[Custom Vehicle] Hot Air Balloon


All our vehicles follow the new ToS!
All vehicles are unbranded, custom and unique!!


A unique vehicle that you will not be able to find anywhere else!

  • 3d model created by us
  • Customized handling
  • 1 seat
  • Tuning Part
  • 7 Different Balloon
  • Different interior
  • You can change interior and balloon like other tuning vehicles
  • !!!WALKABLE!!!


VIDEO: YouTube

TEBEX: Subscribe HERE to get access to all our mods every month or BUY DOOBALLOO HERE

Code is accessible .meta and .ytd
Subscription-based BOTH OF THEM! subscribe HERE to have access to all our mods every month or buy them separately
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements No
Support Yes

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That is a high quality flying scrotum right there

hi @Tttony2x !

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

it supposed to be a heart!!! :rofl:

If someone has a scrotum that big he really should see a doctor :rofl:


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lol because i saw tuning interiors n shit, just wanna confirm this has the ability for a player to drive/fly?

hi @Beauflexx

one player can drive while the others can stand inside. people inside can do emote without falling over :smiley:

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this is madness, wtf.
buying soon.

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Added 2 more balloons with liveries!


can we change the livery?

hi @Phallong_Rodriguez !!!

yes, you can change it! you can also download the template! :grinning:

bought the subscription - when i try to spawn this, it spawns as a cargo plane…

spawn the blimp3
it’s in the package as a replacement if the hot air balloon doesn’t work in your server!

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I had had the same issue did you find a fix?

if your server don’t support the doobaloo just spawn a blimp3 … is inside the resouce and replace the blimp3 with our hot hair balloon