Just another K9 script with more features.
- Attack (players or NPCs)
- Aim at player/NPC and press E
- Tackle
- Dog has a chance to tackle person (see update 2.1 for detailed description)
- Send your dog anywhere by aiming at the spot
- Aim at spot and press G
- Follow | Stop
- Two types of follow:
- Normal: Keeps close to you
- Lead: Walks in front of you
- Two types of follow:
- Leash
- Enter | Exit Vehicle
- Supports two ways of vehicle entering
- Teleport (In | Out)
- Realistic Animation of Entering (Jump In | Out)
- Supports two ways of vehicle entering
- Searching
- Ability to search vehicles, players, or NPCs
- Searching players can be done two ways:
- Aim at person and select option in menu, sending the dog in that direction
- Be close to any person, automatically selecting the closest player
- Heal | Armor | Revive
- Set max values of Health and Armor in config file
- Newly registered dogs spawn with max health
- Apply bandage to heal injured dog
- Apply armor similarly
- Health and Armor saving to database (configurable)
- Revive required if dog is killed (unless saving of hp and armor is disabled, then respawn is possible)
- Tracking
- Find hidden players within smell radius
- Balanced to prevent overpowered gameplay
- Configurable smell radius and dog tracking speed
- Cooldown system after track selection
- Connected to level system (explained below)
- Attack (players or NPCs)
- Check the dog’s status
- Carry dog
- Play fetch with ball or frisbee
- Feed (hunger and thirst system explained below)
- Places a bowl with food on ground that dog finds automatically
- Dog House
- Build or destroy a house for your dog
- Command dog to enter or exit house
- Appearance
- Random style switching or detailed customization menu
- Saved to database
- Animations
- Extensive preset animations for realism
- Connected to level system
- Camera
- Mount camera to dog’s neck for dog’s perspective view
- Never lose location of your dog
- Hunger, Thirst
- Dog requires regular feeding
- Configurable options:
- Damage when hungry/thirsty
- Hunger/thirst depletion rate
- Pee | Poo
- Triggered after multiple feedings
- Can be disabled in config
- Levels (Relationship)
- Actions grant dog XP
- Saved to database
- Affects success rate of commands
- Influences tracking and searching abilities
- Customizable levels, XP rewards, and fail percentages
- It’s disabled by default in configuration
- Hunger, Thirst
- Insta-headshot toggle
- ACE Perms and Discord Roles for non-framework users
- Job restrictions with grade checks
- Target System support (qb-target, ox_target, qtarget)
- Multiple dog models available:
- Default shepherd and rottweiler
- [How-to] German Shepherd / Malinois - K9 Dog 1.0.1
- You can add unlimited models and appearance settings.
- Configurable dog limit per player/character
- Chat Commands for all actions
- Customizable command names
- Translation settings
- Custom and open source UI
- menu for simple dog control
- status window (displays thirst, hunger, armor, health)
- FiveM Keybinds for actions
- Saving to JSON (alternative server-side saving to people without oxmysql)
- Support for Marx’s Prop Pack
- If you using this prop pack, it will automatically enable camera prop that will be showing on dogs neck, when you attach camera on dog. Also you can customise basic props with these.
- Available for QB, QBX, ND, ESX or STANDALONE
- And some other tiny things that can be found while playing with dog or in configuration file
- For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the changelog/updates below.
1.1 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #4 by sheen
1.2 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #7 by sheen
1.3 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #9 by sheen
1.4 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #10 by sheen
1.5 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #12 by sheen
1.6 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #22 by sheen
1.7 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #26 by sheen
1.8 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #31 by sheen
1.8.1 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #39 by sheen
1.8.2 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #40 by sheen
1.9 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #41 by sheen
2.0 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #43 by sheen
2.1 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #53 by sheen
2.1.1 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #54 by sheen
2.2.2 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #60 by sheen
3.1 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #64 by sheen
3.1.1 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #65 by sheen
3.1.2 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #67 by sheen
4.0 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #73 by sheen
4.1 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #77 by sheen
5.0 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #88 by sheen
6.9 - [STANDALONE/QB/QBX/ESX/ND] K9 Dog Script (Police Dog) - #101 by sheen
- Configuration
- Showcase (thanks to @AdvancedTeam)
- Showcase 2 (review) (thanks to @Valour)
- Screenshots
- Script has completely open bridge files to adapt the script to any server.
- Supported inventories: qb, ox, lj, ps, qs, esx
- QBCore, QBX, ESX Legacy, ND Core are supported or even standalone usage
- You can use the script without any framework/database/inventory it will simply disable certain options.
- Great free K9 model
- Get the prop pack from Marx’s Mods, designed specifically for this K9 script to extend its functionality and customization
- Check out Mouby’s Dog House for quality custom dog models
- Let me know if you missing any features or ideas
- Read all updates above so you know what was changed/added
Where to purchase: Tebex
Code is accessible | No (main parts are locked, rest is opened) |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 15000 ± |
Requirements | ox_lib |
Support | Yes |
Advanced Yoga (+ Meditation)
Heists Creator (+12 Missions)
AI Buddy (Police Buddy)
Player Carjacking / Pull Driver Out
Chopshop V2
Chopshop V1
Job Center
Job Creator
Christmas Gifts