[Standalone] Rufi_AFK (Show custom AFK text)

With Rufi_AFK you can type custom afk text that can be seen by near players.

It shows since what time the player is afk and his custom text.

The script is full optimiced.

You can see the script in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysX41j_96WU
You can buy it here: https://amnesia-rp.tebex.io/category/1746201

My other scripts:

Esx_RufiCarKeys (Advanced carlock system)

Esx_RufiFoodtruck (Sell food and drinks to players and npc)

Rufi_UniqueID (Use permanent player ID instead random ID)

Rufi_PoliceCBC (Check if players are seat belted in real time)

Rufi_AnimalPunishment (Funny way to punish bad players)

Rufi_Changeplate (Change vehicles plates even in database)

Esx_RufiEM (Employee management script)

Rufi_CK (Easy way to delete all player data)

Rufi_Insurance (Vehicle insurance system)

Rufi_VisualShootLog (Visualy log your players shootings)

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what happens after time ends? does it customize the time too or just text?

Time showed is the hour and minute when the player start to be AFK.