[PAID][ESX]Player Run Barbershop

Ahoy. Here is a player run barbershop that people requested I put up, so I did. :thinking:
(Map-edits not included, works in the default GTA Barber (Bob-Mullens Salon) or whatever its called.

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The script is pretty much plug and play and fairly simple to understand, but has a more complicated element if you choose to use it; read below.

  • A Barber Job - Become what you have always wanted to be … a barber!

  • List of Barbers/Phone Number - Put in your name/phone number and the PED At the desk will inform anyone who comes looking as to your name/number. Can hold dozens of names/numbers at any given time. Syncs to all clients currently connected.

  • Cut & Style other peoples hair - Well, it’s a barbershop/salon so, cut peoples hair, change their highlights and base color.

  • Simple to use - a Scaleform UI will inform anyone who you give the Job how to cut and style peoples hair.

  • Your imagination is the limit! - On my server, when people get their hair cut they get sort of a “Buff” (Fly As Fuck!) While they have this “Buff” Anything they sell is increased in price because well, they look good as fuck with their new cut.
    – I’ve included how this is done in the readme of the script, as well as all dependencies.

Current Limitations:

  • Only one person can be getting their hair cut at any given time, I’ve got a work around for this but I’d like to improve upon and test it more before updating.
  • Currently only set up to use brp-appearance(Linked below), this can EASILY be changed by changing lines 220 & 227 in the client.lua to use ESX Skin, or your choice of clothing/ped script.

You can use any which barbershop you choose, simply just change which model of the chairs you want to use via the client.lua.

Still interested? Get it here on Tebex

Should work with -any- targeting system as long as you rename the exports.

The script requires ESX; Tested on Legacy but should work on -any-
PolyZone - GitHub - mkafrin/PolyZone: PolyZone is a FiveM mod to define zones of different shapes and test whether a point is inside or outside of the zone
bt-target - GitHub - brentN5/bt-target
nh-contextmenu - Amazing Menu resource

Some of my other scripts: Oxy/Deliveries | Taco Job | Meth Making | Mechanic Job | BMX Comp Standalone | Fitness, Group Yoga & More | More Interactive Stores | Burgershot | Prison+ | Underwater Salvage Job | Jewelry Store | Chop Shop | The Best Trading Cards Script To Date | Cluckin Bell | Chicken Job | Bowling | Pets+ & K9 | PDM Dealership


Keep it up! Have bought a few scripts from this guy. All his scripts are great, and provides good support.


Hey thanks :smiley:

need all this bro?

The script requires ESX; Tested on Legacy but should work on -any-
PolyZone - GitHub - mkafrin/PolyZone: PolyZone is a FiveM mod to define zones of different shapes and test whether a point is inside or outside of the zone
bt-target - GitHub - brentN5/bt-target
nh-contextmenu - Amazing Menu resource

Yes, you need all that. However if you are even a bit more than a beginner, you can remove each dependency and use something that your server uses in stead

Ok bro but you know here i can find the mapping please i buy your script yesterday thx

The map is a base game map, the edits of the map were done by my girlfriend. I can provide it over disc, mine is linked on my tebex page, for free

If use all dependency listed plug and play basically?

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can you make a version for qb-core maybe ?

There is a version for qb-core, It’s linked in my dis cord (was converted by someone else who bought the script)

for a qbus core?

Yes there is a version for qb

would like to purchase the script but can you point me in the right direction on where to get the soul glo mlo?

Another great script!

any in QBCORE?

Yep, there is a QB Version. I will say, you get this script for free now with the purchase of any other script (have to get it from disc)

I had a question is there anyway to make npcs be able to get haircuts as well? Like a player ran barbershop with npcs and players as customers?

hello what exports do i need to change using bt-target for this script to work?

If you use qtarget just change bt-target in client.lua to qtarget, if you use QBCore you dont need to change anything as the QB Version uses QB-target