[PAID][ESX/QB] BIT - Rewards

The script is a daily reward system.
Every day that the user connects to the server he will be able to claim a reward. It is not possible for the user to claim already claimed or future rewards.
The user can only claim one reward per day and it must match the total number of days claimed.
You can configure rewards for 31 days in the shared.lua file. The script will detect how many days the month has.
If that month has 30 days it will only show 30 rewards.

COMPATIBILITY: Compatible with ESX and QB.

:video_camera: DISPLAY:

:shopping_cart: BUY

More scripts:
-Clothing Shop v.2
-Business 2.0
-Vehicle Control
-Police MDT
-Driving School
-Pause Menu
-Donator/Coins System
-Weapon Shop
-Car Radio

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +500
Requirements No
Support Yes
1 Like

Simple script, easy to use and above all optimised, good job bitc0de.