Took a while because I started rewriting it at work but had a lot of customers, so came home and finished it. Here you goā¦
Please note it is untested, but the changes, other than making it actually work with multiple jobs, includes;
- ESX and QBCore support
- Easier config by only changing config file and not client file
- Unlimited job support instead of only 3 or 4
- Optional notification system for ESX, QBCore or MythicNotify
- Smoother teleportation without ESX dependency
- Combined all elevators into a main config that loops, etc.
- Removed the need to manually number each floor (numbers were wrong anyway)
- Removed redundant need to have duplicate events with different names, for each elevator
- You no longer see your current floor in the list of floors to go to
Now when people want to add elevators, they add a table with the key being the elevator name and the value being a table with a list of floors and their data. The comments have been adjusted to make it easier too. Hope you donāt mind that I took the liberty of improving it. Feel free to update your GitHub with this, once you test it and confirm it works. Any issues, let me know.
Config = {}
Config.UseESX = true -- Use ESX Framework
Config.UseQBCore = false -- Use QBCore Framework (Ignored if Config.UseESX = true)
Config.UseMythicNotify = true -- Use mythic_notify (Requires mythic_notify script)
Dependencies (can be swapped out):
ESX or QBCore
To add an elevator, copy the table below and configure as needed:
coords = Enter vector3 coords of center of elevator
heading = Direction facing out of the elevator
level = What floor are they going to
label = What is on that floor
jobs = Table of job keys that are allowed to access that floor and value of minimum grade of each job
ExampleElevator = {
coords = vector3(xxx, yyy, zzz), heading = 0.0, level = "Floor 2", label = "Roof",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(xxx, yyy, zzz), heading = 0.0, level = "Floor 1", label = "Ground",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
Config.Elevators = {
VPDMainElevator = {
coords = vector3(-1096.22, -850.763, 38.20), heading = 36.8, level = "Floor 6", label = "Roof Access",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(-1096.22, -850.763, 34.40), heading = 36.8, level = "Floor 5", label = "Detective Bureau",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(-1096.22, -850.763, 30.80), heading = 36.8, level = "Floor 4", label = "Operations Center",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(-1096.22, -850.763, 27.00), heading = 36.8, level = "Floor 3", label = "Division Offices & Briefing Room",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(-1096.22, -850.763, 23.00), heading = 36.8, level = "Floor 2", label = "Cafe",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(-1096.22, -850.763, 19.00), heading = 36.8, level = "Floor 1", label = "Main Hall",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(-1096.22, -850.763, 4.80), heading = 36.8, level = "Floor -1", label = "Detention Cells & Interrogation",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(-1096.22, -850.763, 10.20), heading = 36.8, level = "Floor -2", label = "Crime Lab & Evidence Rooms",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(-1096.22, -850.763, 13.70), heading = 36.8, level = "Floor -3", label = "Garage & Armory",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
VPDPublicElevator = {
coords = vector3(-1066.05, -833.71, 26.82318), heading = 36.1, level = "Floor 3", label = "Division Offices",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(-1066.05, -833.71, 23.03471), heading = 36.1, level = "Floor 2", label = "UNDER RENOVATIONS",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(-1066.05, -833.713, 18.9964), heading = 36.1, level = "Floor 1", label = "Main Hall",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(-1066.05, -833.71, 4.88), heading = 36.1, level = "Floor -1", label = "Detention Cells & Interrogation",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
["hclaw"] = 0,
coords = vector3(-1066.05, -833.71, 10.27282), heading = 36.1, level = "Floor -2", label = "Crime Lab & Evidence Rooms",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(-1066.05, -833.71, 13.69069), heading = 36.1, level = "Floor -3", label = "Garage & Armory",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["sheriff"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
SkybarElevatorSouth = {
coords = vector3(315.49, -929.32, 52.81), heading = 176.67, level = "Skybar 5th Floor", label = "Bar Level for Skybar",
jobs = {}
coords = vector3(315.49, -929.32, 29.47), heading = 176.67, level = "Skybar Ground", label = "Street Level for Skybar",
jobs = {}
SkybarElevatorNorth = {
coords = vector3(309.81, -929.05, 52.81), heading = 176.67, level = "Skybar 5th Floor", label = "Bar Level for Skybar",
jobs = {}
coords = vector3(309.81, -929.05, 29.47), heading = 176.67, level = "Skybar Ground", label = "Street Level for Skybar",
jobs = {}
ESX = nil
QBCore = nil
PlayerJob = nil
PlayerGrade = nil
if Config.UseESX then
while ESX == nil do
TriggerEvent("esx:getSharedObject", function(obj) ESX = obj end)
while not ESX.IsPlayerLoaded() do
local playerData = ESX.GetPlayerData()
PlayerJob =
PlayerGrade = playerData.job.grade
RegisterNetEvent("esx:setJob", function(job)
PlayerJob =
PlayerGrade = job.grade
elseif Config.UseQBCore then
QBCore = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject()
local playerData = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData()
PlayerJob =
PlayerGrade = playerData.job.grade.level
RegisterNetEvent("QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate", function(job)
PlayerJob =
PlayerGrade = job.grade.level
for elevatorName, elevatorFloors in pairs(Config.Elevators) do
for index, floor in pairs(elevatorFloors) do
exports["qtarget"]:AddBoxZone(elevatorName .. index, floor.coords, 5, 4, {
name = elevatorName,
heading = floor.heading,
debugPoly = false,
minZ = floor.coords.z - 1.5,
maxZ = floor.coords.z + 1.5
options = {
event = "angelicxs_elevator:showFloors",
icon = "fas fa-hand-point-up",
label = "Use Elevator From " .. floor.level,
elevator = elevatorName,
level = index
distance = 1.5
RegisterNetEvent("angelicxs_elevator:showFloors", function(data)
local elevator = {}
for index, floor in pairs(Config.Elevators[data.elevator]) do
table.insert(elevator, {
header = floor.level,
context = floor.label,
disabled = (index == data.level or not hasRequiredJob(,
event = "angelicxs_elevator:movement",
args = { floor }
TriggerEvent("nh-context:createMenu", elevator)
RegisterNetEvent("angelicxs_elevator:movement", function(floor)
if hasRequiredJob( then
local ped = PlayerPedId()
while not IsScreenFadedOut() do
RequestCollisionAtCoord(floor.coords.x, floor.coords.y, floor.coords.z)
while not HasCollisionLoadedAroundEntity(ped) do
SetEntityCoords(ped, floor.coords.x, floor.coords.y, floor.coords.z, false, false, false, false)
SetEntityHeading(ped, floor.heading and floor.heading or 0.0)
TriggerEvent("angelicxs_elevator:notify", "You don't have clearance for this floor!", "error")
RegisterNetEvent("angelicxs_elevator:notify", function(message, type)
if Config.UseMythicNotify then
exports.mythic_notify:SendAlert(type, message, 4000)
elseif Config.UseESX then
elseif Config.UseQBCore then
QBCore.Functions.Notify(message, type)
function hasRequiredJob(jobs)
if next(jobs) then
for jobName, gradeLevel in pairs(jobs) do
if PlayerJob == jobName and PlayerGrade >= gradeLevel then
return true
return false
return true
Adding new elevators:
Inside Config.Elevators, add the following structure (as provided in the config file comments)ā¦
ExampleElevator = {
coords = vector3(xxx, yyy, zzz), heading = 0.0, level = "Floor 2", label = "Roof",
jobs = {
["police"] = 0,
["ambulance"] = 0,
coords = vector3(xxx, yyy, zzz), heading = 0.0, level = "Floor 1", label = "Ground",
jobs = {}
Thatās all. Now you have a new elevator. No messing with events for the context menu or teleportation. Enjoy!