[PAID] [Standalone] [ESX] [QBCORE] Television | Vehicle Television

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Price is 30€ + tax

RTX DEVELOPMENT TEAM (Kanikuly) Presents!

New system for TVs, TVs in vehicles.

Works for all frameworks such as ESX, QBCore, vRP, and also works on other frameworks.

Our TV supports rendertarget which means that it’s possible to use even on curved displays.

Our televisions support quite a lot of objects.

It’s possible to add more televisions if you tweak your config with either rendertarget objects or via Generic DUI 2d/3d renderer as well.

Our televisions allow you to install TVs in vehicles as well.

It’s possible to have them installed right from the get go.

You have a choice to make certain vehicles equiped with a television, or it’s possible to add them with an item / event.

That means that televisions will only appear in vehicles that you’ve wanted to equip them with.

Our televisions are completely synchronized.

Players only see the TV in the vehicle when they are inside.

They support 13 different formats of URL (YouTube, Twitch, MP3, MP4, Vimeo, Dailymotion, SoundCloud, Facebook, Streamable, Bilibili, Huya, Aparat, Kick) all of these formats are synchronized.

They allow you to change the volume.

Offsets for vehicles have to be created with our offset creator. Once that’s done, you’ll have to insert the values into your config of that vehicle.

It’s simple, and we have a tutorial to show you if you have any trouble with this exact step.

There is an unlimited amount of TVs you can have in your vehicle.

Our script is completely standalone, you can use it in whatever framework you would like to use it in.

Only exeption is with Vehicle Televison Install, that’s for QBCore and ESX only.

You can choose interface color in config as well.

It is possible to project an image (png, gif, jpg) on TV (You can activate or deactivate this function in config).

It is possible to project any web page on the TV. (You can activate or deactivate this function in the config).

It is possible for specified TVs at given coordinates to be controlled by the player only when he has the given permission.

This script is protected via Escrow System, you can still configure almost everything in config.lua, language.lua, and you can also change it’s style in html.

➤ OneSync Infinity Ready

➤ Easy to install

➤ Standalone

➤ ESX/QBCore Special Feature (vehicle television install via item, remote control item)

➤ Configurable

➤ Synchronized between players

➤ Television supports 13 different URL formats

➤ Vehicle Television

➤ Volume control

➤ Works on a lot of types of objects

➤ Good optimization (0.01ms)

Purchase on Tebex.
Price is 30€ + tax

Theme Park
Water Park
Gym System
Club 77
Car Radio
Car Lift
Neons Reloaded
Gift System
Positionable Hud
Mission Row Shops & Apartments
Traffic Islands
Legion Square Shop
LSC Enhanced
Weaponary Bunker

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2500
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

so u did u take of browsing the web or can u still browse the web

For now you can’t browse the web through our TV.
Currently we support 9 different formats of URL for play videos/music (YouTube, Twitch, MP3, MP4, Vimeo, Dailymotion, SoundCloud, Facebook, Streamable) all of these formats are synchronized.

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Awsome script for the television :tv:.The fact is: the ui is so beautiful in pink + a clean working code,is awesome :ok_hand::laughing::heart_decoration:


Thank you :sparkling_heart:

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I bought the television 10/10.
Rtx have best customer support i ever seen.

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Thank you :sparkling_heart:

Looks awesome, Great job!

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Thank you :sparkling_heart:

Television got a new update!

TVs were upgraded with a new function. Spawning TVs through config. You only need to type the model, coordinates, and rotation, and your TV will spawn at that exact place.
It’s also now possible to integrate installation of your TV into Vehicles for custom framework. You only need to modify your “other.lua” file for your own needs

Television got a new update!

It is now possible to set a separate distance for displaying the video on the TV and the distance for controlling the TV.

We have added new links that our TV supports, Bilibili and Huya have been added, now Chinese players can watch videos through these platforms! Now our TV supports 11 different links.

Television got a new update!

It is now possible to play all youtube videos.

It is now possible to project an image (png, gif, jpg) on TV (You can activate or deactivate this function in config)

It is now possible to project any web page on the TV. (You can activate or deactivate this function in the config)

It is now possible for specified TVs at given coordinates to be controlled by the player only when he has the given permission.

Television got a new update!

It is now possible to have instanced TVs so that if you are in a different instance, you will not see a video that plays on the same TV in a different routing bucket, this feature can be turned on or off in the config.

It is now possible to turn on or off the playing of given link types on the server, for example if you don’t want players to play mp4 videos on the server you can turn them off in config.

A new link type has been added: aparat.com

Television got a new update!

Everyone, please download the new version of Television.

All known bugs have been fixed.

It is now possible to turn on streamermode via command, if you turn on streamer mode you will not hear any sounds from the TV.

New permission system added, televisions that you specify in config to be controlled only via permisisons can be opened not only via ace permisisons but now also via defining the player identifier or via job.

It is now possible to play videos that you upload directly to your television folder.

Television got a new update!

Everyone, please download the new version of Television.

All known bugs have been fixed.

It is now possible to control the TV via server exports, so it is possible to implement turning on the TV, playing video on the TV, changing the TV volume, turning off the TV via your other scripts or commands.

Exports that have been added: StartTelevision, PlayVideoOnTelevision, ChangeVolumeTelevision, StopTelevision

Television got a new update!

Everyone, please download the new version of Television.

All known bugs have been fixed.

Added support for Kick.com streams.

Television got a new update!

Everyone, please download the new version of Television.

All known bugs have been fixed.

Added ability to control TV via target (qtarget, qbtarget, oxtarget).

Added the ability to have screens on the server that will have a web page or video running when the script is turned on, without player manipulation. (You can enable this function in Config.TelevisionPresets)

How to disable ur notify system ?
and after i have nothing

In the picture is not our notify system, you can change your notify system in config.

Television got a new update!

Everyone, please download the new version of Television.

All known bugs have been fixed.

Added new function in config Config.EnableTvInSameRoomOnly which will show the video to the player and also the player will hear the sound only when he is in the same room as the TV.

Added dev function in config Config.EnableGetNearbyTvCoords to get the exact coordinates of the TV, useful for example for the permission system, example: /getnearbytv prop_tv_flat_01