Hey guys,
today I want to present my Multichar system for ESX.
First of all: Because I’ve noticed that a lot of you currently are using KASHacters, this system is build perfectly adapt to your old data.
You still have to import the .sql File, but then it should run without problems and with old data but new features!
Since the newest update from the 31.01.2021 now all ESX versions are supported!
Features of myMultichar:
- Multiple character support
- Configurable individual character slot count for every player (for Example to allow good roleplayers, to play more characters.)
→ The default character slots, have to be edited in the -sql template:
`maxChars` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 <- just edit the 1 here!
- Support for Ped Models: You can give players access to use a custom ped. For this there is a Command: /changePed (only with permissions)
- Spawn Selector included: You can setup whether new players should have the opportunity to select theit first spawn location. In addition you can also enable this for every player .
- Complete Registration Menu is included. So if you are currently using esx_identity, you can completely disable this.
- myMultichar - Update - 28.01.2021 - Added the possibility to allow your users to delete their characters (Can be disabled in the Config)
To grant permissions ingame, you can use the command /giveperm [Player-ID] [charamount/pedmode] [Value] → With this command you can edit the character slots of a player or give him access to the Ped Selection. - Update - 28.01.2021 - Added the possibility to allow your users to delete their characters (Can be disabled in the Config)
Showcase Video:
Character selection:
The symbols mean, that this character is a special ped.
Ped Selection: With permissions: /giveperm [Player-ID] [charamount/pedmode] [Value]
Register Menu (You can also open this with /register)
Update - 07.03.2022
- Added a feature so you can set isDead in the database to 1. Then this character can not be selected anymore
As always the script comes with a language config, so you can set up this script in any language you want. English and German configuration is already there.
Regarding Escrow
This script is managed through the FiveM Keymaster.
Regarding this we paid the highest attention to the opportunity that everybody can simply modify everything without any encryption.
For this matter we only included about some unimportant lines of code, which never have to be modified and can’t cause any problems into the escrow file. So I can promise 100% that you will never even notice this protection, when you aren’t willed to leak the script.
Language config
Translation = {
['de'] = {
['select_character'] = 'Charakterauswahl',
['select_character_desc'] = '~b~Wähle einen Charakter aus.',
['new_character'] = '~b~Charakter erstellen.',
['new_character_desc'] = 'Erstelle einen neuen Charakter.',
['slots_full'] = 'Du kannst keinen weiteren Char erstellen!',
['select_title'] = 'Einreise',
['last_position'] = '~b~→ ~s~Letzte Position',
['position_desc'] = 'Klicke, um bei ~b~',
['position_desc_2'] = ' ~s~zu spawnen.',
['register_title'] = 'Charakter erstellen',
['register_title_desc'] = 'Vervollständige deine Papiere für die Einreise',
['gender_m'] = ' männlich ',
['gender_f'] = ' weiblich ',
['name'] = 'Vorname',
['lastname'] = 'Nachname',
['dob'] = 'Geburtsdatum',
['height'] = 'Größe',
['sex'] = 'Geschlecht',
['confirm'] = '~b~Einreise',
['confirm_desc'] = 'Alles korrekt eingegeben? Dann kann es jetzt losgehen!',
['insert_name'] = 'Vorname eingeben',
['insert_lastname'] = 'Nachname eingeben',
['insert_dob'] = 'Geburtsdatum eingeben (Format: 01.01.2000)',
['insert_height'] = 'Größe eingeben (140-200)',
['height_unit'] = 'cm',
['register_error'] = '~r~Mindestens ein Feld wurde nicht korrekt ausgefüllt!',
['ped_models'] = 'Ped Models',
