this script provides a realistic black market system for ordering the rare weapons that you have set in config file
after player finished his order then the delivery box will be arrived from sky with an attached parachute
Categories (tabs on menu)
at config file you can define or change the categories by your desire
for example you can change the tabs into : shotgun, sniper, pistol
Days System
you can set some weapons can be only sold on certain days like Thursday and Sundays for example, so the script will be challenging to buy some rare weapons
example : days = {‘monday’, ‘tuesday’, ‘wednesday’}
Quantity System
for each weapon you can set the stock count, for example you set the “Bullpup Rifle” quantity to 3, so after 3 of that is sold the status will be changed to “out of stock”
this also will increase the challenging
How it Works
player goes to the markers or uses /weapons command for opening the menu (command name is changeable)
after selecting the weapons he pays from bank account
a timer will be shown with a pulsing blip and selected coordination
after the timer is finished the delivery box with an attached parachute will appear on sky
then it lands and player gets his order
Possible Cases
1. player gets dc
at this case the order will be canceled, money will return into his bank account and the quantity of the weapons that he ordered will be added to the shop again
2. canceling the order before arrival
player can cancel the order before delivery arrives but some of the money will be deducted as a penalty and the reset of the money will return to his bank account (for example 20% penalty)
3. not taking the order
if the delivery box has been arrived and player does not take it after a certain time then again there is penalty for the return money but with more percentage (for example 40% penalty)
Easy to Setup
adding the weapons are very easy and there are examples for the structure and you can also config everything at config.lua
- players can open the menu by going to markers or using /command
- easy to setup
- you can change everything at config file
- you can add and define categories and weapons easly
- you can set some weapons can be sold only at certain days
- there is stock system
- not bug at all (we tested every case)
- considered all possible cases and for each there is a feedback
- commands are changeable at config file
- very cool and realistic UI
- good performance 0.01 ms (passive) and 0.02 - 0.03 ms (while ordering)
- very unique and new idea (no one did this before)
- supporting all versions of esx and qbcore
- ESX or QB
- t-notify (optional)
Config File
Config = {}
Config.UseESX = true -- if you are using esx
Config.ESXTrigger = "esx:getSharedObject" -- Put your ESX Object Trigger Right Here
Config.ESXLegacyLatestVersion = false -- if you are using the last version of esx legacy then set it true
-- also you need to add this code on fxmanifest.lua and set Config.ESXTrigger empty
-- shared_script '@es_extended/imports.lua'
Config.UseQB = false -- if you are using qb
Config.QBExport = "qb-core" -- Put your QB Object Export
Config.OpenMenuByCommand = true -- if u set it false then u have to use markers for opening the menu, also you can use both
Config.CallCommand = 'weapons'
Config.CancelCommand = 'cancelweapon'
Config.UsingMarkers = true
Config.DrawDistance = 30
Config.MarkerPoints = {
[1] = {
Coords = vector3(120.81, -1576.98, 29.6),
Marker = {
Size = { x = 1.2, y = 1.2, z = 1.2 },
Color = { r = 255, g = 0, b = 0 },
Type = 41,
Rotate = true,
Blip = {
Show = true,
BlipSize = 1.2,
BlipID = 439,
BlipColor = 3,
BlipText = 'Weapon Market'
Config.UsingTNotify = true --if false then it will use the default esx or qb notification
Config.Categories = {
[1] = { -- must be a unique index number
id = 'rifle', -- must be unique and lower case
label = 'Rifls', -- can be upper case
items = {
weapon_advancedrifle = { -- must be the exact name that exist on database
label = 'Advanced Rifle',
price = 20000,
image = 'weapon_advancedrifle.png', -- image name at img folder
count = 20, -- if u put the count to -1 then it will become unlimited
days = {'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday'}, -- which days this weapon can be available to be bought
