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  • ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ᅠ
    ○ ESX, QBCore (support all versions) and QBX.


  • Lootbag
    ○ When a player dies, they will drop a loot bag.
    ○ Other players can see and take the bag and its items.
    ○ You can change the key used to pick up the bag and customize the key’s text.
    ○ You can configure a blacklist for certain items to exclude from the loot bag.
    ○ You can set a time limit for the bag to be removed.
  • Optimization & Files
    ○ rm_lootbag supports (for items with metadata): ox_inventory, qb-inventory and qs-inventory.
    If your existing systems are not on this list, we can easily add them if you send us the necessary documentation.
    ○ rm_lootbag supports: ox_target, qb-target, qtarget and help notification.
    ○ This resource is running at idle with 0.00-0.01ms.
    ○ This resource is using Asset Escrow System by FiveM. The open source version is in store.
    ○ Some of the files are open for notifications and many editable things. (editable client/server)

Configuration & Language

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Other Resources

House Robbery Bounty Board Chopshop
Scenes: Draw everywhere Vault Heist: Los Santos Throw Everything [item, weapon, object]
Towtruck + Missions Lootbag Zombies & Dungeon
Gangs - Territory, Wars, Tribute Zones! Camper V: Drug Caravans Realistic Airdrop
ATM Robbery - 4 in 1! Bobcat Security Heist Gun Store Heist
Minigame Bundle Weapon V: Realism Boombox with Watch Party
Illegal Corners: Selling Goods Decal V: Graffiti & Vehicle Sticker Hacker V: Become Hacker
Other Heist Scripts
Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 250+ (not including config file)
Requirements Yes
Support Yes

RAINMAD Season'24


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :ok_hand:

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Seems soo cool to try with other scripts it feels immersive

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I want only weapons and ammo to be droped, does this work like this or does this drop all the items on players inventory. thank you.

We updated Lootbag for whitelist items.

wow nice work <3 <3 <3

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Is it a cool down time on it or you just have the loot bag at certain times? Great script tho will definitely get it

Wonderful, wonderful :tada: