Auto Delete Pro - Ultimate Vehicle Cleanup Solution


AutoDeletePro adds a timer to vehicles for deletion. It is OneSync Infinity ready and works only in that environment.


  • Configurable number of minutes until a vehicle is deleted after use
  • Blacklist specific vehicles
  • Set a specific time for specific vehicle models
  • A hologram over the vehicle with a timer on which the time can be seen until the vehicle is deleted
  • Hologram can also be set to only display when a key is held down (it will turn back off when the key is no longer pressed)


Configuration JSON

The below example is consumer-ready. It does have a “Hologram” as per requirements, and allows configuration to determine whether the hologram is always visible or only on key press.

This configuration will show the hologram for vehicles within 10 game units of the player, when they’re on foot, and while holding the INPUT_CHARACTER_WHEEL action (def: Left Alt). The vehicles
will remain for 60 seconds with no one in them. Timer only begins when a player enters a vehicle and is reset when they enter the vehicle and periodically within.

Script can also handle a list of vehicles to never delete (blacklist), or apply custom times to specific vehicle models (custom).

Filename: config.json

  "HologramEnabled": true,           // If true show timer over vehicle til auto deleted
  "HologramKey": 19,                 // Key to show hologram, if 0 will show within distance
  "HologramDistance": 10.0,          // Distance to show hologram if key not configured
  "HologramVisibleInVehicle": false, // Show hologram while in vehicle?
  "TimeToLive": 60,                  // Time for a vehicle to be allowed to sit idle in seconds
  "TimeForUpdate": 30,               // Number of seconds between updates (an approximate)
  "Blacklist": ["police"],           // List of vehicle models to not track 
  "Custom": {                        // List of vehicle models and times to apply to that model
    "police2": 60,
    "sheriff": 15

External Script Integration

A vehicle’s “last used” time can be touched by external scripts by triggering an event called AutoDeletePro:TouchVehicle with the network ID as an argument.


TriggerServerEvent("AutoDeletePro:TouchVehicle", NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(vehicle))


Direct Download: (188.6 KB)


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Good Job.


Thank you for your feedback

good job :+1:

1 Like

Hey chelo1g,
we are going to fix that as soon as possible. Thank your for reporting this bug to us.

Best regards,
the Codineer Digital Team


What’s the resource tick time on this?

Someone would be kind enough to explain to me how it works, I was looking but I couldn’t find it, do you have to do something else other than start the script?

Hey @iTz-Droyon,
you just have to drag and drop the resource into your resources folder, edit the config.json file to your liking and start the resource.

Best regards,
Codineer Digital Team

I already tried it, but I did not get the timer or anything in any of the vehicles …
You don’t have to do anything else apart from adding it and starting it?
And thanks for responding !!

Yeah, that is everything you have to do. If it does not work, please check your console for warnings and errors. And make sure that you are using the latest build and OneSync Infinity.

for me it makes errors :confused:

ESX 1.1

Hola chelo hermanito, tengo problemas con ingresar al servidor me dice conexiĂłn fallida siempre que intento entrar y que me comunique con tigo si es que el problema sigue, cual podrĂ­a ser la razĂłn de esto ya que mi internet esta funcionando perfecto.

same here

Hello @Shake_Tank,
sadly, Auto Delete Pro only supports OneSync Infinity. Non-OneSync and OneSync Legacy are therefore not supported.

I hope I was able to help you.
Best regards,
Alex from Codineer Digital

okay but i turnid it on

I have just updated Auto Delete Pro to detect your settings.
Please download the new version here:

I hope I could help you.
Kind regards,
Alex from Codineer Digital

it makes many errors in ESX 1.1
Anyone uses this on ESX 1.1?

Hey @Chuni,
it does not interact with any framework, so it should not throw any errors.

Best regards,
your Codineer Digital Team

Hi Float, we have QS Garage and there the vehicles in the garage are stored via a SQL. Somewhere in the script must be defined what is entered in the column “stored” or do I understand it wrong?

can you help us? because the script is awesome :slight_smile:

Auto Delete Pro simply deletes unused vehicles, but it does nothing with the database or saving vehicles.

Best regards,
your Codineer Digital Team