['default_ped'] = 'Standard Ped',
['pedmode_no_perms'] = '~r~Keine Rechte!',
['giveperm_wrong_usage'] = '~r~Falsche Bedienung! ~w~/giveperm [Player-ID] [charamount/pedmode] [Value]',
['giveperm_success'] = '~g~Successfully added permission',
['giveperm_error'] = '~r~Player is not online!',
['en'] = {
['select_character'] = 'My Characters',
['select_character_desc'] = '~b~Choose a Character.',
['new_character'] = '~b~Create new Character',
['new_character_desc'] = 'Create a new Character.',
['slots_full'] = 'You do not have enough Char Slots!',
['select_title'] = 'Register',
['last_position'] = '~b~→ ~s~Last Position',
['position_desc'] = 'Click to spawn at ~b~',
['position_desc_2'] = '~s~.',
['register_title'] = 'Create character',
['register_title_desc'] = 'Complete your ID-Card!',
['gender_m'] = ' male ',
['gender_f'] = ' female ',
['name'] = 'First name',
['lastname'] = 'Last name',
['dob'] = 'Date of birth',
['height'] = 'Height',
['sex'] = 'Gender',
['confirm'] = '~b~Enter the island',
['confirm_desc'] = 'Everything correct?',
['insert_name'] = 'Enter first name',
['insert_lastname'] = 'Enter last name',
['insert_dob'] = 'Enter date of birth (example: 01.01.2000)',
['insert_height'] = 'Insert height (140-200)',
['height_unit'] = 'cm',
['register_error'] = '~r~At least one field is not correct!',
['ped_models'] = 'Ped Models',
['default_ped'] = 'Default Ped',
['pedmode_no_perms'] = '~r~You can not do this!',
['giveperm_wrong_usage'] = '~r~Wrong usage! ~w~/giveperm [Player-ID] [charamount/pedmode] [Value]',
['giveperm_success'] = '~g~Successfully added permission',
['giveperm_error'] = '~r~Player is not online!',
Config file
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.useMyDrugs = false -- If you use myDrugs enable this
Config.ApplyDelay = 3000 -- Don't edit this if you don't know what you do ^^
Config.AdminGroup = 'superadmin'
Config.PermissionsCommand = 'giveperm'
Config.Tables = {
{table = "phone_users_contacts", column = "identifier"},
{table = "users", column = "identifier"},
{table = "user_inventory", column = "identifier"},
{table = "user_jobs", column = "identifier"},
Config.SpawnLocations = {
{label = 'Los Santos International Airfield', pos = {x = -1035.2248535156, y = -2729.5324707031, z = 13.756646156311}},
{label = 'Del Perro Beach', pos = {x = -1646.1577148438, y = -1006.9326171875, z = 13.017389297485}},
{label = 'Paleto Bay', pos = {x = -439.59637451172, y = 6020.2290039062, z = 31.490133285522}},
{label = 'Grapeseed', pos = {x = 2169.8049316406, y = 4776.5668945312, z = 41.221500396729}},
{label = 'Sandy Shores', pos = {x = 1782.5380859375, y = 3309.3269042969, z = 41.366504669189}},
{label = 'Legion Square', pos = {x = 223.65687561035, y = -859.32794189453, z = 30.130056381226}},
{label = 'Mirror Park', pos = {x = 1057.3858642578, y = -718.24951171875, z = 56.8473777771}},
Config.ShowSpawnSelectionOnFirstJoin = true
Config.FirstSpawnLocation = {x = -1035.2248535156, y = -2729.5324707031, z = 13.756646156311} -- only if the setting above is disabled.
Config.ShowSpawnSelectionForEverybody = false
Config.Peds = {
{hash = 'a_c_rottweiler', name = "Rottweiler"},
{hash = 'a_c_cat_01', name = "Cat"},
{hash = 'a_c_westy', name = "Westy"},
{hash = 'a_c_chickenhawk', name = "Chicken Hawk"},
{hash = 'a_c_cow', name = "Cow"},
{hash = 'a_c_deer', name = "Deer"},
{hash = 'a_c_crow', name = "Crow"},
{hash = 'a_c_cormorant', name = "Cormorant"},
{hash = 'a_c_hen', name = "Hen"},
{hash = 'a_c_husky', name = "Husky"},
{hash = 'a_c_pig', name = "Pig"},
{hash = 'a_c_retriever', name = "Retriever"},
{hash = 'a_c_shepherd', name = "Shepheard"},
{hash = 'a_c_shepherd', name = "Shepheard"},
- NativeUI
ESX v.1.1, ESX v.1.2 and ESX v.1final and ESX-legacy are supported and tested!
Price: 9.99€
Download at https://luis-scripts.tebex.io/package/4226545