[Free][Release] AngelicXS' Civilian Job Mega Pack


Here it is, my attempt at bringing a FREE single resource mega job pack for regular civilian players to complete in your cities!

Included jobs are:

  • Garbage Truck Driver
  • Bus Driver
  • Taxi Driver
  • Helicopter Cargo Delivery
  • Forklift Operator
  • Lifeguard
  • Scuba Diver (crate recovery)

Each job is able to be uniquely customized for your city. There is one general config file that handles the overall applicability of each job but if you go into the client of each job the customization options are clearly labelled so that you can easily change stuff.

As with all my scripts resmon idles at 0.00ms assuming no interactions are occurring.

Requires one of the following:
nh-context / nh-input
qb-menu / qb-input

GitHub Link: Civilian Job Mega Pack
Youtube Link: Preview

Other Free Scripts By Me:
Free VIN Scratch
Car Flipping
Metal Detectors
Loot Boxes
Gang Heist
Police Database Search
Police K9
Yacht Heist
Medical Diseases / Illnesses
Drug Harvest
Police Cell Ping
Number Game
Civilian Job Mega Pack
Simple Craft
Target Ping
Full Steal
Bank Truck Robbery

Paid Scripts by Me:
Fuel Delivery Job
Rep Based Vehicle Heist
Mining/Delivery Job
Police Tracker
Police Impound & Tow Job
Bank Job


nice work bro as always

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What about making this work with ND_Core

The script is completely open source so you are more then welcome to adjust the effects to make it compatible with ND_Core.

IIRC On the client side the only thing pulled is the Player’s job if you have that feature turned on (in the client/main.lua).
For the server side it is the requirement to give money, give items and create a usable item.

Fantastic work angelicxs!


nh-context / nh-input
qb-menu / qb-input

When you say it requires one of the following, does it mean that if I use ox_lib it would be enough or should I also have one more of the above?

Correct, if you have ox_lib that will let you use all the features in the script.

Thanks! I appreciate it.

You are an absolute chad for this, great release.

Having a small issue with the garbage job. Using ESX Legacy 1.8.5 - dragged & dropped, didn’t change anything out of the normal in the config.lua

That’s my bad, I put an older version of the garbage.lua in by accident.
Line 270(ish) says:

DrawText3Ds(vehiclecoords[i].x, vehiclecoords[i].y, vehiclecoords[i].z, Config.Lang['garbage_put_garbage'])

It should say

DrawText3Ds(vehiclecoords.x, vehiclecoords.y, vehiclecoords.z, Config.Lang['garbage_put_garbage'])

I will fix the GitHub version when I am able to get to it.

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Hey :slight_smile: Might want add this fix too for some other users

ESX.RegisterUsableItem(Config.ScubaItemName, function(source)
    local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)

Was initially TriggerEvent not TriggerClientEvent

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Fix for scuba job where vehicle wasn’t returning due to being to far away, Needs ped closer so this places them on docks :slight_smile:

    Boss = {
        Location = vector4(-775.8531, -1433.42, 1.595219, 288.6797),
        Model = 's_m_m_dockwork_01',
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Appreciate both catches, they have been pushed to the github.

what Vehicle Keys System is being used here?

The example trigger used is qb-vehiclekeys; but it should be a simple matter to replace that with whatever key system you are using.

Great job, but I have some errors with the garbage job:

Neither when leaving the garbage bag in the truck, does the notification appear that I have to go to another location

I leave some suggestions since I liked it too much

If the option "Config.UsePlayerJob" is activated, only those who have the job see the blips of that job.
It would be nice if when you take the job you put on a certain outfit.

Im loving this pack but I have one small issue, the vehicles keep spawning with almost no fuel and I am getting this error.

[ 588797] [b2802_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1SCRIPT ERROR: @angelicxs-CivilianJobs/config.lua:78: No such export SetFuel in resource ps-fuel^7

do you use ps-fuel? if not put your own export in for your fuel system

As Malicious said, you will need to go to the config.lua and change the fuel export to whatever one your server uses.

Can you provide more details on when those errors are occurring?

Regarding the blips, they are only activated at client log-in and are not refreshed. While that is an interesting suggestion it would require rewriting the blip logic to do so.
The clothing is a similar aspect, you would need to store the players current outfit, change them into the correct outfit (which is probably unique for each server) and then restore their clothing upon finishing. Doable, but for a free resource not a huge priority to complete.

However, if you feel inspired to update any of those functions please feel free to make a pull request and I can add them.

Thank you yeah I figured it out just took me a bit to find what i needed to change.

The error happens when the route ends and I have to return the truck. Then there is also that notifications do not appear when you throw away a garbage bag and have to go to another location.