Ahhhhhhhhoy thar.
Welcome to what I call, because I had no clue what to call it, Beach+ 3 In 1 (script).
So what the F is this script? I’m glad you asked. You didn’t? Well I’m gonna tell you anyway.
Beach+ is a 3 In 1 Script whose goal was to utilize underplayed areas and provide a bit of “immersion” for them as well. So diving right into it.
The first part of the script is… VOLLEYBALL! I havn’t seen this done yet so I wanted to tackle it as best I could, it’s fairly easy to explain.
Volley Ball - Head to the court by the pier (The one with the lower net).
- Upon entering the area, you’ll automatically be put into the game (using PolyZones, no threads)
- Once you enter, you’ll be told how to play. E to hit the ball, G to pick up the ball.
- Dominate your friends because you’re a real alpha.
- BEST PLAYED in First Person, the ball will go towards where you’re facing.
- Profit!?
Beach Props - I guess this is more the Immersive side of things here, it’s mainly just included as an extra.
- Use Props to spice up your beach experience.
- Place a Beach Towel, Umbrella, Fire, and a Gazebo to help bring the place to life. Great for parties, or for that one guy who is emo and has no friends but still wants to enjoy the beach! (We know emo people don’t goto the beach, but they don’t know that)
- Build a sand castle! I mean, who HASN’T wanted to do this!?
- STOMP on the nerds sand castles! Who the F builds sand castles, fking nerds thats who. Stomp em out.
Floatation Devices/Kayak - These are sort of among the beach props, but 10x better.
- Use a Floaty (because we all know you cant swim) and relax letting the waves take you away.
– Or, challenge yourself and head to the raging river and battle the currents to stay afloat. But between you and I, I know you can’t handle it). - Use a Kayak to conquer the rapids, holding W will move you forward, A / D will turn you. While moving, your resmon of the script will jump from about 0.01 - 0.02 to 0.03-0.07 but won’t cause any issues. It’s ONLY while pressing the keys IN A KAYAK.
and Lasty, a JOB!
Seafood Gathering a.k.a Catching Shrimp & Crabs in cages - Pretty self explanatory infact.
- Head on down south of the military base in the shallows of the swamp and bring along a crab cage.
- Hop onto the kayak and find a good spot in the swamp to place down your trap.
– Once you use it, you’ll go through an animation and place the trap down.
– After 15 / 30 / 60 Minutes, the cage will collect crab & shrimp for you to harvest.
– Upon Harvest, you’ll get said crab / shrimp, as well as your trap back (20% chance it breaks) - You DO NOT have to stick around and wait. You can LEAVE THE AREA, go do a robbery, other jobs, make out with your hand, ANYTHING ELSE and still come back after any amount of time to collect your harvest.
- This also uses PolyZones and once you enter the zone it’ll recreate your traps for you to target, and when you leave they’ll be cleaned up.
- You can SELL the crab/shrimps down at the pier inside the City. You’ll see a BLIP for it and a PED when you get near.
- Change the sell price in the Shared.lua and if you want to use my seller or add your own.
That is pretty much it. Aren’t you glad you read this far? Say Yes.
The list of dependencies is as follows;
The script requires ESX; Tested on Legacy but should work on -any-
swt_notifications - GitHub - Switty6/swt_notifications (Or you can change it to your notification of choice)
PolyZone - GitHub - mkafrin/PolyZone: PolyZone is a FiveM mod to define zones of different shapes and test whether a point is inside or outside of the zone
bt-target - GitHub - brentN5/bt-target
nh-contextmenu - GitHub - nerohiro/nh-context: Simple, minimalistic event firing context menu
^ Provided in the ZIP for the Script (Uses an older version of nh-context)
Please ensure your bt-target (or whatever target you use) has THIS export
function AddEntityZone(name, entity, options, targetoptions)
Zones[name] = EntityZone:Create(entity, options)
Zones[name].targetoptions = targetoptions
exports(“AddEntityZone”, AddEntityZone)
^ The " need to be quotes or ’
Some of my other scripts: Oxy/Deliveries 1 | Taco Job 1 | Meth Making 1 | Mechanic Job | BMX Comp Standalone 2 | Fitness, Group Yoga & More 1 | More Interactive Stores | Burgershot | Prison+ 1 | Underwater Salvage Job | Jewelry Store | Chop Shop 2 | The Best Trading Cards Script To Date 1 | Cluckin Bell | Chicken Job | Chicken Fighting 1 | Armored Truck Heist 1 | Baseball (Standalone) | Pizza Delivery | Crypto Currency | Garbage Collector | Used Car Dealership | Ambulance+