[PAID][ESX/QB] BIT Interactive City

Transform your FiveM server into a living, breathing world with our Advanced Interaction Script. Designed to elevate the roleplay experience to new levels, this script adds an unprecedented layer of depth and realism to every corner of Los Santos.

Key Features:

Compatibility: works seamlessly with QB and ESX, as well as any targeting system (qb-target, ox-target, etc.).
Total interaction with the environment: Sit on any chair, lie on benches, rest on beds. The city is your home.
Manipulation of urban objects: Activate fire hydrants, control traffic lights, use vending machines and more.
Realistic emergency systems: Use public phones to contact emergency services with dispatching alerts.
Street economy: Scavenge for treasure, rob NPCs, or dare with small-scale heists in supermarkets.
Unique social interactions: Pet animals, take hostages, use props to enrich your roleplay, talk to npc’s, etc…
Immersive exploration: Use public binoculars, warm up at campfires, and discover Los Santos like never before.

Our script not only adds new mechanics, but completely transforms the way players interact with the virtual world. Every corner of the city becomes an opportunity for creativity, strategy and unique storytelling.

Plus you can manage the action with each prop easily from the script settings and add the features you want to new props!

Discover the power of total interactivity today!

-Requires a targeting system (qb-target, ox-target, bt-target, etc…).

:video_camera: VIDEO:

:shopping_cart: BUY:

More scripts:
-Boat School
-Flight School
-Treasure Hunting
-Used Cars
-Garbage Job
-Advanced Tasks
-Clothing Shop v.2
-Business 2.0
-Vehicle Control
-Police MDT
-Driving School
-Pause Menu
-Donator/Coins System
-Weapon Shop
-Car Radio

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +3000
Requirements Any target system
Support Yes

Wow thats really cool. Good job :grinning:

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this is insane, can features be disabled? for example i have my own vending machine script so i would like to disable yours etc

thank you! yes, you can deactivate everything you need


perfect bro amazing release :heart:

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Looking good! Keep up the great work

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I like this xD Great work

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Good job

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UPDATE version 1.1

-A blacklist has been added to limit the NPCs that can be used as hostages.
-Fixed the drawtext that appears when taking an NPC as hostage.
-Fixed a bug with the cooldown of shoplifting.
-Fixed the operation of the traffic lights so that they return to red after a few seconds.
-Added an option in the shared.lua file to force the character to stand up when sitting in case your emotes system doesn’t allow the character to stand up.
-A new action has been added: You can now drop items from your inventory into the garbage cans.
-A new action has been added: Now you can steal from the mailboxes of the houses.

version 1.2
-There is now an option in the shared.lua to add npc’s to a whitelist. To prevent them from being robbed, talked to or taken hostage.
-More barriers have been added to interact with.
-Fixed a problem with the ForceGetUp option.
-A function has been added to shared.lua to check if you have the weapon or not. Now you can change it in case you have the weapons as items.
-Added an option to activate the dispatch in case of robberies and taking npc’s as hostages.
-Fixed a problem when getting up from the chairs that caused a failure with some emotes systems (in testing).
-Added a cooldown for stealing letterbox.
-Fixed the cooldown for stealing npc’s as it didn’t work correctly.
-Fixed not being able to steal or take animals hostage.
-You can no longer take dead npc’s as hostages.

Hey, could you update the discord link in the store?

solved! if it does not work, maybe it is because you have the web cached, press Control + F5 and the cache will be cleared and you will see the link correctly.