Doubts about branded clothing

I have a great doubt that is try to add branded clothing type an adidas T-shirt and I have tried everything I do not know if I am doing it wrong I already looked in the clothing stores and nothing I heard said that it was necessary to pay to be able to by the branded clothes on the server and how this whole system works for everyone who wastes time responding!

é esse estilo só que convertido para fivem.

Your question is very unclear.

Is this on a server you play on or one you own?

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I wanted branded clothes on my server only that I tried to convert and by and did not give anything I tried to search I found that I had to pay patreon Can you explain me this system how it works?

You need to be a Patreon of the level displayed on the FiveM Patreon, then once synced with the forums you generate a new license key.

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