Hey guys,
with this Script I want to present a perfect a In-Game solution to allow your player to enhance their properties. I wrote this especially for roleplay servers, but there are also a lot different possible uses.
I had this idea, because I thought, that the use of CodeWalker or similar programms is very uncomfortable just to add a couch or a table with some chairs to a garden. Because of this I’ve developed this solution to allow your players to build their maps on their own - without leaving the server.
- Completely In-Game
- You can place, delete, move and turn objects
- You can say whether an object should be moveable
- Everything is saved into a database → The objects don’t disappear
- You can edit placed objects later (turn/move/delete)
- Perfect for roleplay:
→ You can allow your players to spawn objects from a configurable list of objects. This makes it possible for your players to design their properties on their own.
→ You can set up prices for the different objects - Admin functions:
→ As an admin you can see each single placed object in a menu and you can teleport to them and edit them.
→ You can choose every object regardless the configured list. - Translation file (English, Spanish and German one is already there)
- Support for NativeUI and NativeUI Realoaded
Update 19.12.2020: Now you can also move objects up and down!
List for objects to set up:
You can add every object you want.
Config.recommendObjects = {
{object = 'prop_table_para_comb_01', label = 'Table with umbrella', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_patio_lounger1', label = 'Patio lounger', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_patio_heater_01', label = 'Patio heater', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_parasol_01', label = 'Parasol', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_table_01', label = 'Table', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_table_04_chr', label = 'Chair', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_bbq_5', label = 'BBQ', price = 1000},
{object = 'apa_mp_h_din_table_11', label = 'Couch table', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_owl_totem_01', label = 'Totem', price = 1000},
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.useNativeUIReloaded = true -- if you want to disable NativeUIReloaded, you have to activate the dependency in fxmanifest.lua!
Config.Debug = true
Config.Command = 'mapbuilder' -- command to open the menu
Config.KeyUsage = false
Config.Key = 38 -- Key, when Key Usage is enabled.
Config.defaultObject = '~r~Nothing'
Config.OnlyForAdmin = false -- then only people with the group can open the menu
Config.AdminGroup = 'superadmin'
Config.Controls = {
-- turn controls
turnright = {
key = 175
turnleft = {
key = 174
-- move controls
moveright = {
key = 175
moveleft = {
key = 174
moveup = {
key = 172
movedown = {
key = 173
-- general controls
fast = {
key = 217
slow = {
key = 209
finish = {
key = 186
Config.recommendObjects = {
{object = 'prop_table_para_comb_01', label = 'Table with umbrella', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_patio_lounger1', label = 'Patio lounger', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_patio_heater_01', label = 'Patio heater', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_parasol_01', label = 'Parasol', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_table_01', label = 'Table', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_table_04_chr', label = 'Chair', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_bbq_5', label = 'BBQ', price = 1000},
{object = 'apa_mp_h_din_table_11', label = 'Couch table', price = 1000},
{object = 'prop_owl_totem_01', label = 'Totem', price = 1000},
Translation = {
['en'] = {
['menu_title'] = 'Map Builder',
['get_object_distance'] = 'Placed objects',
['controls'] = 'Controls',
['turn_right'] = ' ~s~to ~b~turn ~s~the object ~b~right',
['turn_left'] = ' ~s~to ~b~turn ~s~the object ~b~left',
['turn_fast'] = ' ~s~to ~b~turn ~s~the object ~b~faster',
['turn_slow'] = ' ~s~to ~b~turn ~s~the object ~b~slower',
['move_forward'] = ' ~s~to ~b~move ~s~the object ~b~forwards',
['move_backwards'] = ' ~s~to ~b~move ~s~the object ~b~backwards',
['move_right'] = ' ~s~to ~b~move ~s~the object ~b~right side',
['move_left'] = ' ~s~to ~b~move ~s~the object ~b~left side',
['move_fast'] = ' ~s~to ~b~move ~s~the object ~b~faster',
['move_slow'] = ' ~s~to ~b~move ~s~the object ~b~slower',
['back_to_menu'] = ' ~s~to go ~b~back ~s~to main menu',
['only_for_admins'] = '~r~This function can only be used by staff members!',
['spawn_object'] = 'Spawn object',
['spawn_object_final'] = '~g~Spawn object',
['spawn_object_final_desc'] = '~g~Object will be created at your current location',
['move_object'] = 'Move object',
['turn_object'] = 'Turn object',
