ESX Car Bombs with 4 types of bombs

Hello everyone

I’m here to introduce you a great script to make your server more realistic

Script Link

Players can plant bombs on cars (except emergency vehicles like police) also you can configure which model cars player cannot plant bomb on them

please check the video first :

there are 4 different bombs :

- Remote Bomb (bomber will detonate triggering the remote)

- Timer Bomb (after the time bomber has set it will detonate)

- Instant Bomb (when target gets into driver seat it will exploit)

- Speed Bomb (when vehicle reaches the speed bomber has set will exploit)

Features :

  • fully optimized, 0.00 ms at normal and 0.05-0.06 ms for bomber after planting the bomb

  • has a discord log after explosion so you can track your bombers and victims

  • you can set which model vehicles that cannot plant bombs on them

  • bomber can set the time for timer bomb method

  • bomber can set the speed for speed bomb method (kph and mph)

  • bombers can only dealing with one car at the same time

  • bombers can detach the bomb after they planed it

  • bombers cannot plant bombs on emergency cars

  • fully synced to all players

  • included items.sql and transparent images

requirements :

  • esx

  • mythic notify

you can buy the script with 10€
Script Link

some people confuse my script with another script here :

my script is totally different, if you read the features and watch my video you can compare that the other script does not have any of them !

Is not the same? [Release] [ESX] Car Bomb

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so you think my script is that ? why don’t you watch my video first to see my script is different
why don’t you first read the description ? did you read the Features ? did you read anything even a word I said here !!!

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my script is not this

my script is totally different with 4 types of bombs, if you compare my script to the other one you gonna realize that mine has more options and features


So you have 4 and the free script has 5 types so one more! You say you have more options and features but i dont see them the video’s look the same.

the other script works only with one method at the same time in static way or better say config.lua, but mine works with 4 method with 4 different items with dynamic way, it means player choose which method to use not the server

in my script bomber can detach the bomb too

you can set which model cars are forbidden to plating bomb on them

has a log to detect and track bombers by admins

bomber can set the speed or timer while plating

bombers can only dealing with one car at the same time

players cannot plant bombs on a car that already got planet

but what you did is to add new things to something that already exists, the merit belongs to the one who created it from scratch. :slightly_smiling_face:

He probably rewrote the whole thing if there’s multiple bomb items, but with this new tebex system and everyone monetizing everything we will never know lol.

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already exist ? by what right you are judging my work ?
the merit does not belong to anyone, my script is something else with more options and more benefits and the other one has it’s own features

I did not rewrite anything, I did not even know that a basic esx bomb script exist already, but my script has so much different compare to the other, if only people read the description carefully and watch the video they will understand my work !

I watched the video. It looks almost exactly like mine except you have 4 separate bomb items rather than a config that let’s you select which bomb type you would like to use. Someone could just update mine in about 5 minutes and re-release it for free lol.

To anyone interested in that, I am fine with a re-release of my work if it is free and open source and you give credit to the original topic.


yours is not almost mine ! my script not only has 4 different usable bombs but also :

  • has a discord log after explosion so you can track your bombers and victims
  • you can set which model vehicles that cannot plant bombs on them
  • bomber can set the time for timer bomb method
  • bomber can set the speed for speed bomb method (kph and mph)
  • bombers can only dealing with one car at the same time
  • bombers can detach the bomb after they planed it
  • bombers cannot plant bombs on emergency cars

there is no relation between my script and yours ! the only similarity is the purpose that is bombing cars

if there is for example a script like esx_bank does not mean it’s the same like the other bank scripts that some people worked for it and selling it
mine is mine, yours is yours

good luck

To anyone who reads this in the future:

Plug and play the script wasn’t picking up addon vehicles because GetClosestVehicle is not a great native (no alternative apart from raycasting).

If you want addon vehicles to work change:

local veh = GetClosestVehicle(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 3.000, 0, 70)


local veh = GetClosestVehicle(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 3.000, 0, 6)

Also had to add a little bit of code to kill players near bomb explosion as AddExplosion doesn’t affect player health.

Client in “function TriggerVehicle”:

TriggerServerEvent(‘carbomb:PlayerExplosion’, vCoords)


AddEventHandler(“carbomb:DetonateIfNearby”, function(coords)
local ped = PlayerPedId()
local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(ped)
print(#(coords - playerCoords))
if #(coords - playerCoords) <= 10.0 then
SetEntityHealth(ped, 0)


AddEventHandler(‘carbomb:PlayerExplosion’, function(vCoords)

TriggerClientEvent("carbomb:DetonateIfNearby", -1, coords)


tnx for the information
if the player not die after explosion it’s for the anti cheat because by default explosion will affect the ped health

any plans for a qbcore version?

Going to release soon

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