Here is another release. This one is both ESX and QBcore compatible.
I have now been in a few servers that lack the ability to flip over a car once I have crashed. So I created a quick car flip script that will ensure your vehicle is can be flipped and is right side up after a crash. It comes out of the box with a /command and is q-target ready. If you want to switch to your particular third-eye solution you will may need to do additional adjustments to the client as appropriate. However, there are plenty of settings to adjust in the config.
A config that it can only do certain jobs like mechanics or simple admins would certainly be cool that not everyone can do it and so to speak there are rp for various companies. for serious rp servers I think such a setting is definitely cool
Please get the newest version off GitHub. Note that in the config you will need to change Config.AndOr to and as per the instructions for what you want.