[Free][Release] AngelicXS’ Target Ping

Mark targets (entities) to people on the same Radio Channel as you, and will follow moving targets.
Markers are have full customization options and lightweight when not in use.
Requires a radio script and/or knowledge of how to modify voice scripts to get what radio channel a player is on.

By default players must aim at the target in question and press G to mark. This script will not work unless you follow the requirements in the install notes and add the modifications requested to your voice/radio script.

As with all my scripts resmon idles at 0.00ms assuming no interactions are occurring.

Requires the following:
Ability to edit radio/voice script to add required events to track radio channel.

GitHub Link: GitHub Link: Target Ping
Youtube Link: Preview

Other Free Scripts By Me:
Free VIN Scratch
Car Flipping
Metal Detectors
Loot Boxes
Gang Heist
Police Database Search
Police K9
Yacht Heist
Medical Diseases / Illnesses
Drug Harvest
Police Cell Ping
Number Game
Civilian Job Mega Pack
Simple Craft
Target Ping
Full Steal
Bank Truck Robbery

Paid Scripts by Me:
Fuel Delivery Job
Rep Based Vehicle Heist
Mining/Delivery Job
Police Tracker
Police Impound & Tow Job
Bank Job


nice work bro

bro! awesome

ESX or QBCore?

1 Like

All my scripts support both ESX and QBCore.

I get this error, how do I do it?

You will need to provide more details and what you changed in the client.

Is there any clear example?
Sorry! I don’t quite understand

Here is an example from a random radio someone posted in my support disc:

local function joinRadio(channel)
    if not channel then return end
    channel = round(channel, ac.decimalStep)

    if channel <= ac.maximumFrequencies and channel > 0 then
        voice:setVoiceProperty('radioEnabled', true)
        TriggerEvent('angelicxs-PingTarget:RadioUpdate', channel)
        notify('success', locale('channel_join', channel))
        notify('error', locale('channel_unavailable'))