To sream Custom Clothing in a server with MORE THAN 8 Player slots you must Subscribe to a Tier in the CFX Portal the CFX Portal page .
First go here and download your clothe
we use Louis Vuitton polo pack:
When you have clothe pack downloaded go to .zip file and rename .ytd files to look like that
Next create resoruce called ex. LVPoloPack
in this resource create file __resource.lua and you don’t have to write anything in this file
after that create stream folder and put .ytd files to this stream folder.
Add resource to .cfg, clear cache and restart server!
Note: You must restart FiveM Client every time you leave the server (If not clothes may not be streamed to your client)
But what i must do to stream another clothes?
Just download your clothes from GTA V MODS and search for installation guide.
In installation guide you should have something like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\mods\x64v.rpf\models\cdimages\streamedpeds_mp.rpf\mp_m_freemode_01
you need last position.
So if your clothe is stored in mp_m_freemode_01 you must put mp_m_freemode_01^ in name of .ytd file
Clothes can be stored in other position so maybe it can look like that
I don’t see tut like that so i post it here because many people ask how to do this
To stream pedtextures you don’t need to put anything before the name
Like this: