[Free][Release] AngelicXS’ NPC Crew

Homie’s not around but you need a crew? Introducing AngelicXS’ NPC Crew.

Lock crew recruiters to certain gangs and jobs or let everyone in your server roll with their own personal NPC Crew. Easy to use and highly customizable configuration lets you manage crew size and pricing, what weapons they have and even what they look like.

Peds will follow you around, get in and out of vehicles with you (if there is a seat for them) and back you up in fights. Ped limits are set up at crew size selection to prevent spamming of peds.

GitHub Link: NPC Crew
Youtube Link: Video

Other Free Scripts By Me:
Free VIN Scratch
Car Flipping
Metal Detectors
Loot Boxes
Gang Heist
Police Database Search
Police K9
Yacht Heist
Medical Diseases / Illnesses
Drug Harvest
Police Cell Ping
Number Game
Civilian Job Mega Pack
Simple Craft
Target Ping
Full Steal
Bank Truck Robbery
NPC Crew

Paid Scripts by Me:
Fuel Delivery Job
Rep Based Vehicle Heist
Mining/Delivery Job
Police Tracker
Police Impound & Tow Job
Bank Job


gang gang

noticed a side effect, players are hijacking each other cars instead of getting in like normal.

Other player in cars with peds also bugs them out.

You will need to explain a bit further as I am not sure I understand.

Seems like after installing this, (without any NPC) when a regular player would enter a vehicle as a passenger to another players car … players are pulling each other out. hijacking cars instead of just getting in. going to do some more testing, maybe get a clip of it to help explain.

Please do so, this has been used by several communities prior to the CFX launch and no one else reported this.

im using esx legacy, if i use thirdeye with ox_target i cant see the option in the npc, if i use 3dtext the client is crashing :confused: if you can help me, thank you!

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ye same here i dont manage to fix this

V1.1 has been pushed and address these issues. As a reminder you will not be able to see the 3Dtext/3rd eye option unless you are the same job/gang name in the config OR are using the ‘none’ crewboss and do not have your own faction specific one.

  • in Config.OXLib = true ?

fx_version ‘cerulean’

game ‘gta5’

author ‘AngelicXS’

version ‘1.0’

client_script ‘client.lua’

server_script {




shared_script ‘config.lua’


lua54 ‘yes’

fx_version ‘cerulean’
game ‘gta5’
author ‘AngelicXS’
version ‘1.0’

client_script ‘client.lua’

server_script {

shared_script ‘config.lua’

shared_script ‘@ox_lib/init.lua’

lua54 ‘yes’
fx_version ‘cerulean’
game ‘gta5’
author ‘AngelicXS’
version ‘1.0’

client_script ‘client.lua’

server_script {

shared_scripts{ ‘config.lua’,
lua54 ‘yes’

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Ohh yes , thanks

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

For you okok export you need a lower case ‘m’ in message.

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i try to ensure, but the npc doesnt spawn or didnt show up… what do i miising??

imean the bos show up, but not the crew!!

Are you able to select how many npcs you want spawned? If so you most likely have the spawning NPCs on a blacklist or a different script is deleting them. Try changing their model in the config or find the conflicting script.

yes im able to select the 1-3 and those price list… but when i press on it only make sound fx but no npc gang member spawned

There is most likely a blacklist or anti-cheat script interfering with the spawn. Change the model in the config as that may help or find the interfering script.

so , i am back.

I did remove the resouce for a while and didnt have any vehicle issues… however after reinstalling , i noticed it did happen again . I went to get in a friends car and I ended up hijacking/pulling him out of his own vehicle. something to look into further for sure.

Other then that , it works fine.