[Release] Carry people over your shoulder

Could you uploading your clothes?

Where do I put this?

How can I do to work with dead players?

Cool script but i got a unrelated question is how do you get those story mode shoes working on mp ped… cause them travis aj1s are fire

cool :wink:

They are not story mode shoes they are custom from gta5mods, any clothes you see there for MP or freemode can be streamed to your FiveM server if you are a FiveM Patreon. Here is how you do it [How-to] Stream custom clothes

yh yh ik they’re custom off gta v mods and ik how to do custom clothes (already got a few in the server) but the shoes he has aren’t for mp ped… So that’s why i wanna know how he got em

Okay i thought they were these https://www.gta5-mods.com/player/shoes-air-jordan-template-fivem-ready-mp-male-femal-baskets-packs but looking again they are different you are right

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if you have sublime just drag your resource folder into it and right click iy - find in folder -DetachEntity(GetPlayerPed(-1) in any client side script

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Thank you for your help

Anyclue on how to put this on a interaction menu?

Is there a way to sync the animation while the ped is dead? When i pick up dead entities currently, they will not play the animation.


is there anything like this to take someone as a hostage ?

Did you get this to work?

Because they are dead? Revive the target but keep him incapacitated is an option.

This will be nice to use in my Roleplay server. Very excited!

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Can you add ‘disable’ all/most inputs when the animation is in progress?

Sorry for the late reply but yes, on our RP server we are currently reviving and then carrying the “passed out” patient with this script and it´s working great!

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hello it is possible to replace the registercommand by the possiblity to put a touch a bit like the propose a person on the addons take a hostage

in the style :

– Key to take hostage
Citizen.CreateThread (function ()
while true do
Citizen.Wait (5)
if IsControlJustPressed (1, 124) and IsControlPressed (1, 124) then
takeHostage ()

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I need it too