๐Ÿ“ธ [PAID] [Standalone][ESX][QBCore] Speed cameras system - Radar system | Traffic fines | UI | Burevestnik


I welcome you CFX community!

Today I present to you a system of high-speed cameras/radars, thanks to which you will be able to diversify the gameplay on your server! Iโ€™m sure you and your players will love it!

This system includes a pleasant user interface, the ability to configure the entire resource, thanks to a convenient configuration file. The resource includes 3 speed zones, into which the cameras are divided and scattered throughout the map. Driving above the specified limit in the zone, you will receive a fine, it will vary depending on your speed.

Demonstration of the system:

:movie_camera: Preview Video


Example of a configuration file:

Configuration files
-- /* 
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Config = {}

Config.framework = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject() --ESX | QBCore -> exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

Config.debug = false --Debug mode that shows visually the interaction zone.

payFine = function(finePrice) --Set up your framework here.
    local player = Config.framework.GetPlayerFromId(source)
    player.removeAccountMoney('bank', finePrice)

    --local player = Config.framework.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
    --player.Functions.RemoveMoney('bank', tonumber(finePrice), "Bank depost")

--Do you want to use the police notification?
Config.policeNotification = false
policeNotification = function(plate, speed) -- Insert your police notification event here, it will be triggered every time a player receives a ticket for speeding (This is a client function)
    --plate - Returns the player's vehicle plate
    --speed - Returns the speed of the player's vehicle

Config.measurementSpeed = 3.6 --MPH = 2.236936
Config.measurementSpeedText = "KM/H"

Config.Translation1 = "FINE"
Config.Translation2 = "OVER"
Config.Translation3 = "SPEED"
Config.Translation4 = "PERMISSIBLE SPEED: "
Config.Translation5 = "-$"

Config.speedZones = { --Setting up zones.
	--40 Zones
        zoneRadius = 15.0, --Radius of the camera operation area.
        maxSpeed = 40.0,  --This is the maximum speed for the zone.
        speedFine = 100, --This is a speeding ticket.
        speedExtraFine = 10, --For each unit of speed exceeding the limit, an additional coefficient is applied. For example, if the permissible speed is 40 miles per hour, and you were driving at 45 miles per hour, then an additional amount will be added to the standard penalty amount by multiplying 5 by an additional factor.
        useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this camera.
        blipID = 629, --Blip ID.
        blipScale = 0.5, --Blip scale.
        blipColor = 63, --Blip color.
        blipDisplay = 4, --Blip display.
        blipText = "Speedcamera", --Blip text.
        usePlaySoundFrontend = true, --Use audio playback.
        audioName = "LOSER", --You can find the list here: https://pastebin.com/DCeRiaLJ
        audioRef = "HUD_AWARDS", --You can find the list here: https://pastebin.com/DCeRiaLJ
        blacklistCars = { --List of car models that will not be fined.
        locations = {  --Location coordinates. x,y,z
            vector3(-524.2645, -1776.3569, 21.3384),
            vector3(-11.9102, -1593.4663, 31.7425),
            vector3(-136.6612, -1748.2864, 33.3483),
            vector3(234.4946, -2077.0002, 20.3015),
            vector3(508.8077, -1287.0267, 32.5057),
            vector3(240.5679, 442.1862, 125.2563),
            vector3(-333.5400, 970.2454, 237.4889),
            vector3(-475.8606, 2792.3855, 42.5281), 
            vector3(1290.3013, 3540.3713, 38.5816),
            vector3(1693.6620, 3503.9421, 45.8228),
            vector3(1933.0225, 3766.8630, 35.6961),
            vector3(2186.8440, 4755.0615, 45.2221),
            vector3(79.4935, 6607.2534, 35.6452),
            vector3(-175.3119, 6361.1865, 36.0769),
            vector3(-376.8156, 6158.2197, 36.1219),
            vector3(-328.9468, 6349.1787, 29.8586), 
    --80 Zones
        zoneRadius = 15.0, --Radius of the camera operation area.
        maxSpeed = 40.0,  --This is the maximum speed for the zone.
        speedFine = 100, --This is a speeding ticket.
        speedExtraFine = 10, --For each unit of speed exceeding the limit, an additional coefficient is applied. For example, if the permissible speed is 40 miles per hour, and you were driving at 45 miles per hour, then an additional amount will be added to the standard penalty amount by multiplying 5 by an additional factor.
        useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this camera.
        blipID = 629, --Blip ID.
        blipScale = 0.5, --Blip scale.
        blipColor = 63, --Blip color.
        blipDisplay = 4, --Blip display.
        blipText = "Speedcamera", --Blip text.
        usePlaySoundFrontend = true, --Use audio playback.
        audioName = "LOSER", --You can find the list here: https://pastebin.com/DCeRiaLJ
        audioRef = "HUD_AWARDS", --You can find the list here: https://pastebin.com/DCeRiaLJ
        blacklistCars = { --List of car models that will not be fined.
        locations = {  --Location coordinates. x,y,z
            vector3(2506.0671, 4145.2431, 38.1054),
            vector3(1258.2006, 789.4199, 104.2190),
            vector3(980.9982, 407.4164, 92.2374),
            vector3(264.4298, -571.9672, 46.9132), 
            vector3(-305.9037, -658.3281, 35.8377),
            vector3(-1080.2468, -761.5724, 22.9870),
            vector3(-1286.8175, -913.8415, 12.8420),
            vector3(-1036.8447, -194.4415, 41.4442),
            vector3(-768.9990, -109.3732, 41.0835),
            vector3(-79.1385, -107.1948, 62.3107),
    --120 Zones
        zoneRadius = 15.0, --Radius of the camera operation area.
        maxSpeed = 40.0,  --This is the maximum speed for the zone.
        speedFine = 100, --This is a speeding ticket.
        speedExtraFine = 10, --For each unit of speed exceeding the limit, an additional coefficient is applied. For example, if the permissible speed is 40 miles per hour, and you were driving at 45 miles per hour, then an additional amount will be added to the standard penalty amount by multiplying 5 by an additional factor.
        useBlip = true, --The ability to use blip on the map for this camera.
        blipID = 629, --Blip ID.
        blipScale = 0.5, --Blip scale.
        blipColor = 63, --Blip color.
        blipDisplay = 4, --Blip display.
        blipText = "Speedcamera", --Blip text.
        usePlaySoundFrontend = true, --Use audio playback.
        audioName = "LOSER", --You can find the list here: https://pastebin.com/DCeRiaLJ
        audioRef = "HUD_AWARDS", --You can find the list here: https://pastebin.com/DCeRiaLJ
        blacklistCars = { --List of car models that will not be fined.
        locations = {  --Location coordinates. x,y,z
            vector3(1584.9281, -993.4557, 59.3923),
            vector3(2442.2006, -134.6004, 88.7765),
            vector3(2871.7951, 3540.5795, 53.0930),
            vector3(2565.5107, 5411.4404, 47.0553),
            vector3(2427.6633, 5650.2651, 47.7733),
            vector3(1511.5746, 6440.4209, 25.6145),
            vector3(72.4028, 6447.8911, 33.6709),
            vector3(-414.2698, 5953.9805, 35.3892),
            vector3(-1768.9891, 4749.7622, 59.4193),
            vector3(-2508.8550, 3546.5959, 20.8208), 
            vector3(-2508.8550, 3546.5959, 20.8208), 
            vector3(-2455.4250, -224.5286, 22.0990),
            vector3(3.1492, -482.1571, 36.3708),
            vector3(331.0190, -534.5515, 37.4802),

Optimization (The script consumes):

0.00 ms in a quiet state.

0.01 ms in an active state.

What does this system include:

  • This system works on all versions of ESX, QBCore, as well as STANDALONE!
  • Beautiful user interface!
  • Detailed setup of each speed camera!
  • Convenient configuration file!
  • The ability to debagging the zone!
  • Notification to the police in case of speeding!
  • 40 preset cameras!
  • You can completely change the user interface at will!
  • Of course support, Iโ€™m ready to help you!

:shopping_cart: [OPEN SOURCE] You can get that resource in my Tebex.

:shopping_cart: [ESCROW] You can get that resource in my Tebex.


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Code accessible Open source: Yes \ Escrow: No - Available only: config, ui
Subscription based No
Lines (approximately) ~1000
Requirements Standalone/ESX/QBCore
Support Yes

Great resource :astonished:

1 Like

Butโ€ฆdoes it only give you a ticket if you own the car?

1 Like

No, you will get a ticket regardless of whether you own a car or not


1 Like

The price has been reduced :jigsaw:


very good resource very helpful for cop RP!

1 Like

:camera_flash: Update 1.0.1 of all versions

  • Updated features for better performance.
  • Fixed an error when the UI sent logs to the console without the development parameter enabled.
  • Improved performance.
  • Minor mistakes.

Contact me if you have any questions.


Update 2.0.0 of all versions

  • The script has been completely rewritten.
  • Now the resource has a convenient configuration file.
  • Added debug mod.
  • Added the ability to configure each camera individually.
  • Added support for ESX, QBCore.
  • All past shortcomings and errors have been eliminated.
  • Responsiveness of the resource and interface has been increased.

:mega: Contact me if you have any questions.

Awesome and fast support :heart_on_fire:

1 Like

Thanks for the review :heart:

1 Like

Update 2.1.0 of all versions

  • Fixed a bug where in some cases fines could come to the vehicle in the blacklist.
  • Fixed configuration file format.

:mega: Contact me if you have any questions.

Update 2.2.0 of all versions

  • Added a policeNotification feature that allows you to trigger police notifications using your event.
  • The logic of police notifications has been redesigned.
  • Fixed a bug that caused duplicate fines in some cases.

:mega: Contact me if you have any questions.