[QB/ESX/QBX] Storages

:star: Description

Immersive Self-Placing Storage System with multiple possibilities.

:bulb: Features

  • Smooth placing of storages
  • Persisent storages
    • All storages are saving to the database.
  • You can make unlimited types of storages through simple configuration.
  • Lifetime of storages
    • Each storage has default lifetime. That means once it’s expire, storage will be deleted permanently.
    • Owner of storage is able to increase the lifetime of storage.
    • Configurable
  • Options for owners:
    • Set password or pincode.
    • Destroy storage
    • Increase or check lifetime of your storage
    • Make storage as decoy to distract thiefs. If someone opens decoy storage, it will explode.
  • Restricted zones
    • You can setup zones with designated radius to disable placing storages
  • Admin Menu
    • Accessible through ACE groups
    • Allows you to manage all existing storages
    • Options: Teleport to storage, open storage, delete storage
  • You can set required items for: increasing lifetime, destroying storage, setting storage as decoy
  • Supported targets: qb, ox
  • Supported inventories: qb, ps, lj, ox, qs
  • And some other options that could be discovered by looking through configuration :heart:

:cactus: Showcase

:open_book: NOTES

  • Script has completely opened client and server file for developers so you can implement your own code to make it work on any server
  • Let me know if you missing any features or ideas

:moneybag: Where to purchase: Tebex

Code is accessible No (main parts are locked, rest is opened)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1400 ±
Requirements ox_lib, oxmysql, inventory system, target system
Support Yes

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please add ND core support owo

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