PermissionsPro is a lightweight ace based SQL permissions resource for FiveM. It allows you to store permissions in a MySQL Database to save them after a server restart without editing files. It is compatible with almost every resource.
Difference to FiveM’s Ace Permissions
The difference between PermissionsPro and FiveM’s Ace Permissions is that with Ace Permissions the permissions must be written to the config file to remain after each server restart, but when using the in-game command they disappear after a restart. This can be remedied by PermissionsPro and permissions are remain even after a restart.
How to use
PermissionsPro comes with a very simple InGame Command. Syntax:
/permissionspro <add/remove> <identifier (license)>
- SQL Database
- FiveM Server
- Download the resource
- Import the “permissionspro.sql”-file into your database
- Drag the resource into your “resources”-folder
- Edit the “settings.conf”-file to your likings
- add “start PermissionsPro” and “add_ace resource.PermissionsPro command allow” in your server.cfg
- Start the resources/Restart your Server
Do permissions remain even after a server restart?
Yes, your permissions are safely stored in a MySQL Database.
Is PermissionsPro using FiveM’s Ace System?
Yes, PermissionsPro uses FiveM’s Ace Permission System to make it compatible with every resource.
Is there an API?
No, but we don’t need one because PermissionsPro is using FiveM’s Ace system.
You can buy it on Tebex