[RELEASE] B1G_PlateRemover - Remove plates from your vehicles

looking at that garage script i could see a way this could be exploited… will msg you and show you how.


Hey in my server the message near the car is always “no vehicle nearby” from wtv position I am… help? thank you.

Sorry that’s totally my fault; I’ll fix that and make another pull request shortly.

Change the reference from IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPed, false) to IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPed, true)

will fix your issue. that routine uses the boolean to find out if it should use lastvehicle or not. So setting to true… it will find the vehicle when you are not in it.


Fixed my mistakes, here’s the fixed version:

Where? I’ve seen the whole code and there seems to be really nothing requiring esx…

Also you don’t use anything to store the last plate, what could go wrong, cause the client will not remember the last plate after a reconnect if he wants to put it back on.

My suggestion is to store the plates somehow, so this does not happen.

Hope I could help with my critism.

@ChristopherM might want to look at this as well GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPed, false) as that will only return true if the person is sitting in a vehicle. Which will make the script always return no vehicle near if you haven’t already addressed it.


local LicencePlate = {}
LicencePlate.Index = false
LicencePlate.Number = false

It’s not stored accross sessions, but it is stored.

Not quite sure what you are saying sorry, but if you are referring to the part where the code was checking if you were sitting in a vehicle before allowing you to take a plate, I corrected that in the newest pull request, so it does what it is meant to do, and make sure you are not in a vehicle when attempting to remove a plate.

The new pull request you made hasn’t been put up yet… but the code that is on now:

so just to make sure… you know that GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPed, false) is not how you tell if a player is in a vehicle or not. That just returns the entity # of the vehicle they are currently in (if set to false) or entity # for last vehicle they were in (if set to true).

To see if the player is in a vehicle do IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPed). So in your statement about distace < 3.5 and GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPed, false) will always return false… so no car near by. But if you use distance < 3.5 and not IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPed) that would return true if they are within 3.5m and not sitting in a car.

Hope this make it a bit more clear what i was referring to.


I’m still not sure what you’re saying, but you can view the pull request here, and let me know if this fixes what you are talking about: [RELEASE] INRP_PlateRemover - Remove plates from your vehicles (STANDALONE)

yup… everything that i saw in the time i worked to get it to work on my local server has been address and shouldn’t give error once this commit gets pushed. Still don’t think this should be used on a live server until the issue of plate being used to change vehicle (model or attachments) is addressed.

On my test server using this script i turned a akuma motorcycle into a porsche 911r in my garage. I know the garage the script owner said he used took into account for this, but the way that garage works… if you had a car that was fully decked out, and i had the same model car. i could put your plate on my car and store it in the garage… and next time i pull my car out i have all the attachements you paid to have put on your car.

Just something to look into.


Updated, the bug should be fixed, now you can only put plate in the vehicle you removed it from !

Updated and tested 9/6 5:30pm CST. I am still able to pull and place at will on vehicles. Altering database entries, it is highly exploitable. I appreciate the effort to resolve this :slight_smile:

Is it not able to be made a static item so without that item i.e license plate then the plate will not change or be able to be taken off. :slight_smile:

You cant exploit it since you can only put the plate in the same vehicle you removed it, send me a clip of the exploit after the patch and i will work on it !

Do i need item and is it plate or LicensePlate?

you dont need any item in this version :wink:

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how do I install it, the file is not loaded error

Is there any way to make a cooldown or make the removal permanent? I’m thinking for the sake of my officers, that somebody drives without a plate and then when police pulls them over, they just /putplate again?

Im had same problem with plates on live server.

How the bug works

You have to buy car then take the plates off and go tune the car up.

Lets say I have garage and I have bmw 530, mercedes benz e500 and audi a5.
So I take bmw 530 from garage I take the plates of and go tune it after Im done with tune all cars converted to bmw530 in my garage and in whole server. I looked in database owned_vehicles all cars turned in to bmw530… fucked my server up lol I thought it was a modder.