info = 'only available on monday, tuesday, wednesday' -- if you want to add info about which days this weapon is available
-- when player move mouse over the item the info will show up
weapon_assaultrifle = {
label = 'Assault Rifle',
price = 15000,
image = 'weapon_assaultrifle.png',
count = -1,
days = {}, -- if u want this weapon be available everyday
info = ''
weapon_assaultsmg = {
label = 'Assault SMG',
price = 10000,
image = 'weapon_assaultsmg.png',
count = 20,
days = {'thursday', 'tuesday'},
info = 'only available on thursday and tuesday'
weapon_bullpuprifle = {
label = 'Bullpop Rifle',
price = 12000,
image = 'weapon_bullpuprifle.png',
count = 1,
days = {},
info = ''
[2] = {
id = 'smg',
label = 'Smg',
items = {
weapon_smg = {
label = 'SMG',
price = 5000,
image = 'weapon_smg.png',
count = 20,
days = {},
info = 'Some Info'
weapon_minismg = {
label = 'Mini SMG',
price = 5000,
image = 'weapon_minismg.png',
count = 20,
days = {},
info = 'Some Info'
weapon_microsmg = {
label = 'Micro SMG',
price = 5000,
image = 'weapon_microsmg.png',
count = 20,
days = {},
info = 'Some Info'
weapon_machinepistol = {
label = 'Machine Pistol',
price = 5000,
image = 'weapon_machinepistol.png',
count = 20,
days = {},
info = 'Some Info'
[3] = {
id = 'pistol',
label = 'Pistol',
items = {
weapon_combatpistol = {
label = 'Combat Pistol',
price = 2000,
image = 'weapon_combatpistol.png',
count = 20,
days = {},
info = 'Some Info'
weapon_snspistol = {
label = 'SNS Pistol',
price = 500,
image = 'weapon_snspistol.png',
count = 20,
days = {},
info = 'Some Info'
weapon_pistol50 = {
label = 'Pistol50',
price = 4000,
image = 'weapon_pistol50.png',
count = 20,
days = {},
info = 'Some Info'
weapon_pistol = {
label = 'Pistol',
price = 1000,
image = 'weapon_pistol.png',
count = 20,
days = {},
info = 'Some Info'
weapon_heavypistol = {
label = 'Heavy Pistol',
price = 3000,
image = 'weapon_heavypistol.png',
count = 20,
days = {},
info = 'Some Info'
weapon_vintagepistol = {
label = 'Vintage Pistol',
price = 1200,
image = 'weapon_vintagepistol.png',
count = 20,
days = {},
info = 'Some Info'
-- delivery
Config.MessageIcon = 'CHAR_BLANK_ENTRY'
Config.DeliveryName = 'Black Market'
Config.DeliveryEmployeeName = 'mr X'
Config.DropBoxDistance = 100
Config.GetWeaponsKey = 38 -- by default [E]
Config.BoxModel = 'imp_prop_impexp_boxwood_01'
Config.FreezeBoxAfterDrop = true -- when the box reaches out the ground it gets freezed so it wont move
Config.UsingFlareForBox = true -- when the delivery box is dropped then use a flare to player, this feature uses ShootSingleBulletBetweenCoords function so if your anti cheat has problem with that set it false
Config.UsingSoundOnBox = true -- a sound will play when player gets close to the box
Config.TextColorAboveBox = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255} -- text color that shows up above the box, in locale file its about ['take_your_order']
Config.WeaponAmooWhenTaken = 100 -- how many bullets player takes for each gun when he took his order
Config.PenaltyPercentage = 20 -- if player cancels the order 30 percentage of the total money will decrease and the reset will return to his bank account
Config.PenaltyPercentageForNotTaking = 40 -- if delivery box is arrived but player does not take it then after a certain time delivery will be canceled but with more penalty
Config.TimerAfterDelivery = 10 -- after the box landed on the ground player has 1 minute to take it otherwise the order will be canceled
-- remember to add many points because if a point is busy by a buyer then that point cannot be used by another player and has to wait until the buyer gets done with it
-- and if all the points are busy then a message will tells the player to wait
Config.DeliveryPoints = {
[1] = {
Coords = vector3(-1522.49, -2596.61, 14.0),
Timer = 1, -- in seconds, after 200 seconds the order will be dropped from sky
BoxBlipID = 94,
BoxBlipColor = 3,
BoxBlipSize = 1.0,
BoxBlipName = 'Delivery Box',
ParachuteModel = "prop_v_parachute",
--[[ other parachutes model :
Tebex Link
for buying the script click here
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Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1000 |
Requirements | ESX or QB |
Support | Yes |