myMailing - Standalone ingame mailing system [Standalone/ESX/QB]

Hey guys,

today I want to presen myMailing - a complete in-game mailing system.
Since I saw a lot of servers, which use real mail adresses and different providers to handle their character mails. But not every player wants a real mail adress for an ingame character, and that’s why we developed myMailing!

Features of myMailing

  • Full ingame mail messanging
  • The players can create their own mail adresses. It’s also possible to log into other mail accounts (of a friend or a company)
  • Full ingame platform for:
    → Login/Register
    Incomming Mails
    Outgoing Mails
    → Sending Mails
  • You can set up a custom suffix for your server (
  • You can also create mail accounts for your Police Department or Medical Department to manage applications completely through this system
  • You can set up computers at your PD or an office
  • You can set up all messages and the main colour in the Config. Also you can change the logo!
  • Completely standalone. (You only need a database)


  • Added the possibility to open the mailing interface with a command (Can be completely configured in the Config.lua)
  • Added a notification, when a mail account receives a new mail, in which the player was logged in recently.


  • Added the option to reply to a mail
  • Added support for smaller resolutions
  • All fields are now cleared, when you send a Mail, so you don’t sent the same mail twice.


  • The mailing system will now remember your last login name and password and auto-login you.

You can open the Mailing interface also with the client event: myMailing:open


Register menu

Loading transitions

Inbox / Outbox

Send a mail

Language Config
cfg.Translation = {
    ['de']: {
        email: "E-Mail Adresse",
        password: "Passwort",
        passwordrepeat: "Passwort wiederholen",
        buttonLogIn: "Anmelden",
        buttonRegister: "Registrieren",
        toRegisterText: "Noch kein Account?",
        toRegisterButton: "Zur Regestrierung",
        toLogInText: "Bereits ein Account erstellt?",
        toLogInButton: "Zur Anmeldung",
        info: "Eingeloggt als:",
        logout: "Ausloggen",
        inbox_text: "Posteingang",
        outbox_text: "Postausgang",
        sendmail: "Nachricht senden",
        prefixSubject: "Betreff: ",
        prefixMessage: "Nachricht:",
        fromToPrefixTo: "Empfänger: ",
        fromToPrefixFrom: "Sender: ",
        refresh: 'aktualisieren',
        errorCode1: "Falsche Login-Daten",
        errorCode2: "E-Mail existiert bereits",
        errorCode3: "Bitte fülle alle Felder aus!",
        errorCode4: "Zu viele @ in der E-Mail adresse!",
        registerSuccess: "Registrierung erfolgreich!",
        registerSuccess_desc: "Die Regestrierung war erfolgreich und du wurdest eingelogt!",
        registerFailed: "Registrierung fehlgeschlagen!",
        registerFailed_desc: "Die E-Mail Adresse existiert bereits!",
        LoginFailed: "LogIn fehlgeschlagen!",
        LoginFailed_desc: "Die E-Mail Adresse und Passwort stimmen nicht überein!",
        mailsent: "E-Mail gesendet",
        mailsent_desc1: "Deine E-Mail wurder erfolgreich an ",
        mailsent_desc2: " gesendet!",
        mailfailed: "Fehler",
        mailfailed_desc1: "Die E-Mail Adresse ",
        mailfailed_desc2: " wurde nicht gefunden!",

    ['en']: {
        email: "E-mail",
        password: "password",
        passwordrepeat: "password repeat",
        buttonLogIn: "Login",
        buttonRegister: "Register",
        toRegisterText: "No account yet?",
        toRegisterButton: "Register now",
        toLogInText: "Already created an account?",
        toLogInButton: "Login",
        info: "Logged in as:",
        logout: "Logout",
        inbox_text: "Inbox",
        outbox_text: "Outbox",
        sendmail: "Send mail",
        prefixSubject: "Subject: ",
        prefixMessage: "Message:",
        fromToPrefixTo: "Receiver: ",
        fromToPrefixFrom: "Sender: ",
        receiverEmail: "Receiver...",
        subjectEmail: "Subject...",
        refresh: 'refresh',
        errorCode1: "Wrong E-Mail or password",
        errorCode2: "E-Mail already exists",
        errorCode3: "Please fill in all fields!",
        errorCode4: "To many @ in the email!",
        registerSuccess: "Registration complete!",
        registerSuccess_desc: "Registration completed! You are about to be logged in",
        registerFailed: "Registration aborted!",
        registerFailed_desc: "E-Mail already exists!",
        LoginFailed: "Login aborted!",
        LoginFailed_desc: "E-Mail or password is not correct!",
        mailsent: "E-Mail sent",
        mailsent_desc1: "Your mail was successfully sent to ",
        mailsent_desc2: "!",
        mailfailed: "Error",
        mailfailed_desc1: "The mail adress ",
        mailfailed_desc2: " was not found!",


  • none - The script works completely standalone

Price: 13.00€ + tax
Download at


very good, is it encrypted or has ip protection?


thank you!
As all of my scripts the script is completely free to edit and has no IP lock.


Another insane script made by you :smiley: Ill definitely buy it


is it made for one base or can one use for all bases?

It’s completely standalone, so you can use it for every base

Ich muss sagen. Ich liebe dich. :smiley: Zu heftig was du da immer wieder erschaffst.
Da muss ich wohl wieder mal Geld ausgeben ^^

Denkst du das in Zukunft einiges mehr zu dieser Oberfläche kommt ? Zum Beispiel Optionen für eine Webseite ?

OP request until fixed issue

Amazing, I will buy for sure!

How users can acces there mail, does it detect computer props so i can let i work in housing props?

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Hi there! I have two questions:

  1. Is it possible to change the account’s password later?
  2. The resource uses KVP to save data?


there area different ways how your players can access their mails:

  1. With a key press (You can set the key in the config or disable this at all)
  2. At different computer location, which can be set up in the config.
  3. With a tablet, handy or similiar by triggering my event myMailing:open


  1. as an administrator you can change your players passwords of the mail account in the database.
  2. The script uses Database storage

Just bought this and are looking forward to using this. One feature I’d like to see is the ability for an “address book” so you can save email addresses for friends. Also would like to see an admin address that staff can use to monitor for any emails that would be in violation of server rules (harassment, racism, etc…). I know this can be monitored via the database but that would mean granting access to the database to other staff.

I really like the idea of an address book, and I’ll talk with another developer about this update. An admin mail could be possible. Then this would just show all mails with the possibility to remove them. But I guess to work with sql exports and scan them is easier at the moment.

Heya! Just asking to make sure if this is completely standalone or does support ESX as I would like to purchase it if it’s so. Waiting for your response and thanks in advance. Nifi.


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Also, having a command like /email wouldn’t be a bad idea (we are pretty much outta available keybinds in our server)


it’s a standalone script, so it has no requirements and works together with every framework - also ESX!

Best regards,

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myMailing - Update . 08.02.2021

  • Added the possibility to open the mailing interface with a command (Can be completely configured in the Config.lua)
  • Added a notification, when a mail account receives a new mail, in which the player was logged in recently.
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