[Free][Release] AngelicXS’ NPC Crew

Yes sir I have noticed the same thing

To elaborate, what happens is if a player is part of a gang job set in config, it changes the vehicle behaviour for them. It seems to be something related to allowing the NPC Crew to get in the same vehicle as you.

For example:

I set the job role in config ‘Mafia’ and set my job role in game to ‘Mafia’
I then get a Mafia NPC Crew member to roll with me
I have a player with me who is not part of the Mafia
If I get in a vehicle, the NPC Crew member will get in with me
If the non-mafia player tries to get in the vehicle, it will be hostile so he will try to drag me out & vice versa
If I then set my job to unemployed, it will go back to normal behaviour.

This makes sense because the NPC’s need to know that they are in the same gang as the person in the vehicle. I think you also need to be in the drivers seat for the NPC to get in too but not 100% sure as I didn’t have time to test further.
I also don’t know how it works if you both are in the same gang but I assume it will be friendly.

This works quite well for me though!
@angelicxs if you do end up updating this or whatever, could you consider having the hostile vehicle actions as a configurable choice?

Also while I’m here, I tried changing the account used to black_money for ESX but I didn’t succeed. Can anyone help me with that?

Lovely work @angelicxs keep it up

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even after update it was the same.

I went into the script and commented out the setrelationships . seems to be working as needed.

Follow the commented instructions beside Config.UseOxLibs. You need to updated your fxmanifest.lua as indicated.

if i want to use this script, player cant interact when get in car. Everytime their attack each other and shuff. Can you fix that or is it possible to tell what i need to change because i really want to use this script.

You need to modify the relationship between groups. The version I used set them to neutral so any sort of action towards them turned them hostile. Setting them to Loyal or 0 makes them follow you no matter what.

Even though I have the same gang permission, the NPCs I take out are shooting at other players. How can I solve this?

you should take down this script. everybody that downloads it has problems with it.

This script was made so that the spawned peds would act as your companions without any consideration of any other players.

@FREE_WIN Please provide your iteration of this free script for us to enjoy :slight_smile: