[HELP] Getting an item to execute a chat command

Hello, i’m wanting to find out the easiest and/or best way to have an item when used execute a chat command e.g. i’m using b1g plate remover which uses a chat command to remove the plate but i would like to have it linked to an item. Had a decent search around and couldnt find anything very helpful.
thanks in advance

i didn’t get your request very well.
you want some script to remove the plate instead of type it on chat? thats right?

yeah so basically the script uses a chat command but i want to have it use an item instead

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I dont know if you are still looking for this or found you answer, but i will post here how to do.

make an item in your database in items.

and put this code in your server script if dont have any make one

ESX.RegisterUsableItem('item_name', function(source)
	TriggerClientEvent('smt:remove_plate', source)

change ‘item_name’ to which item you want to have as usable and

in client script

RegisterCommand("removeplate", function()

change this to

AddEventHandler('smt:remove_plate', function ()
	 -- Check if the player has plates stored
    if not LicencePlate.Index and not LicencePlate.Number then
        -- Client's ped
        local PlayerPed = PlayerPedId()
        -- Client's coords
        local Coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPed)
        -- Closest vehicle
        local Vehicle = GetClosestVehicle(Coords.x, Coords.y, Coords.z, 3.5, 0, 70)
        -- Client's coords
        local VehicleCoords = GetEntityCoords(Vehicle)
        -- Distance between client's ped and closest vehicle
        local Distance = Vdist(VehicleCoords.x, VehicleCoords.y, VehicleCoords.z, Coords.x, Coords.y, Coords.z)
        -- If within range and Ped is in a vehicle
        if Distance < 3.5 and not IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPed, false) then
            --Saves the last vehicle
			LastVehicle = Vehicle
			-- Notification and animation
			SendNUIMessage({type = "ui",display = true,time = 6000,text = "Removing Plate..."}) --PROGRESSBAR
			StopAnimTask(PlayerPedId(), "mini@repair", "fixing_a_player", 1.0)
            -- Wait 6 seconds
            -- Store plate index
            LicencePlate.Index = GetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(Vehicle)
            -- Store plate number
            LicencePlate.Number = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(Vehicle)
            -- Set the plate to nothing
            SetVehicleNumberPlateText(Vehicle, " ")
            -- Notification
			-- exports["mythic_notify"]:SendAlert("error", "No vehicle nearby.") Mythic_Notification
			TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', '~r~ No vehicle nearby.')
        -- Notification
		-- exports["mythic_notify"]:SendAlert("error", "You already have a licence plate on you.") Mythic_Notification
		TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', '~r~ You do not have a licence plate on you.')
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