๐Ÿ“ Blips Creator [Standalone] - Easily create blips from in-game menu

Blips Creator 2.5 [Standalone]

This script allows players to create their own blips, and allows administrators to easily create global blips

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  • Players can create, edit and delete their own blips very easily
  • Blips can be placed in the map without knowing any coordinates, or if you prefer, you can use coordinates too
  • Players can share their blips with anyone
  • Administrators can create, edit and delete global blips, which will be seen by all players
  • All blips can be hidden by the players, so if they prefer not seeing a blip that can be done easily
  • More than 500 icons can be used for the blips
  • All the blips can have a custom color
  • Blips can be shown in main map, minimap or both
  • Blips can be duplicated easily, so you can create multiple copies of a blip but in different locations
  • Standalone

Blips types

  • Coordinates Blip - The player can choose the blip icon from hundreds of icons
  • Radius Blip - This blip will be a circle with radius defined by the player
  • Area Blip - This blip will be an area with customizable width and height


  1. Download the script
  2. Extract wherever you want into your resources
  3. Add ACE permission โ€œblipcreatorโ€ to allow admins create global blips
  4. Add SQL file to database
  5. Add ensure blips_creator in your server.cfg

How to add ACE permission?

You should place this in server.cfg, and editing it with your license

add_ace group.admin blipcreator allow # Add permission to group

# Can also be identifier.steam:steamid
add_principal identifier.license:1260e6efd3271584d7ed05n45cbf41575252acbc group.admin # Add player to the group


If you are interested in the script you can find it here


The script uses the official FiveM escrow system

My other resources


Whatโ€™s the Resmon when I have like 20+ blips ?
As there is a free release on forum but as soon as you go over like 10 blips , the resmon goes stupidly high

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Please send a copy of your resource to moderators group for approval

Hi, the resmon itโ€™s 0.01ms-0.02ms, tested with 20 global blips and 12 player personal blips

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Looks cool

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How do we add admins, you say add ace permission.

Can you give an example of where to place that and the exact syntax please

Where do I activate the global blips for admin? Unfortunately I do not get it setโ€ฆ please help me

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This Looks amazing Cant wait to afford it!


Is possible create a blip with permissions for job? for example only the mechanics onduty can see the blip, or ambulance and police, etc. Great job btw! :slight_smile:


Hi, I updated the post, you can see an example now of ACE permission

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Hello, you should check the post, now it has an example of ACE permission

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Hi, unfortunately it is not possible to limit to jobs as it is a standalone script

This saved me so much time i personally think running blips through this rather then individual resources has improved performance


Looks good and easy

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your making my life so easy

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So when i start this script it gives me this error

[script:blips_creator] SCRIPT ERROR: @blips_creator/server/main.lua:57: attempt to index a nil value (global โ€˜MySQLโ€™)
[script:blips_creator] > fn (@blips_creator/server/main.lua:69)

any help to fix this would be appreciated

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Hi, you should install this [Release] MySQL Async Library - 3.3.2

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Do blips remain after server restart?

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Yes, they are saved in the database

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