The most complete garage script with UI!

-Complete garage system with storage of vehicle status (general damage, fuel, etc…)
-Garages can be configured individually, so you can store vehicles in one garage and have them not appear in other garages.
-Creation of private garages by job or user.
-Vehicle key with many options (open doors, lock, start, locate, etc.) and with -Possibility to give access to the keys to another user.
-Tax rates per vehicle
-Vehicle locking system (npc’s) by whitelist
-Lockpicing with mini-game
-Realistic radars system with flash, sound, captured image and sent to a Discord webhook, etc… with possibility of putting physical radars where you want.
-Fake license plate system, with option to require an item as a tool.
-Vehicle impound system

Compatible with ESX and QB





More scripts:
-Vehicle Control
-Police MDT
-Driving School
-Pause Menu
-Donator/Coins System
-Weapon Shop
-Clothing Shop
-Car Radio

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +3000
Requirements Screenshot-basic
Support Yes

Only police can take out transport from impound?

only the jobs that you set from the config, by default mechanics and police are set.
But if you set a price for the removal the users will also be able to do the removal by paying that amount.


It is now also possible to create garages for helicopters/airplanes and boats!

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its possible to have a private garage (ex mechanic garage) where i have job specific cars that can be storaged ?

Ex.: Mechanic garage where i have mechanic cars that only mecs can use and will show the same cars for all mecs but they cant storage their personal cars, only the job car

yes, it’s possible

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Can you please include in the script that some cars are hidden in the jobs garages depending on the rank?

For example, a nurse can’t see the doctor car.

Thanks in advace :slight_smile:

hi @MetaVRP, you can add a suggestion in discord and it will be evaluated to add that option in an update

there’s other paid scripts that doesnt support ur garage, so can u make it so ur garage is called qb-garages and has the same functions names and parameters ty!

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it doesn’t make any sense what you are asking me to do. If you are our customer and you have problems to adapt the script with others that you have on your server open a support ticket and we will help you, greetings.

does the spot where vehicle spawn only vector or can make it a list of vectors

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