šŸ Races Creator [ESX/QBCore] - Easily create admin and players races

Races Creator

This script allows admins to add entertainment in their servers creating global races where players can join and compete against each other. Also, the players can create their own races

Showcase video


Languages :earth_africa:

  • English
  • German / Deutsch
  • French / FranƧais
  • Hungarian / Magyar
  • Italian / Italiano

Admin races :shield:

Admins can easily create and customize races from an easy in-game menu /racescreator

  • Admins can create unlimited races easily from in-game menu
  • Itā€™s possible to define a minimum police required in order for the race to be started
  • Itā€™s possible to define a minimum of players required in order for the race to be started
  • A time limit in minutes can be defined
  • You can choose the allowed jobs for each race
  • You can choose the allowed vehicle classes for each race
  • You can create custom vehicle classes, which can have standard classes (Off-Road, super, etc.) and also specific vehicles models
  • You can choose the laps count for each race
  • The races can have an entrance fee if you want, that will be the final prize for the winner. The final reward can have 2 methods
    • Winner takes all (example with a total prize of $1000: :trophy: = $1000, :2nd_place_medal: = $0, :3rd_place_medal: = $0)
    • 50% rule (example with a total prize of $1000: :trophy: = $500, :2nd_place_medal: = $250, :3rd_place_medal: = $125)
  • Each race can have a different entrance fee account (bank, cash, etc.)
  • The police can be alerted on race start
  • Itā€™s possible to easily choose the starting zone and the radius of it
  • You can add easily checkpoints even while driving your car around the map
  • The size of each checkpoint can be different
  • Arcade mode: you can enable arcade mode that will make positive/negative effects to happen randomly with the chances you choose when a player passes a checkpoint

Arcade :joystick:

Arcade mode can be enabled for admin races, making the races more difficult and even more interesting, your players will love this!

  • Temporary speed boost: as the name suggests, the player who gets this perk will go faster for X amount of seconds, allowing him to overtake the other players easier
  • Slow other partecipants: When a player gets this effect, all the opponents will be slowed for X amount of seconds
  • Low gravity for partecipants: When a player gets this effect, all the opponents will have a lower gravity, making driving more difficult
  • Temporary tyre burst: A random tyre will burst for X amount of seconds, and it will automatically repair itself
  • Random steerings: For X seconds the player vehicle will randomly turn right/left
  • Blindness: For X seconds driving will be much difficult without a clear visual on the road
  • No collisions: The player who gets this perk wonā€™t collide with the other vehicles, so it will be easier to overtake the opponents
  • Visual shaking - The player will have difficulties driving with shaking visual, as if he was drunk
  • Inverted controls - Driving controls will be inverted
  • Disabled brakes - High speed wonā€™t be easy if you have to steer without brakes
  • Jump - Random jump that will help or ruin your race

Players races :checkered_flag:

Player races will dramatically increase the enjoyment level of your players by allowing them to create their own races. These races will not have a marker on the map, in fact the player who created the race will be able to invite nearby players to race

  • You can disable/enable the command /race for players
  • You can limit the command for specific jobs
  • Players can easily create their own races with many options
    • Create a totally custom race, defining checkpoints and all options
    • Play a waypoint race, where the player can decide the destination by easily placing a waypoint in the map
    • Play an automatic race, where the path is generated automatically
    • Play a chase race, this race will be a 1vs1 where the player who is leading the race will win when itā€™s far from his opponent for more than X seconds, itā€™s possible to bet the owned vehicle
  • Players can delete the saved races whenever they prefer
  • With ā€œCreate raceā€ option, players can customize their races in the way they prefer, being able to:
    • Choosing the starting zone
    • Choosing the checkpoints
    • Choosing the laps amount
    • Choosing the name of the race
    • Deciding if there will be an entrance fee or not
    • Deciding the entrance fee account (bank, cash, dirty money)
    • Deciding the prize distribution method (Winner takes all or 50% rule)
    • Choosing the time limit
    • Choosing the minimum players required to start

Leaderboard :trophy:

  • Itā€™s possible to easily setup a leaderboards in your Discord server
  • Each race can have a leaderboard
  • The leaderboard will be updated automatically when a player has a new best time


  • You can set that there is a boost on start if player presses the accelerator in the right moment
  • You can toggle the visual effect of checkpoint
  • You can toggle the sound effect of checkpoint
  • Discord logs to know when a race is started and finished (with the partecipants included)
  • HUD which shows the race data (position, time, laps, checkpoint)
  • HUD which shows the positions of the players during the race


If you are interested in the script you can find it here


The script uses the official FiveM escrow system

Code is accessible Escrow system is used, documentation can be used to replace default things
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +4000
Requirements ESX/QBCore
Support Yes

My other resources


youā€™re the best

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Thank you very much :grin:

Another greate Release my friend <3
im hyped what the future updates will add to this amazing Script.


This looks amazing! I have a few questions about it.

  1. Can races be created on other add-on maps such as Fukuoka, Osaka, etc?

  2. I assume you can use custom add-on cars in races?

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  1. Since you can place the markers/checkpoints yourself depending on your position there shouldnt be any issues with custom Maps. (Only automatic races wont work on custom maps)

  2. Yes, you can define vehicle classes that can be participate in the race (bikes, cars, emergency etc.) or you can create your own custom classes and define the vehicles directly.


Thank you :heart:

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  • It would be great if you could set that the players get a certain vehicle at the starting point.
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Yes but what happens after finishing the Race? Do they keep it or will it be deleted?

If it gets deleted, they would all stand in the finish line without a vehicle

if they keep it they can abuse it

Dont forget the fact that each race coould be illegal (police notify) which means if they lose the spawned vehicle they are pretty much done


Jaksam #1 :crown:

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Thank you very much, I appreciate it :grin:

another great release !

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Thank you very much :top:

Update 2.0

  • Added new arcade effect: ā€œInverted controlsā€
  • Added new arcade effect: ā€œdisabled brakesā€
  • Added new arcade effect: ā€œjumpā€
  • Solved a bug about no collisions effect
  • Added visual effect for tyre break effect
  • Added new 1vs1 race type: Chase race
  • Now itā€™s possible to bet the owned vehicle in chase races
  • Added leaderboard during normal races
  • Added Czech translations
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My friendā€¦ Drift option is missing thereā€¦ Like a race made for Drift. When can we choose drifting optionā€¦ :rofl:


  1. The route is planned according to the classic function

  2. The DRIFT option is selected, where DRIFT Handling would be accepted at that moment
    Of course, only if it was possibleā€¦ :))

Update 2.0.1

  • Updated/Added Czech translations

Update 2.1

  • Added an option to use RP names instead of nicknames
  • Added option in sv_integrations.lua file to edit the tolerance distance for server side checks about checkpoint passed (should help if it happens that a checkpoint itā€™s not passed when going fast)

Update 2.1.1

  • Disabled automatic shared object refresh by default, now it will refresh automatically when editing/creating/deleting jobs with Jobs Creator to improve performance

Update 2.2

  • Added a warning message in case your server doesnā€™t allow current_config.json overwrite (causing the issue that doesnā€™t update the settings)

Update 2.3

  • Fixed an issue that happened with OX inventory in QBCore
  • Updated not allowed menu