[PAID][ESX] EMS Extra Activities

Hey there, welcome to yet another one of my releases. I seen you eyeing me from across the room.

Without further ado, here you go.
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EMS Extra Activities - Wtf is that exactly?
I’m glad you asked! It’s a script I made for the EMS on my server, for them to do things during the downtime when no one is getting exploded, shot, crashing, or just dying for any other reason.

So, what is in the script?

Work at the Coroner - Head on down to the Coroners Officer and Start up a Job. He will task you with bringing back a dead body. Awesome!

– The Person you bring may has a CHANCE of being an Organ Donor.
– IF the person is an Organ Donor, you can choose to take on Step.
– Forgo all your morality and choose who will receive the Organ (The others will probably die!)
Will it be Little Timmy who got struck by a baseball? Kathleen who is a chain smoker, or maybe Paul who is a Firefighter down on his luck! The chose is yours (You jerk!)

Save the Animals! – Oh no! A Whale/Shark/Dolphin washed up on shore, need to help it!
– Head on over to the Lifeguard Center and begin a mission via talking to that guy
– Once you’ve began, he will give you a Bulldozer in which you will need to push/carry the poor helpless animal back into the ocean (Totally Humane, don’t ask questions).
– Once the Animal is in the ocean, it’ll swim away and you’ll get paid for your awesome, humane job! Well done.
– Return the Vehicle back to the PED in which you received the Mission from.

Ahh! Someone is Drowning - Head on over to the Lifeguard on the southern side of the Beach in order to begin another mission - Save the Drowning Idiot.
– Begin by talking to the Lifeguard, he will give you the location of the drowning victim.
– You can grab a Jet Ski from him as well if you’re a poor swimmer.
– Once you’re at the location, grab the Victim and bring them back to shore.
– Oh yeah, a Shark MAY spawn near the victim and try and eat you. Goodluck. (% Chance can be changed in the Config.)
– Now that the you’re on Shore, type /dropPed to throw the Victim onto the ground. They deserve it.
– Begin CPR by Alt-Menuing the Ped and winning at the minigame (if you lose, they die, and you don’t get paid)

annnnnnnnnd that is it. In a further update, I’ll be swapping over the Menu based Choice for the recipients over to a NUI Clipboard so you can get more details about possible choices, and maybe it’ll hit you right in the feels.

The script requires ESX; Tested on Legacy but should work on -any-
PolyZone - GitHub - mkafrin/PolyZone: PolyZone is a FiveM mod to define zones of different shapes and test whether a point is inside or outside of the zone 1
bt-target - GitHub - brentN5/bt-target
swt_notifications - Optional, change to your preferred Notification System
NH-Context & NH-Keyboard (Provided in the ZIP if you don’t have)
rProgress (Also provided in the ZIP)
If you are using the base bt-target resource, you need to add my export to the scripts main.lua - listed below.

function AddEntityZone(name, entity, options, targetoptions)
Zones[name] = EntityZone:Create(entity, options)
Zones[name].targetoptions = targetoptions

exports(“AddEntityZone”, AddEntityZone)

Some of my other scripts: Oxy/Deliveries 1 | Taco Job 1 | Meth Making 1 | Mechanic Job | BMX Comp Standalone 2 | Fitness, Group Yoga & More 1 | More Interactive Stores | Burgershot | Prison+ 1 | Underwater Salvage Job | Jewelry Store | Chop Shop 2 | The Best Trading Cards Script To Date 1 | Cluckin Bell | Chicken Job | Chicken Fighting 1 | Armored Truck Heist 1 | Baseball (Standalone) | Pizza Delivery


Forgot to include it in the main post, but here are some pictures of the config.

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please… you make good product but try to make version without bt-target… xD i buy it for sure.


Is there a QB version?


agree make without bt-target and i will buy too


The script would be extremely simple for you to convert over to QB, all you’d need to do is change how Money is given server side, and just remove ESX from client side.

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Sadly, I most likely will not do this. DrawText and other alternatives are just obsolete and not cool. If you were set on it you could fairly simply change it from bt-target to whatever your preferred method is.


very cool man!


Thanks, appreciate it


Is there a way to allow them to get paid for each activity?

They should already get paid for each activity, if not just copy the triggerrserverevent in the client in each activity

Does it go to your bank? Or cash?

Cash, you can easily change it to bank by just changing xPlayer.addMoney to xPlayer.addAccountMoney

QBCore is also supported now :slight_smile:

Got this to simi work in Qbcore, but having some issues.

  1. When getting the bulldozer to save beach animal, you don’t get keys, you have to lock pick the bulldozer
  2. The animal does not always swim away once put back in ocean
  3. Not getting any notification of job done getting error that notification does not exist in lua file
  4. No payout

Need to test the drowning victim and morgue one and will return with errors and finding.

Any suggestions?! Help!

Make sure you’re using the actual qbcore version, tebex sometimes sends both versions at the same time and one ends up in your spam email.

Nice job
Can you also disable job so that everyone can do it?

i would like only the deadboddys for the ambulance the other activities i would like for everyone is this possible