This is the basic version of the script, it just saves the value from the plate and places it in the car you want, with this base you can edit it as you wish.
So this script as it sits, remvoes the plate from the vehicle and replaces it onto the car of your choice, effectively giving you that vehicle. I can take off my plate place it onto a much more expensive car and then store it into a garage. Basically an exploit. Any ideas on how to stop that from being done to player owned vehicles?
I think he is referring to garagescript that checks for platenumber when storing a vehicle. Have you got a cheap car you put in garage… take it out take the plate off and put on a different car and then try to store that vehicle.
So i have spent the last 15 mins trying to get this to work on my server so i can show you want i am referring to. The latest version on github has a few Capitalization errors for coords when checkind distance should be Coords… and then when putplate function vehicle should be Vehicle. I am uploading a video now that will explain what i mean by this can be exploited on a server with garage.