['delete_object'] = '~r~Delete object',
['delete_object_desc'] = 'Delete object from map',
['save_object'] = '~g~Save object',
['save_object_desc'] = 'Save object to your database',
['enter_objectname'] = 'Object:',
['enter_objectname_desc'] = 'Click to enter an object name',
['obj_tp'] = 'Teleport',
['obj_tp_desc'] = 'Teleport to this object',
['obj_hide'] = 'Hide',
['obj_hide_desc'] = 'Hide this object (only for you)',
['obj_replace'] = '(Re-)Spawn',
['obj_replace_desc'] = 'Spawns this object again (Undo Hide)',
['obj_already_exists'] = '~r~The object is still there. Hide it first and then you could respawn it.',
['obj_permdelete_desc'] = 'The object will be permanently removed from database!',
['obj_removed'] = '~g~The object was removed from database.',
['obj_savechanges'] = '~g~Save changes.',
['obj_savechanges_desc'] = 'Your changes will be saved and applied for all players.',
['obj_saved'] = '~g~Your changes were saved!',
['set_moveable'] = 'Freeze object?',
['set_moveable_desc'] = 'Should it be possible to push/move this object?',
['moveable_state_changed'] = '~g~Freeze state changed to ~w~',
['set_description'] = 'Description',
['set_description_desc'] = 'Makes it easier to find your object in the menu.',
['recommend_objects'] = 'Available objects',
['recommend_objects_desc'] = 'List of useful objects',
['select_object_desc'] = 'Buy object ~b~',
['selectObject_help'] = 'Now enter your object using ~y~/selectObject [~g~OBJECT~y~]~s~.',
['invalid_object'] = '~r~Invalid object!',
['not_enough_money'] = '~r~You do not have enough money!',
['no_object'] = '~r~No object!',
['cant_save'] = '~r~Object was not saved! Restart your game to to edit this object.',
['de'] = {
['menu_title'] = 'Map Builder',
['get_object_distance'] = 'Platzierte Objekte',
['controls'] = 'Bedienung',
['turn_right'] = ' ~s~um das Objekt ~b~nach rechts ~s~zu drehen',
['turn_left'] = ' ~s~um das Objekt ~b~nach links ~s~zu drehen',
['turn_fast'] = ' ~s~um das Objekt ~b~schneller ~s~zu drehen',
['turn_slow'] = ' ~s~um das Objekt ~b~langsamer ~s~zu drehen',
['move_forward'] = ' ~s~um das Objekt nach ~b~vorne ~s~zu ~b~bewegen.',
['move_backwards'] = ' ~s~um das Objekt nach ~b~hinten ~s~zu ~b~bewegen.',
['move_right'] = ' ~s~um das Objekt nach ~b~rechts ~s~zu ~b~bewegen.',
['move_left'] = ' ~s~um das Objekt nach ~b~links ~s~zu ~b~bewegen.',
['move_fast'] = ' ~s~um das Objekt ~b~schneller ~s~zu ~b~bewegen.',
['move_slow'] = ' ~s~um das Objekt ~b~langsamer ~s~zu ~b~bewegen.',
['back_to_menu'] = ' ~s~um zum ~b~Hauptmenu ~s~zurückzukehren.',
['only_for_admins'] = '~r~Nur Admins können beliebige Objekte verwenden!',
['spawn_object'] = 'Objekt spawnen',
['spawn_object_final'] = '~g~Objekt spawnen',
['spawn_object_final_desc'] = '~g~Das Objekt wird an deiner Position spawnen',
['move_object'] = 'Objekt bewegen',
['turn_object'] = 'Objekt drehen',
['delete_object'] = '~r~Objekt löschen',
['delete_object_desc'] = 'Lösche das Objekt',
['save_object'] = '~g~Objekt speichern',
['save_object_desc'] = 'Speichert das Objekt in der Datenbank',
['enter_objectname'] = 'Objekt:',
['enter_objectname_desc'] = 'Klicke, um eine Beschreibung hinzuzufügen',
['obj_tp'] = 'Teleport',
['obj_tp_desc'] = 'Teleportiere dich zu diesem Objekt',
['obj_hide'] = 'Ausblebende',
['obj_hide_desc'] = 'Blende das Objekt aus (Nur für dich unsichtbar)',
['obj_replace'] = 'Einblenden',
['obj_replace_desc'] = 'Blende das Objekt wieder ein',
['obj_already_exists'] = '~r~Das Objekt sollte noch sichtbar sein.',
['obj_permdelete_desc'] = 'Das Objekt wird permanent aus der Datenbank gelöscht!',
['obj_removed'] = '~g~Das Objekt wurde aus der Datenbank entfernt.',
['obj_savechanges'] = '~g~Änderungen speichern.',
['obj_savechanges_desc'] = 'Deine Änderungen werden gespeichert und für alle Spieler synchronisiert.',
['obj_saved'] = '~g~Deine Änderungen wurden gespeichert!',
['set_moveable'] = 'Objekt einfrieren?',
['set_moveable_desc'] = 'Soll das Objekt bewegt werden können?',
['moveable_state_changed'] = '~g~Freeze-Status geändert: ~w~',
['set_description'] = 'Kommentar',
['set_description_desc'] = 'Dadurch kann das Objekt leichter wiedergefunden werden.',
['recommend_objects'] = 'Verfügbare Objekte',
['recommend_objects_desc'] = 'Nützliche Objekte',
['select_object_desc'] = 'Objekt kaufen~b~',
['selectObject_help'] = 'Wähle ein anderen Objekt mit ~y~/selectObject [~g~OBJECT~y~]~s~ aus.',
['invalid_object'] = '~r~Unbekanntes Objekt!',
['not_enough_money'] = '~r~Du hast nicht genügend Geld!',
['no_object'] = '~r~Kein Objekt!',
['cant_save'] = '~r~Änderungen nicht gespeichert! Bitte starte das Spiel neu.',
- (ESX) - A standalone version is also included: This works with a Steam whitelist.
- NativeUI or NativeUIReloaded
Price: 6€ / 7,50$ (tax included)
Download at: https://luis-scripts.tebex.io/package/4223168