[Standalone] Rufi_Insurance (Vehicle insurance system)

With Rufi_Insurance you can insure all vehicles with 4 types of insurances and for limited days.

You can insure your last drived vehicle or by vehicle plate.
You can see with command or client event if nearest vehicle is insured or not, what type of insurance got and when the insurance expire.
You can check it from vehicle plate to.

The script comes with locals file so you can translate it easy.
The script is standalone, no need other scripts to run, even not use database to store plate and insurances. Only need to put your framework removemoney events in server.lua. (It comes with ESX config option installed)

The script is not encripted or ip locked so you can edit what you want.

UPDATE 08/05

  • Added option to only access to insurance menu by job

You can see the script in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHq9nh51srE

You can purchase the script HERE

My other scripts:

Esx_RufiCarKeys (Advanced carlock system)

Esx_RufiFoodtruck (Sell food and drinks to players and npc)

Rufi_UniqueID (Use permanent player ID instead random ID)

Rufi_AnimalPunishment (Funny way to punish bad players)

Rufi_Changeplate (Change vehicles plates even in database)

Esx_RufiEM (Employee management script)

Rufi_CK (Easy way to delete all player data)


I highly recommend this script if you are looking for realism for your server … great job

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what job can access this ?

Is not job limited acccess to the command because is standalone and for all can see insure time left of owned vehicles but you can add that restriction or just delete the command and use the event “TriggerEvent(‘Rufi_CarInsurance:InsCheck’)” in your police menu for example.

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if you can make for specific job than would be great

Like only specific job can insure vehicle? This is not planned for now but maybe i’ll do an option for that in the future.

yup like only specific job can insure vehicle . i just give some idea if you wanna implant thats good

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really nice script, i love it <3

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Best es ever Rufi! My man!

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Is there any IP or encryption?

No. You can edit what you want.

Add the “Find my vehicle” function when it is guaranteed to be TOP!

UPDATE 08/05

  • Added option to only access to insurance menu by job
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Hi what does this do? Is it for RP only or does it allow you to retrieve lost cars if you have insurance on that car?

Hi! is only for roleplay. It does what is show in the video.

if a cop pulls you over is there a way to prove the vehicle is insured?

Sure, police can do the same as showed in video, police can trigger the command and he can see if vehicle is insured or not and what type of insurance got.

It will look amazing, if the player can take the destroyed vehicle in the insurance building when the insurance is valid, if the insurance period is over the player will lose the vehicle forever. It will appear more realistic and people will be more interested

Is there a way to disable the marker (the red car)?
i set blips on false but the marker stays in place

is this for esx framework or qbcore?