',
	['BurevestnikInteractionButton'] = 'E',
	['BurevestnikInteractionButtonText'] = 'Press to interact',
	['UIexit'] = 'EXIT',
	['UIgs1'] = 'GAS STATION',
	['UIgs1name'] = 'Burevestnik OIL',
	['UIfuel1'] = 'Regular',
	['UIfuel2'] = 'Premium',
	['UIfuel3'] = 'Diesel',
	['UIfuel4'] = 'ECO',
	['UIgs1text1'] = 'PRICE PER GALLON',
	['UIcost'] = 'COST',
	['UIfueltypetext'] = 'Your fuel type',
	['UIfueltypetitletext'] = 'Cash',
	['UIfueltypetext2'] = 'Processing...',
	['UIgs1pay'] = 'PAY AND REFUEL',
	['UIgs2name'] = 'Burevestnik STATION',
	['UIgs2text1'] = 'PRICE PER KW',
	['UIcurrency'] = '$',
	['UIbar'] = 'Fueling in progress...',

Config.useFuelConsumption = true
vehicleFuelConsumption = function(playerPed, vehicle)
	if GetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle) > 0 then 
		SetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle, GetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle) - (GetVehicleEstimatedMaxSpeed(vehicle)/1000))

Config.useSpecificfuel = true
Config.classes = { 
		vehicleClass = {1,2,3,4,8,9,13,18},
		fuelType = "regular",
		vehicleClass = {5,6,7},
		fuelType = "premium",
		vehicleClass = {10,11,12,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,22},
		fuelType = "disel",

Config.electricVehicles = {

Config.regularFuelPrice = 1
Config.premiumFuelPrice = 2
Config.diselFuelPrice = 3
Config.ecoFuelPrice = 4

Config.GasStationsBlips = {
        useBlip = true,
        blipID = 415, --Blip ID.
        blipScale = 0.6, --Blip scale.
        blipColor = 51, --Blip color.
        blipDisplay = 4, --Blip display.
        blipText = "Gas station", --Blip text.
		location = {
			vector3(49.4187, 2778.793, 58.043),
			vector3(263.894, 2606.463, 44.983),
			vector3(1039.958, 2671.134, 39.550),
			vector3(1207.260, 2660.175, 37.899),
			vector3(2539.685, 2594.192, 37.944),
			vector3(2679.858, 3263.946, 55.240),
			vector3(2005.055, 3773.887, 32.403),
			vector3(1687.156, 4929.392, 42.078),
			vector3(1701.314, 6416.028, 32.763),
			vector3(179.857, 6602.839, 31.868),
			vector3(-94.4619, 6419.594, 31.489),
			vector3(-2554.996, 2334.40, 33.078),
			vector3(-1800.375, 803.661, 138.651),
			vector3(-1437.622, -276.747, 46.207),
			vector3(-2096.243, -320.286, 13.168),
			vector3(-724.619, -935.1631, 19.213),
			vector3(-526.019, -1211.003, 18.184),
			vector3(-70.2148, -1761.792, 29.534),
			vector3(265.648, -1261.309, 29.292),
			vector3(819.653, -1028.846, 26.403),
			vector3(1208.951, -1402.567,35.224),
			vector3(1181.381, -330.847, 69.316),
			vector3(620.843, 269.100, 103.089),
			vector3(2581.321, 362.039, 108.468),
			vector3(176.631, -1562.025, 29.263),
			vector3(-319.292, -1471.715, 30.549),
			vector3(-722.6, -1472.88, 5.01),
			vector3(1784.324, 3330.55, 41.253)

--exports.Burevestnik_fuelsystem:Burevestnik_fuelsystem_setFuel(amount) -- 1.0/5.7/24.4 etc

Optimization (The script consumes):

0.00 ms in a quiet state.

0.03 ms in an active state.

What does this system include:

  • This system works on all versions of ESX, QBCore, as well as STANDALONE!
  • Detailed configuration file!
  • Beautiful user interface!
  • Unique fuel consumption system for each vehicle!
  • Support for our :nazar_amulet: [FREE][Standalone] Interaction Button | Text UI resource !
  • You can change the price for a different type of fuel!
  • Ability to select the required type of fuel depending on the type of car!
  • The ability to link the gas station location to the object!
  • There are more than 20 preset refueling locations, and it’s also easy to add new ones!
  • Exports are available!
  • Of course support, I’m ready to help you!

:shopping_cart: [OPEN SOURCE] You can get that resource in my Tebex.

:shopping_cart: [ESCROW] You can get that resource in my Tebex.


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Code accessible Open source: Yes \ Escrow: No - Available only: config, ui
Subscription based No
Lines (approximately) ~1600
Requirements Standalone/ESX/QBCore
Support Yes

What about saving the cars fuel data?

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Amazing :star_struck:

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Fuel values are saved.
If you get in and out of the car, the fuel level will be unchanged. If you park the car in the garage, it should also be preserved.
I hope I answered the question correctly. :slightly_smiling_face:


will the standalone work with QB no issues?

1 Like

Everything will work fine, the only thing you will need to change the money function, if you need it :cowboy_hat_face:

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What is the difference premium, petrol and diesel

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The first difference is in price, the other is an improvement in the performance of the car engine :fuelpump:

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Maybe something like add that every car use a specific type of fuel, and if u put the wrong one it will damage the engine on the way.
Cool script btw

1 Like

Great idea, I’ll release an update in a couple of hours! :wink:
Thanks for the feedback!

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Update 1.2.0 of all versions :fuelpump:

  • Added the ability to select the required type of fuel depending on the type of car.
    If you fill the car, ship, plane with the wrong fuel, then your engine will start to smoke and lose functionality.


Contact me if you have any questions.


Is it possible to implement a working petrol can?

1 Like

It can be implemented as an item with different types of fuel for ESX. :rocket:

1 Like

Would be awesome :wink:

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Nice release

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Update 1.3.0 of all versions :fuelpump:

  • Added the possibility of cans with different types of fuel as an item (ESX).

Contact me if you have any questions.


Update 1.4.0 of all versions :fuelpump:

  • Fixed a bug where it was impossible to use canisters in some cases.
  • Added SQL file to quickly add items to use (ESX only).
  • Improved, now when refueling with unsuitable fuel, it will be impossible to refuel the car at 100%, your fuel level will automatically become 8%.
  • Minor bugs have been fixed.

Contact me if you have any questions.


Update 1.5.0 of all versions :fuelpump:

  • Fixed an error when sometimes nearby cars were refueled with the same fuel as the refueling car, which caused the car to break down.
  • Minor bugs have been fixed.

Contact me if you have any questions.

1 Like

Update 1.6.0 of all versions :fuelpump:

  • Added a free camera.

Contact me if you have any questions.

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Could you send me a new version ?

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